英语句子基本结构举例【一】1 . I saw him in I heard the glass broken just now 2 . .友情,是人生一笔受益匪浅的储蓄。这储蓄,是患难中的倾囊相助,是错误道路上的逆耳忠言,是跌倒时的一把真诚的搀扶,是痛苦时抹去泪水的一缕春风。 3 . Her uncle is a great waiter 4 . Her writing is very beautiful 5 . .大自然的语言丰富多彩:从秋叶的飘零中,我们读出了季节的变换;从归雁的行列中,我读出了集体的力量;从冰雪的消融中,我们读出了春天的脚步;从穿石的滴水中,我们读出了坚持的可贵;从蜂蜜的浓香中,我们读出了勤劳的甜美。 6 . 五种基本句型——主系表结构 7 . The chair is yours椅子是你的。 8 . Its color is yellow 9 . She is our classmate 10 . The flower smells good 英语句子基本结构举例【二】1 . We are really tired 2 . The weather is going to stay fine 3 . Tom is a student 4 . 四 表示延续性的动词 :remain stay keep 5 . They are really pianist 6 . .你是沙漠里的绿洲,你是黑暗中的灯盏,你是酷暑中的浓荫,你是雾海上航标灯,你是严冬里的炭火,你是湍流中的踏脚石,你是看不见的空气,你是摸不着的阳光,啊,友情,你在哪里? 7 . 主 谓 宾宾 8 . Its favourite food is bread 9 . She looks beautiful她看起来很漂亮。 10 . Her mother is an actress 英语句子基本结构举例【三】1 . .春天的雨,细腻而温柔,给山野披上美丽的衣裳;夏天的雷,迅疾而猛烈,为生命敲响热烈的战鼓;秋天的风,凉爽而惬意,为落叶送去温馨的问候;冬天的雪,慈祥而温厚,为庄稼带来多情的呵护。 2 . They were kind 3 . I 主语,代词 tired表语,形容词 4 . Snow is white 5 . 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy,主格代词(如you,数词,动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。 6 . The leaf 主语,名词green表语,形容词 7 . 如果你是一阵细雨,就带来一丝惬意。 8 . The boy主语,名词foolish愚蠢的,形容词,表语 9 . .爱读书,是一种美德。世界上有大成就的人,对人类有特殊贡献的人,几乎都是爱读书的人。读书,使人思维活跃,聪颖智慧;读书,使人思想插上翅膀,感情绽开花蕾;读书,使人胸襟开阔,豁达晓畅;读书,使人目光远大,志存高远。 10 . 典型例题 英语句子基本结构举例【四】1 . I am a middle school student 2 . She is my good friend 3 . She looks like her mother 4 . You are quite a hard-working student 5 . 如果你是一泓清泉,就滋润一方土地; 6 . 主语+谓语(不及物动词 7 . We are very confident 8 . The cake tastes nice.饼尝起来很香。 9 . She looks beautiful 10 . Kate was here yesterday 英语句子基本结构举例【五】1 . They made the girlangry 2 . He主语,代词 fat表语,形容词 3 . He 主语,代词 better 形容词,表语today时间状语 4 . We are your new friends 5 . The bag was lost包丢了。 6 . He is very serious 7 . You look angry 9 . 三 感官动词类: 眼(look )耳(sound鼻(smell舌(taste身(feel 10 . The flower smells good花闻起来很香。 英语句子基本结构举例【六】1 . They found her happy that day. 2 . ( hand前不能加his。 3 . (S=主语;V=谓语;P=表语;O=宾语;O=间接宾语;O=直接宾语;C=宾语补足语 一.S十V主谓结构|(vi) 4 . I stayed awake all the night我整夜没睡。 5 . They are very honest 6 . 主语一般是名词或代词(当然还有其他,这里暂且详细讨论) 7 . We are students我们是学生。 8 . You are quite polite 9 . 定语:定语是对名词或代词起修饰限定作用的词短语或句子定语通常位于被修饰的成分前。 10 . My classmates are all good at sports 英语句子基本结构举例【七】1 . This tastes nice What’s in it? 2 . She is very strict 3 . A mooncake is a delicious, round cake 4 . He is older than he looks.他比看上去要老。 5 . The story is interesting这故事挺有趣。 6 . You are very sunny 7 . He feels better today他今天感觉不错。 8 . .我愿是一朵欢乐的浪花,为大海营造一点生机;我愿是一片青翠的树叶,为春天点缀一丝新绿。 9 . Tom is a student 汤姆是一个学生。 10 . Your teachers are serious 英语句子基本结构举例【八】1 . He was often spoken about He was well looked after That man can be relied upon 2 . 友谊是甘甜的香茶,让人唇齿留香。 3 . 独立主格结构使用介词的问题: 4 . The weather still remained cold in April 5 . 祖国是森林,我就是森林里的一棵树;祖国是高山,我就是高山上的一块石头。 6 . The chair is yours 7 . It is a useful dictionary 8 . Our favourite sports are basketball and football Our health is the most important 9 . .生活中处处有等待,人人在等待。草儿等待生命的翠绿,农民等待秋季的收获,花儿等待绽放的娇艳,教师等待桃李的芬芳,医生等待病人的康复谁不在等待幸福,谁不在等待成功。但是,我们每个人又都不能只等待,因为生命只有一次。 10 . I feel good我感觉好。 英语句子基本结构举例【九】1 . It is an honor for me to be invited to take part in the meeting 2 . .爱心是一片照射在冬日的阳光,使贫病交加的人感到人间的温暖;爱心是久 3 . This story eventually got translated into English He got dismissed He got plucked He got drowned last year I dont want to get mixed up with the police again 4 . 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 Grammar is hell 5 . You are right 6 . The chair 主语,名词yours表语,物主代词 7 . The children are asleep 8 . Is he an English teacher, Chinese teacher or Japanese teacher? 他是一个英语汉语还是日语老师? 9 . She is in the room 10 . You are our best friends 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。