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1 . 如果你希望成功,当以恒为良友以经验为参谋以谨慎为兄弟以希望为哨兵。

2 . 三头犀牛精:彩面环睛,二角峥嵘。尖尖四只耳,灵窍闪光明。一体纹如彩画,满身锦绣若蜚英。第一个,头顶狐裘花帽暖,一昂毛热气腾;第二个,身挂轻纱飞烈焰,四蹄花莹玉玲玲;第三个,威雄声吼如雷振,獠牙尖利赛银针。

3 . 比起谈着充满欺骗单身反而更好。

4 . 里嫦娥难到此,九仙子怎如斯,宫妆巧样非凡类,诚然王母降瑶池。

5 . Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do

6 . If they throw stones at you, don’t throw back, use them to build your own foundation instead

7 . Gulliver&#;s travels is directed by jack wilshere and starring Kevin Matthews, JoMorrow, long ni · thulborn JuneThorburn, LeePatterson meticulously classic film program Gulliver&#;s travels plot introduced: comedy, Gulliver&#;s travels is directed by rob letterman and jack black star team Lemuel Gulliver Emily blunt Princess Mary Jason siegel decoration Horatio Amanda Pitt Darcy Silverman Billy connolly, act the role of King Theodore meticulously classic TV program Gulliver&#;s travels plot introduced: gulliver is a small company postal office clerk, age is not small, but business and love have nothing, only at ordinary times hobby is Star Wars toy company A bad public mission took him to Bermuda, only to see a storm at sea After all the calm, I found myself on a map of the mysterious island Lilliput, where hundreds of "little people" lived And they were being held captive by them on the beach with countless ropes But over time, the people of Lilliput and gulliver became good friends The princess will be married to another country, but she already has a lover of childhood and childhood, gulliver has solved the dispute between the two countries, and also helps the princess and the lover to complete the life event Gulliver became a hero here, and the experience taught him the power of the human mind

8 . 你就是你,丢掉守则,用自己的方式做----峰仓和也

9 . 唐三藏念紧箍咒——痛苦在后(猴)头

10 . 我们都有绝望的时候,只有在勇敢面对时,我们才知道我们有多坚强。


1 . 被轻蔑的时候能平静的一笑,这是一种自信。

2 . 兕大王:独角参差,双眸幌亮。顶上粗皮突,耳根黑肉光。舌长时搅鼻,口阔版牙黄。毛皮青似靛,筋挛硬如钢。比犀难照,象牯不耕荒。全无喘月犁云用,倒有欺天振地强。两只焦筋蓝靛,雄威直挺点钢枪。

3 . 因感这月清光皎洁,玉宇深沉,真是一轮高照,大地分明,对月怀归,

4 . 将我从黑暗当中给带出来,给了我远比太阳还耀眼的世界。…我很清楚记得原因,

5 . 选平阳处安了营寨,传教巨灵神挑战。

6 . 径自下寻觅,原来那陡崖之前,乃是那水脏洞。

7 . 让变成爱情不是件容易的,而让爱情变成友情却更困难。

8 . Great minds have purpose, others have wishes

9 . 如果是喜欢的对象,应该会领悟得快些吧----峰仓和也

10 . We all have moments of desperation But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are


1 . Everything tastes great(每样东西都很美味!)

2 . I’ll think of you every step of the way

3 . 菩萨方与他摩顶受戒,指沙为姓。

4 . 他们并非那么有型,他们只是顽强地生存下去而已。----峰仓和也

5 . 三阳转运,万物生辉。三阳转运,满天明媚开图画;万物生辉,遍地芳菲设绣茵。梅残数点,麦涨一川云。渐开冰解山泉溜,尽放萌芽没烧痕。正是那:太昊乘震,勾芒御辰;花香气暖,云淡日光新,道旁杨柳舒青眼,膏滋生万象春。

6 . 千峰开戟,万仞开屏。日映岚光轻锁翠,雨收黛色冷含青。枯藤缠老,古渡界幽程。

7 . Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm

8 . 一个是太乙散仙呼大圣,一个是观音徒弟正元龙。

9 . A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart

10 . 香兰馥郁,嫩竹新栽。清泉流曲涧,古柏倚深崖,地僻更无游客到,门前惟有野花开。


1 . 我听见声音那是谁的声音呢?好熟悉一直在我身边闪闪发光这个声音感觉是属于绝对不可以忘记的人的,从很久以前开始这个声音是谁?这什么这个声音是三藏啊----峰仓和也

2 . 即变作几个瞌睡虫,奔在众人脸上

3 . Having a calm smile to face with being disdained indicates kind of confidence

4 . 磨砖砌的喉咙——又光又溜(第回众僮仆)

5 . 幽鸟啼声近,源泉响溜清。重重谷壑芝兰绕,处处巉崖苔藓生。起伏峦头龙脉好,必有高人隐姓名。

6 . 天产仙猴道行隆,离山驾筏趁天风。飘洋过海寻仙道,立志潜心建大功。有分有缘休俗愿,无忧无虑会元龙。

7 . 猴子爬竹竿----上窜下跳

8 . You have a very successful business(你的事业很成功。)现代人非常喜欢听!

9 . You did a good job (你干得非常好。)国际最通用的表扬!

10 . A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here” Holds you when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you That’s the guy I want to give my heart to


1 . When there’s no expectation, losing won’t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised

2 . 孙悟空:身穿金甲亮堂堂,头戴金冠光映映。手举金箍棒一根,足踏云鞋皆相称。一双怪眼似明星,两耳过肩查又硬。挺挺身才变化多,声音响亮如钟磬。尖嘴咨牙弼马温,心高要做齐天圣。

3 . 尖担担柴——两头脱(第回猪八戒)

4 . 和尚打伞——无法无天

5 . 唐僧:凛凛威颜多雅秀,佛衣可体如裁就。辉光艳艳满乾坤,结彩纷纷凝宇宙朗朗明珠上下排,层层金线穿前后。兜罗四面锦沿边,万样稀奇铺绮绣。八宝妆花缚钮丝,金环束领攀绒扣。佛天大小列高低,星象尊卑分左右。玄奘法师大有缘,现前此物堪承受。浑如极乐活罗汉,赛过西方真觉秀。锡杖叮当斗九环,毗卢帽映多丰厚。诚为佛子不虚传,胜似菩提无诈谬。

6 . The writing is simple and simple。 The writer once declared, "I would like to describe the ordinary facts with the simplest and simple writing style, because I write this book mainly to report to you, not for your entertainment。" Although Gulliver travel around the world, different scenarios encountered different, but after the whole novel layout, consistent style, Gulliver every sea antecedents and consequences have a detailed explanation, the complicated plot according to the time and space sequence of description, the text concise and vivid, strong story, and so。 For a long time at home, but also with the "read Gulliver" to the sea。 This time, Gulliver rides the ship was hijacked ship, Gulliver escaped, was rescued by a flying island called "Laputa"。 These people look abnormal, strange clothing, all be in a brown study。 The king and the nobility lived in the flying island, people live in Balnibarbi island on three。 Gulliver left the flying island, Balnibarbi came to visit, and visited the island&#;s "La Polytechnic college"。 The Academy&#;s department is the result of the topic be a wild legend, everywhere desolate, the collapse of the housing, the people had no food, no clothes。

7 . 猪八戒进了女儿国——不想走了

8 . 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。

9 . Then, Gregor came to the witch island。 The island&#;s governor in magic, able to summon any ghosts, Gulliver met with so many celebrities in ancient times, the historical records on the lot does not accord with the facts, or even upside down。 Then, Gulliver and visited La NEGELE Kingdom, see a man of immortality "sitelubu"。 After leaving the country, Gregor came to Japan and returned to England by boat。

10 . Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be


1 . Your son/daughter is so cute(你的孩子可爱。)外国人绝对喜欢听的表扬!

2 . 人心生一念,天地尽皆知,善恶若无报,乾坤必有私。

3 . 接着,格列佛来到巫人岛。岛上的总督精通魔法,能随意召唤任何鬼魂,格列佛因此会见了古代的许多名人,结果发现史上的记载很多不符合史实,甚至是非颠倒。尔 后,格列佛又游览了拉格耐格王国,见到一种长生不老人"斯特鲁布鲁格"。离开该国后,格列佛来到日本,然后乘船回到英国。

4 . 乍入芦芋——不知深浅(第回孙悟空)

5 . 山中有座斜月三星洞。

6 . I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away

7 . 峰岩重叠,涧壑湾环。虎狼成阵走,麂鹿作群行。无数獐豝钻簇簇,满山狐兔聚丛丛。千尺大蟒,万丈长蛇。大蟒喷愁雾,长蛇吐怪风。道旁荆棘牵漫,岭上松楠秀丽,薜萝满目,芳草连天。影落沧溟北,云开斗柄南。万古常含元气老,千峰巍列日光寒。

8 . 成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。

9 . 料应必遇知音者,说破源流万法通。

10 . I decided to get up, but could not move, I then found lying on his back, arms and legs are tightly tied to the ground; my hair is long and thick, was tied to the ground。 I felt from my armpit to my thigh with a few strings attached to my body。 I can only look up, the sun is getting hotter and the sun pricked his eyes。 I heard the noise of the people around me, but I lay like that, and I could see nothing but the sky。 After a while, only to find a living thing squirming in my left leg, it crossed my chest, walking slowly forward, almost came to my front chin。 My eyes look as much as possible, but the original is a length less than six inches, holding the bow, carrying a quiver of the living。 At the same time, I think there are at least forty to a man as like as two peas (I guess) behind him。 I was so surprised that I roared and scared them back and ran。

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