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1 . , the youth movement, the friendship is healthy

2 . , you use action to tell a constant truth

3 . I have no idea

4 . 踏上跑道,是一种选择。离开出发点,是一种勇气。驰骋赛场,是一种成功。

5 . In todays epidemic situation, it has become an extravagant hope to go out freely The plum blossoms in the botanical garden of Sui and Tang Dynasties are in full swing Looking at the photos sent to me by my friends, I feel that life is not easy again I hope the virus will fade away as soon as possible We can also look for the fragrance in the snow and see the shadow at dusk

6 . Not a chance! (没戏。

7 . 插上想的翅膀

8 . I hope that the infected patients can eliminate the virus in the careful treatment and care of medical workers, and at the same time use their strong ideas and their super immunity to fight against the virus I wish you all a speedy recovery and look forward to the day when you go home!

9 . , we are great because of our dreams All the winners are dreamers We dream of the future in the winter night, beside the fire, in the cloudy rain, in the fog Some people let the dream quietly extinction, some people are careful cultivation and maintenance, until it survive and usher in a bright light and hope and hope, and always comes to those who believe that the dream will be come true people

10 . 你的梦想决定着你的未来。


1 . , a career pursuit of people, you can dream higher Although the beginning is a dream, but as long as do not give up easily, dreams can come true

2 . , shock every person&#;s mind End。 You win。

3 . We respond to the call of the country, stay at home is to contribute to the country, lets work together to overcome the epidemic! Waiting for spring to bloom, everything is beautiful as before!

4 . I cant help it (戒不了啊。

5 . I have no clue (毫无线索。

6 . , hard work, first class

7 . 环境保护是当今社会的一大热点问题。随着科技的发展,环保显得越来越重要。在中国,也许是奥运会的临近,也许是人们意识的崛起,环保已经成为我们身边一个普遍的存在了。

8 . Fat chance

9 . We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin

10 . the happiest thing in life is to try your best to follow your dreams


1 . 一声枪响,队员们像离弦的箭一样冲出去,如同脱缰的小马争先恐后地追逐着。韩霞同学是我们大认可的“飞毛腿”,所以都对她报以最大的希望。同学们在操场上拼命地齐声呐喊,给她加油,个个喊的面红耳赤,运动员也争先恐后的跑着。刚开始的时候,韩霞一直处于第二名的位置,我们里有些担心。过了一会儿,她离第一名只差米的距离了,可她的速度渐渐慢了下来,上的表也十分痛苦。

2 . 我们应该种更多的,为了生活得更好,更健康的未来。

3 . I have no other choice but to do so (除此之外我别无选择。

4 . 因为人数不足,老师把跑一千五这个重担交给了从未跑过那么长程的陈艺欣。当她刚知道这件时,不禁吓了一大跳。但她很快就克服了内心的恐惧,操场上每都有她刻苦训练的身影。功夫不负有心人,当比赛的`时候,尽管陈艺欣跑得并不快,但她一步一步地跑完了这段艰难的路程。是的,你没有听错,是“跑”,而且一步也没有停下!

5 . We can&#;t live without water

6 . Trees are very helpful and important for us

7 . sure win!we are the best one! we are the best!we are the champion! united we play,united we win with our support, challenge out own,fly our dreams start here

8 . , physical fitness, determined to become useful, class classes, unusual

9 . 这时一声哨响,打断了同学们的议论。比赛开始了,只见小弥猴小林一下子抱住竹竿,飞快地向上爬着。“假小子”王华也不示弱,拼命往上爬。开始,小弥猴在前,可后来,因为“小弥猴”的轻敌思想,使两人的距离越缩越短,离终点还差三米时,两人几乎一样了。同学们有的喊:“加油,加油”,有的为小林着急,王华听见了同学们的鼓励声,鼓起了勇气,涨红了脸,拼命往上爬,终于先到了终点,可“小弥猴”却因轻敌而落后了。同学们为王华取得了冠军而高兴,王华却笑着说:“这是集体给了我力量。”

10 . My world, I rule


1 . But some people don&#;t care about it

2 . Grow up with health and happiness

3 . every morning, two simple decisions: turn off the alarm clock, go to sleep or get up and chase your dreams

4 . , is an ideal source of strength, wisdom, the cradle of charge standard, Zhanji sword

5 . When spring flowers bloom, wait until the epidemic is over, I will try to lose weight and be a happy sunny girl!

6 . Im giving up绝望了。

7 . , peoples ideals and aspirations are often in direct proportion to his abilities

8 . I dont know除此之外我别无选择。

9 . 星期三又米,其中我在第二组,第一组的还没跑,我就已经蓄势待发,放松好全身,等着一会儿全力以赴!转眼间第一组OK了,王凤翔只得了第五,这使我大跌眼镜黯然失色。我来到一号跑道,抖了抖身子,感觉自己的心加快了跳速,跳动的声音也加大了许多,顿时我百感焦急,生怕自己流落到最后,“刘一辉别急别急,等会儿要全力冲刺,争取超过飞入——周琪。只要自己心态平衡,又条理地加快节奏,超越自我,不留遗憾!”我自己叮嘱自己。

10 . , the competition is second


1 . I hope the epidemic situation will pass quickly Spring is a good start!

2 . 保护环境,人人有责。

3 . those chasing the dream of the day, is bitter, sweet, is happy or sorrow, is a failure, and hope to have a worthy of your protection, let me fear

4 . Patients with fever symptoms, please go to the fever clinic of medical institutions in time

5 . 你的汗洒在跑道,浇灌着成功的朵开放。你的欢笑飞扬在赛场,为班争光数你最棒。跑吧,追吧在这广阔的赛场上,你似骏马似离铉的箭。跑吧,追吧你比虎猛比豹强。

6 . 所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

7 . 有多少次挥汗如,伤痛曾添满记忆,只因为始终相信,去拼搏才能胜利。总在鼓舞自己,要成功就得努力。热血在赛场沸腾,巨人在赛场升起。相信自己,你将赢得胜利,创造奇迹;相信自己,梦想在你中,这是你的天地。当一切过去,你们将是第一。相信自己,你们将超越极限,超越自己!相信自己,加油吧,健儿们,相信你自己。

8 . 这是意志的拼搏。这是速度的挑战。胜利在向你们招手。

9 . , passion burning hope, success to win!

10 . May there be no disaster in the world May all our compatriots infected with or suspected to be infected with new viral pneumonia recover as soon as possible, and the epidemic situation can be controlled as soon as possible May the medical staff of angel in white who are fighting in the front line, as well as all simple and kind-hearted rebels, volunteers, be safe and healthy and return home as soon as possible! Huoshen mountain, Leishen mountain, Zhongnan mountain, Sanshan town poison! Doctors heart, benevolent heart, Chinese heart, ten thousand hearts to fight the epidemic! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

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