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Lower your expectations, reduce your dependence, and gradually, you will be better off.


Store the sun, there will be far fang, the heart is warm, and do not fear the desolation of life.


You can't wait for someone else to plan your life. You have to go for what you want.


The pattern of life comes from the love of simple life.


Exercise hard if you have time! You can't be single and overweight.

六、没必要刻意遇见谁,也不急于拥有谁,更不勉强留住谁 。一切顺其自然,最好的自己留给最后的人。

There is no need to deliberately meet who, nor in a hurry to have who, more not reluctant to keep who. Let nature take its course and save the best for the last person.

七、好好生活 别爱而不得,别坠入爱河,别重蹈覆辙。

Live your life don't fall in love don't fall in love don't make the same mistakes.


A person, dusty to live in this world, to like their own people and live. That's the best attitude. Don't lose happiness in someone who doesn't like you, and then forget happiness in someone who likes you.


Only say three words to everyone, don't throw all your heart away.


Be a person with a sunny heart. No sorrow, no hurry. Be strong, be up, be close to the sun, be a better person, you don't need too much praise from others, because you know how good you are. Inner strength is always better than outward vanity.


It's best to do everything in three words. To think is to think. Get, have harvest namely. Open, is happy. Do these three words, a lot of things are not things.


How fragile people are, every suffering will leave an indelible scar on our body; How strong people are, as long as the suffering is not fatal, you can start again.


It is a waste of one's abilities and talents to be afraid of pursuing one's own happiness.


There are certain moments in life that are like a short story: no beginning, no end. Therefore, the selected moment is particularly fresh and distant, particularly bitter and sweet.


he person who is willing to spend money for you is not so rich, but he thinks your relationship is more important than money, because it is important.


People, really need to learn to bear. As we grow, we play more and more roles. There will inevitably be some of their own not good at, do not like, or even not used to the role, at this time if you do not bite the bullet, full of enthusiasm to adhere to, just want to escape into their own comfortable small circle, like a child carefree, a careless but will pay the price of many happiness.

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