1、人生只不过为了满足不断的欲望,灵魂只不过是维持爱情圣火的守灶女神。 Life is just to satisfy the constant desire, the soul is nothing but the goddess of keeping the sacred flame of love. 2、一个人的**和心灵都像这样地爱上一个月的话,就只能剩下一具驱壳了。 If one's body and mind are in love with one month like this, there will be only one shell left. 3、一天,在我去**局领取护照的时候,瞥见邻街有两个**要押走一个姑娘。 One day, while I was going to the police station to get my passport, I caught sight of two policemen in the neighboring street trying to take a girl away. 4、我默默地混进了这堆纷乱的人群。我在想,这情景发生在这个可怜的女人咽气的卧室近旁,为的是拍卖她的家具来偿付她生前的债务,想到这里,心中不免感到无限惆怅。 I quietly infiltrated the chaotic crowd. I thought it was happening near the poor woman's throbbing bedroom to sell her furniture to pay her debts, and I felt so sorry to think of it. 5、已经是四月份了,天气晴朗,阳光明媚,坟墓不再像冬天时那样显得阴森凄凉了。 It was April, and the weather was clear and sunny, and the grave was no longer as gloomy and desolate as it was in winter. 6、黑玉色的头发,不知是天然的还是梳理成的,像波浪一样地鬈曲着,在额前分梳成两大绺,一直拖到脑后,露出两个耳垂,耳垂上闪烁着两颗各值四五千法郎的钻石耳环。 The black-jade hair, unknown whether it was natural or combed, curled like a wave, and parted into two great strands on the forehead, till it reached the back of the head, revealing two earlobes, two diamond earrings worth four or five thousand francs each. 7、如果公爵发现了你们的私情,要她在你和他之间作出选择,而玛格丽塔因为爱你而放弃伯爵和公爵,那么她为你作出的牺牲就太大了,这是无可争辩的事实。 It is an indisputable fact that if the Duke finds out your private affair and asks her to choose between you and him, and Margarita abandons the Count and the Duke because she loves you, the sacrifice she makes for you is too great. 8、在这条她喜欢散步的大道上尽管有很多熟人,她偶尔也对他们微微一笑,但这是一种只有公爵夫人才有的微笑,而且也唯有他们自己才能觉察。 She smiled at them occasionally, though there were many acquaintances on the promenade on which she liked to walk, but it was a smile only the Duchess had, and only they could detect it. 9、玛格丽特过着热情纵欲的生活,但是她的脸上却呈现出**般的神态,甚至还带着稚气的特征,这真使我们百思而不得其解。 Marguerite lived a passionate and indulgent life, but her face was virgin and even childish, which puzzled us. 10、为什么我们要和它一样丢弃那些伤口里流着血的灵魂呢?从这些伤口里,像病人渗出污血一样渗出了他们过去的罪恶。 Why should we discard the bloody souls in those wounds as well? From these wounds, they exuded their past sins like a patient's bleeding. 11、她身材颀长苗条稍许过了点分,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿着上稍稍花些功夫,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。 She was slightly taller and slimmer, but she had a remarkable ability to conceal this artificial negligence with a little effort in her dress. 12、我觉得我同伴的胳膊在不停地抽搐,像是有一股寒流突然穿过他的全身。因此,我瞧瞧他,他也懂得了我目光的含义,对我微笑了一下。 I felt my companion's arms twitching, like a cold spell suddenly passing through him. So I looked at him. He also understood the meaning of my eyes and smiled at me. 13、你爱我,这我完全相信,但是你不知道那种爱我这样女人的而爱情有多么脆弱。 You love me, I believe it completely, but you don't know how fragile love is for a woman like me. 14、每当他自己的思想或者别人的谈话触及这个使他伤心的话题时,他那激动的心情会有很长一段时间不能自持。 Whenever his own thoughts or other people's conversations touched on this sad topic, his excitement would last a long time. 15、大家高声谈笑,拍卖估价人声嘶力竭地大声叫喊。坐满在拍卖桌前板凳上的商人们拼命叫大家安静,好让他们稳稳当当做生意,但谁也不睬他们。 Everyone laughed and laughed, and the auctioneer cried out in a hoarse voice. The merchants who sat on the benches in front of the auction table desperately tried to silence them so that they could be safe as business, but nobody paid any attention to them. 16、我在去公墓的路上想着,我只要观察一下玛格丽特的坟墓,就可以看出阿尔芒是不是还在伤心,也许还会知道他现在究竟怎么样了。 On my way to the cemetery, I thought, if I only looked at Marguerite's grave, I could see if Armand was still sad, and perhaps even know what was going on with him. 17、在您读到这封信的时候,阿尔芒,我已经是别人的情妇了,我们之间一切都完了。 By the time you read this letter, Armand, I am already someone else's mistress, and everything between us is over. 18、这一次她们又可以借着参加拍卖的名义,仔细瞧瞧那些她们从来没有机会与之共同相处的女人,也许她们私下还在暗暗羡慕这些女人自由放荡的享乐生活呢。 This time, in the name of going to the auction, they could look at the women they had never had a chance to get along with, and perhaps secretly envy their free and easy lives. 19、一切都存在于渺小之中,我就是相信这种说法的人。孩子虽然幼小,但他是未来的成人;脑袋虽然狭窄,但它蕴藏着无限的思想;眼珠才不过一丁点儿大,它却可以看到广袤的天地。 Everything is in the smallest. I am the one who believes this. Though a child is young, he is a future adult; his head is narrow, but it contains infinite thoughts; his eyes are only a little big, but he can see the vast world. 20、你希望我向一个穷光蛋那样爱你,我却又不是那么一无所有。你也懂得,必须作出果断的决定:要么跟这个女人一刀两断,要么从此不再猜疑。 You want me to love you like a poor egg, but I am not so empty. You also know that you have to make a decisive decision: either break up with the woman or never suspect. 21、只有她们在日常生活中满足她们情人的各种微小的虚荣心,才能巩固情人对她们的爱情。 Only by satisfying their lover's small vanities in daily life can they consolidate their love for them. 22、我不够富,不能像我希望的那样爱你;我也不够穷,不能像你希望的那样被你爱。让我们彼此忘却——你是忘却一个对你说来相当冷酷的姓名,我是忘却一种我供养不起的幸福。 I am not rich enough to love you as I wish; I am not poor enough to be loved as you wish. Let's forget each other - you're forgetting a name that's pretty cold for you, I'm forgetting a happiness I can't afford. 23、我注意到,自从上次去公墓看到了那个使他突然发病的场面以来,他精神上的痛苦仿佛已被疾病替代了,对于玛格丽特的死,他的想法和过去不一样了。 I noticed that since the last time I went to the cemetery to see the scene that had caused him to suddenly become ill, his mental pain seemed to have been replaced by the disease, and his thoughts on Marguerite's death were different from those of the past. 24、春天到了,繁花似锦,百鸟和鸣,我朋友房间里的窗户欢乐地打开了,窗户朝着花园,花园里清新的气息一阵阵向他袭来。 Spring is coming, flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and the windows in my friend's room are happily opened, the windows are facing the garden, and the fresh breath of the garden comes to him in bursts. 25、他对玛格丽特的死已经确信无疑,心中反而感到轻松,为了驱走经常出现在他眼前的阴暗的形象,他一直在追忆跟玛格丽特交往时最幸福的时刻,似乎他也只愿意回忆这些事情。 He was sure of Marguerite's death, but he felt relieved. In order to get rid of the dark image that often appeared before his eyes, he had been recalling the happiest moments of his association with Marguerite, as if he were only willing to recall them. 26、头脑是狭小的,而他却隐藏着思想,眼睛只是一个小点,他却能环视辽阔的天地。 The mind is narrow, but he hides his thoughts, his eyes are only a little, but he can look around the vast world. 27、玛格丽特却不落窠臼,她总是独个儿坐车到香榭丽舍大街去,尽量不招人注意。她冬天裹着一条开司米大披肩,夏天穿着着十分淡雅的长裙。 Marguerite, however, was not unruly; she always drove alone to the Champs Elysees, trying not to attract attention. She wore a large cashmere shawl in the winter and wore a very elegant dress in summer. 28、所有花街柳巷的名媛都到场了,有几个贵妇人在偷偷打量她们。 All the celebrities in the streets of the flower lane were present, and some of the ladies looked at them secretly. 29、喔!这真是一个奇妙的夜晚,玛格丽特的生命几乎全部倾注在她给我的狂吻里面。我是这样滴爱她,以致在我极度兴奋的爱情之中,我曾想到是不是杀了她,让她永远不会属于别人。 Oh! It was a wonderful night, and Marguerite's life was almost entirely devoted to the wild kisses she gave me. I loved her so much that in my exciting love, I wondered if I had killed her so that she would never belong to anyone else. 30、她活着时是一个罪人,但她将作为一个基督徒死去。 She is a sinner when she is alive, but she will die as a Christian. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。