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1 . Passionate, baby class unbeaten, combative, baby class is strongest

2 . 那项动议被撤销了。 The backwards motion is the anticipation, the throw itself is the motion

3 . Rigorousness replaces loose,action instead of desire

4 . Surpass yourself in style

5 . I run and I jump to my health, I play and I grow

6 . Everyone is concerned about sports, sports is for everyone

7 . 团结文明,展现

8 . 我运动,快乐成长:我爱运动,我更健康

9 . 中二中二,用力拼搏,中二中二,争创第一

10 . Sports make cities lively, and cities flourish because of sports


1 . Unity of tension,hard work ahead

2 . , unity, struggle, struggle

3 . 爱我季延,立志成材,奋勇冲击,永争第一

4 . 一二三四五六七,小三永远争第一

5 . 大一:大一大一,勇者无敌:胜利胜利,始终如一

6 . Mankind needs sports, world longing and peace

7 . 大拉小手,健康好未来,宝宝班加油

8 . I exercise my health and I am happy

9 . 同同德勇往直前。

10 . 我运动我快乐我锻炼我提高


1 . Middle two, hard work, middle two, striving for the first

2 . 中猛虎,中蛟龙,xx-xxx-x班,卧虎藏龙

3 . I exercise my health and I am happy, my health is me

4 . Hypolydian mode

5 . , than the style, beyond the self

6 . , show yourself and strive for new heights

7 . Friendship first game second

8 . 秋风习习,气淡淡转凉。看!运动场上那一幕幕,都融入了你们的汗水辛劳。你们是真正的矫健者,是运动场上的骄子,更是我们心中的英雄。高二()班的-----加油吧!英雄们!

9 . 青春似火,超越自我,放飞想,创造辉煌。

10 . 英文版运动会加油词


1 . 人小志气大,比赛顶呱呱

2 . An Ever Burning Flame(永不熄灭的火焰

3 . Keep dreaming, and strive for first

4 . 你的汗水洒在跑道,浇灌着胜利的朵开放。你的欢笑飞扬在赛场,二()班的------,为班争光数你最棒。在这宽广的赛场上,你似骏马似离铉的箭。向终点冲刺吧!

5 . 分数铸就辉煌,汗水凝聚实力。

6 . Go forward with one heart and one mind

7 . 大三:大三大三,不怕困难,大三大三,勇往直前

8 . 青春无悔激无限。

9 . 千帆竞发,百舸争流,唯我土建,力争上游比赛比赛,土建最帅

10 . 我跑我跳我健康,我玩我做我成长

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