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1 . This red T-shirt is pretty ( nice / beautiful / !

2 . What’s on it ?

3 . Whose is it ? It’s my T-shirt

4 . That’sexpensive

5 . 这句突出了父亲挖的时间过程艰难,表现出父亲执著的信念和为救儿子所克服的巨大困难

6 . Where is my skirt ? It’s on …

7 . Aretheynice/allright?Yes,theyare/No,theyaren’t

8 . Your school is beautiful ( cool …

9 . Look at these (物品如:my clock…

10 . 了解仿写句子的基本要求,并学习简单的仿写。


1 . School is over 放学了。 / Class is over 下课了 。

2 . So many colours !

3 . —Can you swim?你会游泳吗?

4 . Let’s go and have a look / Let’s run

5 . 。Whichsportdoyouprefer?=Whichsportdoyoulikebetter?你更喜欢什么运动?Ipreferskating。=Ilikeskatingbetter。我更喜欢滑

6 . (“我越来越体会到我当初是多么幸运。”

7 . Do you have a library ? / Do you have lunch at school ?

8 . I like this one

9 . But what for ? Our neighbour has a new baby !

10 . 。Shespendsatleasthalfanhourinthegymeveryday。每她至少半小时在体育馆。


1 . —I usually take a shower at six forty我通常六点四十淋浴。

2 . (我从底里知道,“精彩极了”也好,“糟糕透了”也好,这两个极端的断言有一个共同的出发点——那就是

3 . Thisshirtiscolourful,butit’stoobig

4 . 。Whatkindofsportsdoyoulike?=Whichsportdoyoulike?你喜欢哪种运动?

5 . Howaboutthispair?

6 . Hurry up !

7 . We have a new computer room

8 . 。Sheplaysbaseballprettywellandsheisalsogoodatjumping。她棒球打得相当好而且擅长于跳。

9 . 结合课文语境,先理解划线词语,再说说句子的意思

10 . Whatsize?Sizefive


1 . My T-shirt is red (颜色

2 . Sounds good But I like to draw,too听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。

3 . (红嘴红脚,灰蓝色的毛,只是后背还没有生出珍珠似的白点;它好肥,整个身子好像一个蓬松的球儿。

4 . How many students are there in your class ? Thirty-five(数

5 . (一会儿落在柜顶上,一会儿神气十足地站在架上,一会儿把灯绳撞得来回晃动。

6 . I want to join the art club我想参加艺术俱乐部

7 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?

8 . (他发誓永不暴露我的住地,谁知他竟然见利忘义!

9 . This small one ?

10 . The canteen is on the first floor This way , please


1 . What are they ? These are your baby pants They’re so small

2 . Are you ready ? Yes , I’m ready !

3 . 一是“我”有个常常鼓励我的慈祥的母亲,她常常肯定“我”,给“我”力量,母亲的爱是“我”创作的灵感和源泉;二是“我”还有一个严厉的父亲,他的警告和教育,使我不走向歧途,“我”写了很多作品,出版发行了一部部作品的力量来自于父母两方面,所以我是多么的幸运。

4 . 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?瑞克,你通常几点钟淋浴?

5 . When I get home I always do my homework first我到后,总是先做家庭作业。

6 . In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏

7 . Is that the art room ? No , it isn’t

8 . 。Doyouskatemuch?=Doyouoftenskate?你常滑雪吗?

9 . Let’s go there / Let’s go to the … (Let’s go home )

10 . We’lltakethem/Iwilltakeit

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