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black beauty英文好句(black beauty英文简介)


black beauty英文好句【一】

1 . 潮涨必有潮落时。

2 . 十六小百合,我一直记得过你 I&#;ll always remember that I&#;ve loved U

3 . Punctuality is the soul of business

4 . Business makes a man as well as tries him

5 . Please send me to stay in the best time

6 . 十一Buried city, to shut all lights。埋葬整座城市,熄灭所有灯。

7 . 知识可羡,胜于财富。

8 . 我后悔去见了你一面成了离散的起点。

9 . Laugh Until You Cry; Cry Until You Laugh

10 . 三十三The world is so big,I want to have a look

black beauty英文好句【二】

1 . All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

2 . 装出来的真比滥更可怕。

3 . 浅学误人。

4 . Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm——所谓勇气,就是不断经历失败,但是从不丧失热情。

5 . Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget

6 . 淡看世去如烟,铭记恩情存如血。

7 . Old friends goodbye stranger

8 . 凡事都应用得其所。

9 . Love skin deep, too seriously will be lost

10 . 忽视职业便是放弃职业。

black beauty英文好句【三】

1 . 有些痛 说不出来 只能忍着 直到能够慢慢淡忘。

2 . 我以为我把你放下了。

3 . Celebrate what you&#;ve accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed 庆祝你所取得的成就,但在每次成功过后,要把标准再拉高一点。 —米娅·哈姆

4 . 勤奋是成功之母。

5 . 鱼知恩,乃幸福之源也。

6 . 比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。

7 . Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to

8 . My love will shine

9 . 时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。

10 . 经验是最好的教师

black beauty英文好句【四】

1 . Everything has its time and that time must be watched

2 . 有时所谓的日久生情,结果只是可笑单相思。

3 . 照大多数人那样干,人们会把你称赞。

4 . Many hands make quick work

5 . Rebirth in one thousand and one hundred, he who does not do strangers Things people not sex has changed, is still not min to breed fish

6 . When I started has become a kind of cautious person

7 . People always look up to something, towards the high, supporting life and soul

8 . My dad My hero 我的爸爸我的英雄

9 . Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have

10 . Learn wisdom by the follies of others

black beauty英文好句【五】

1 . I&#;d bet to take the happiness of this life, how do you be willing to let me lose

2 . 二There is always a sad dream,he love me in the dream 【总是做一个很悲伤, 在梦里他很爱我】

3 . No one will care about you too much unless you&#;re pretty or dying

4 . 也好,赶走了你,我的心也就空了,这样我才能住着舒坦。

5 . 父母之爱子,则为之计深远。

6 . 熟练来自经验。

7 . Wh you live for love

8 . 心灵朵需要永爱来浇灌,感激的世界需要用真情来装点。

9 . 三十Because of you 因为你

10 . 我的爱人会发光。

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