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1 . 例如:Liu Yifei is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life

2 . .翠鸟像箭一样蹬开苇秆飞了过去。

3 . 让学生明白什么是一句完整

4 . It is universally acknowledged that +从句(全世界都知道……

5 . The world does not leak beacuse death is not a crack 世界不会溢漏,因为死亡并不是一道裂纹。

6 . 为我们日常生活增添了趣 add much spice / flavor to our daily life

7 . 该吃午饭了。

8 . No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain

9 . 我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境

10 . 正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:


1 . For the past + 时间,主语 + 现在完成式/现在完成进行时… (过去……时间来,……一直……

2 . 主语+ be closely related to … (与……息息相关

3 . 例如:No wonder that he fell asleep in class

4 . .马跑得越快,离楚国不是越远了吗?

5 . 注意:比较级也可以用来表达最高级的意思

6 . 那个孤儿将会怎样?

7 . 蒲公英的就像我们的掌,可以张开合上。

8 . 例如:We should spare no effort/make every effort to beautify our environment

9 . .一棵高大的橡挺立在旁。

10 . 主语+ cannot emphasize the importance of … too much(再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。


1 . 判断一个句子是否完整,如果不完整,再进行恰当的补充。

2 . 主语+ get into the habit of + V-ing = make it a rule to + V (养成……的习惯

3 . 发挥日益重要作用 play an increasingly important role in…

4 . …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

5 . 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation

6 . In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past在过去的几十年,先进的医疗技术已经使得人们比过去活的时间更长成为可能。

7 . Reading does good to our mind读灵有益。

8 . .女娲很难过

9 . spent as much time as he could doing sth(花尽可能的时间做某

10 . It is time + 主语 + 过去式 (该是……的时候了


1 . 复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon

2 . 例如:It’s no use crying over spilt milk

3 . .这难道不是下奇观吗?

4 . 阅读的复习其实可以说是各个复习知识要点的一个综合体现。在复习阶段,我们可以注重学生这些阅读方法能力的培养。

5 . .让她去做不正合适吗?

6 . 做出共同努力 make joint efforts

7 . When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习

8 . 短语知识点总结

9 . Everybody’s business is nobody’s business众人的事就是无人过问的事。

10 . There is no denying that + S + V…(不可否认的……


1 . 例:蒲公英的花就像我们的手掌,可以张开合上。

2 . .落叶在树林中飞舞。

3 . Overwork does harm to health

4 . 例如: To be frank/ To tell the truth, whether you like it or not, you have no other choice

5 . 虽然我们的国富有,我们的`生活品质绝对令人不满意。

6 . It took him a year to do…( 他用了年的时间来做……

7 . .认真学习正是好学生的表现。

8 . 人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed that…

9 . .地球就是我们共有的家园。

10 . 引起了广泛的`公众关注 Sth has aroused wide public concern / Sth has drawn great public attention


1 . 方便快捷 convenient and efficient

2 . 难怪他在课堂上睡着了。

3 . 考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into consideration

4 . 例如:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won’t create (produce any pollution

5 . Overwork does harm to health工作过度对健康有害。

6 . .那么多星星,你怎么能数得清呢?

7 . 先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology

8 . 这显示了没有事情能够阻挡我们实现目标

9 . 例如:So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it

10 . 热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion / debate


1 . 打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…

2 . 即主谓短语动宾短语偏正短语补充短语后补短语并列短语联合短语连谓短语等。

3 . 谓语用来说明陈述主语,经常由动词形容词充当,一般表示主语“怎么样”或“是什么”;

4 . 例如:It is time for lunch

5 . .把杨桃画成了五角星,有什么好笑呢?

6 . 例如:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy

7 . 直到那时,重建工作才开始。

8 . An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation越来越多的人开始意识到教育不能随着毕业而结束。

9 . 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,

10 . 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

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