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1 . (找出预习单元的中题,即明确本单元的课知识要点:

2 . 孑L子曰:“学而时习之”“温故而知新”。学过的东西.如果不及时复习.过上了一段时间后,就会遗忘。这就要生在复习时。注意知识的重现率.加强新旧知识之间的联系和对比,在复习某些词语句型时,不妨造一个句子写一段或几小段互相联系的短文,尽量把学过的词组短语句子编织在短文中。同学间也可以互出话题,进行写作或者对话,然后再互相纠正对方的错误,加深印象。这样的复习不仅能巩固所学知识.更能让学生的应用知识能力得到提高。

3 . ◎他是因为我的才同我结了婚。

4 . but like mariners , we chart our course by them理想犹如上的星星,我们犹如,虽不能达到天上,但是我们的航程可凭借它指引。Carl Schurz(美国政治舒尔茨

5 . 还原为正常语序:light travels so fast that we can hardly imagine its speed

6 . 还原为非强调句:because he loved my money, he married me

7 . 这几天他身体不是很好。

8 . 在连词前切开,将连词与后面的并列句和从句划在一起。如果是and和or连接的并列成分,则不切,将并列成分划在一起,在句子做同一成分。

9 . Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of human life天才悄无声息地诞生,性却在生命之河里逐渐形成。Goethe 歌德

10 . Wolvesarehighlysocialanimalswhosesuccessdependsupontheircoopera-tion


1 . Life is a test and this world a place of trial人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。

2 . 这是开往格拉斯哥的火车吗?

3 . Improved: We have received your letter and intended to follow your recommendation

4 . 游戏是儿童生活中不可或缺的部分。他们在游戏中模仿成人生活,体会人生百态。

5 . don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

6 . ◎他把蛋糕分成块。

7 . He never admits his failure

8 . Life is not the word, the sharp eyes visible wonderful expressions; Book is the word of life, rich feelings in people deeply understood生活是无,眼光敏锐的人看得见精彩的词句;书是有字的生活,感情丰富的人才能深刻领悟。

9 . Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history生命中的一天就是你历史上的一页。

10 . and the true success is to labor怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉快;而真正的成功在于工作。Robert Louis Stevenson(英国作家史蒂文森


1 . The man who told me this refused to tell me his name

2 . Isn&#;t the best defence always a good attack?最佳的防御难道不是绝妙的攻击吗?Ovid 奥维德

3 . ItwasnotuntilImetyouthatIknewrealhappiness

4 . Perhaps at bottom I&#;m a country man The warm earth feelings gets me hardest It&#;s land love, ground love或许在内心深处我是——属于乡村的,那温暖的土壤的感觉让我最难释怀,这是对乡村和土地的眷恋。Sherwood Anderson 谢伍德·安德森

5 . The kiss of life is a love poem吻是恋爱生活上的一首诗。

6 . It is vain to find faults with those arts of deceiving wherein men find pleasure to be deceived当人们心甘情愿受骗上当,抱怨骗术实属徒劳无益。John Locke 约翰·洛克

7 . 全英文教学给小朋友一个全英文的环境,让其习惯于英文的听说及直接用英文进行思考,改掉在头脑里进行二次翻译的过程,能很快的掌握英语的发音习惯及语感,像母语一样的直接反应,形英语思维,说出标准的英文。

8 . Life is a do - it - yourself project Be ambitious and just do it人生是一个自助的工程, 要雄心壮志并努力去做。

9 . 他发现赚点外快很容易。

10 . Poor: She is a careful shopper


1 . An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding生活的目标,是唯一值得寻找的财富。 Robert Louis Stevenson· 史蒂文森

2 . our camping trip turned into an adventure when we got lost

3 . Gaps are left in life through which comes the sad music of death 生命中留下许多间隙,从中传来死亡的伤感乐曲。

4 . Man&#;s highest merit always is, as much as possible, to rule external circumstances and as little as possible to let himself be ruled by them人最大的优点是尽可能多地驾驭外部环境,尽可能少地让环境约束自己。Goethe 歌德

5 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;s the secret of success你必须相信自己,这是成功的关键。Charles Chaplin(美国演员卓别林

6 . 注:it在此为形式宾语,真正的宾语是句末的不定式to earn extra money。

7 . Love laughs at locksmiths ----Colman 爱情嘲笑锁匠。

8 . Marry in haste, and repent at leisure ----Ray 草率成婚,后悔莫及。

9 . Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes!人生就是一连串的你好再见!

10 . Life is a dream of a little less inconstant人生是一场稍稍不那么无常的而已。


1 . A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it ----Bohn 个人开始去爱上谁的时候,他可以有所选择,但当他要结束爱情的时候,他可没有选择了。

2 . 在英语课堂上,当孩子们遨游在光怪陆离的童话故中,他们学习的英语积极性被充分地调动了起来,当他们和一个个栩栩如生的童话人物交上好朋友的时候,他们的英语也会取得长足的进步。

3 . The God of Victory is said to be one-handed, but peace gives victory to both sides胜利之神据说是独臂的,和平却将胜利赋予双方。Emerson 爱默生

4 . The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。Mark Twain(美国作家马克?吐温

5 . Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody每个人都是一轮亮,都有黑暗的从不示人的一面。Mark Twain 马克·吐温

6 . 动词是句子的中心。包括行为动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词。划在一起。(一般做谓语

7 . life to learn to enjoy: enjoy working happy laughter, enjoy friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy to create, enjoy the sweet fruit 生活中要学会享受:享受工作的欢快,享受朋友的笑声,享受家人的温馨,享受创造的快慰,享受果实的甜美。

8 . eg He is not too well these days

9 . All things in their being are good for something天生我才必有用。中国谚语

10 . Love and a cough cannot be hid 爱情与咳嗽不能隐匿。


1 . there are students here from all over thecountry many of them are from the north

2 . IsthisthetrainforGlasgow?

3 . 就是把一个句子分成两个或两个以上的句子。这样既能把意思表达得更明了,又能减少写错句子的几率。如:

4 . The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。Henry David Thoreau 梭罗

5 . 。

6 . love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow when the lamp is off,you will findthe shadow everywhere friend is who can give you strength at last 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。

7 . 注:汉语说“个子不高”,其实就是“不高”。也就是说,其中的“个子”在英语中无需译出。

8 . ()too用作副词,意为“非常很”,在句中修饰形容词副词,相当于very,但语气比very强。

9 . ◎个子不高不是人生中的严重缺陷。

10 . The home is where the heart is The heart is where you are心在哪里,家就在哪里。你在哪里,我的心就在哪里。


1 . Revision: No opportunity for promotion exists

2 . ◎从这个角度看,问题并不像人们一般料想的那样严重。seen in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose

3 . To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind稳固的友谊和持久的爱情,这两者是善良和睿智的明证。William Hazlitt 威廉·黑兹利特

4 . 直到我遇到你以后,我才真正体会到幸福

5 . 还原为陈述句:ThisisthetrainforGlasgow

6 . every beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, i want so much to be with you, oh, please, please, feel the same。内心的每一次跳动,都在呼喊你的名字。我是如此渴望和你在一起,噢,希望你,希望你,能有同样的感觉。

7 . If we do a thing, we should do it well

8 . all know that the only constant in the world are always changing 这个世界在变 唯一不变的是一直在变

9 . 那项比赛吸引了大批观众。

10 . It was a long walk backs to his Jaguar a long, slow walk He never did repair the side door He kept the dent to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention年轻总裁返回Jaguar的变的很漫长,他也没有修他汽车的侧门。他保留着车上的凹痕就是提醒自己生活的道路不要走的太匆忙,否则需要其他人敲打自己来注意生活的真谛。


1 . 把句中的表语转换为不同的修饰语。例如:

2 . 全身肢体反应教学法注重的是语言学习中的互动模式。小柒曾经和大家详细解说过:

3 . I might say that success is won by three things:

4 . The unluckiest insolvent in the world is the man whose expenditure of speech is too great for his income of ideas世界上最不幸的***者莫过于言语消耗过大而思想无力支付的人。Christopher Morley 克里斯托弗·莫里

5 . Love cannot be compelled ----Chaucer 爱情不能被强迫。

6 . Heneveradmitshisfailure

7 . eg I have read the book and I&#;ve seen the film, too/as well

8 . Love me, love my dog ----St Bernard 爱屋及乌。

9 . Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。 A Einstein爱因斯坦

10 . Maybe our life is a cup of water也许生活本来就是一杯水。

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