回函格式范文(篇一)千万不要有杀错不放过的心理,不然可能会令人反感。要以有交情为大前提, 例如你跟办公室的清洁阿姨, 只是每天见到面,点点头,笑一笑,最多说声早安或谢谢的哪一种,你发红色炸弹给她,如果是你,你会有什么感觉?或一些久久没有联络的朋友。不过,有些朋友,你不发给他,他又可能会觉得你已不把他当朋友了,所以红色炸弹要给谁又没有不妥当的,就要看看你的人生智能了。 (4) 寄发喜帖的时间: 寄发的时间,要恰到好处,不要隔婚期太久(怕亲友忘记),亦不能太近(要留点时间给人家预备)。一般来说,在结婚日前2~3星期投寄, 最为恰当。如住得比较远的,可能邮寄时间也需要几天的,便于3星期前寄,比较近的可以2星期前寄。发出喜帖后约5~7天, 以电话致电对方,确认是否能出席。另外也可以在喜帖内附上回函卡,让对方可以主动跟你联络或传真回函卡给你。现在的e世纪,你亦可以以电子邮件的方式,电邮喜帖回函卡给你的亲朋好友,让他们也可以电邮回复,也是一个不错的选择。 (5) 预算: 喜帖的价格由几元到几十元一张都有,但小数怕长计,所以应该先预算一笔钱,如300元,然后再算算大概需要几张喜帖, 把预算跟所需之数量除开,便可看看可以选择大约多少钱一张的喜帖了。 回函格式范文(篇二)本人经父亲xxx的委托对6月7日的律师函回复。事实澄清如下: 1:4月29日,A公司CC房地产加盟店带买方第一次来看房。买方对房屋的地段(距卖鱼桥小学仅百米左右),户型格局都很满意,当即付下定金壹万五千元整。此时我父亲才与A公司CC房地产加盟店签订了房屋出售委托协议,当时因为不能确认房屋建成的年代,所以建成年代一栏空白。而买方和A公司CC房地产加盟店也无任何疑议。当日A公司CC房地产加盟店拿走三证和买方的定金,并出具了临时收条。 (注:买方看好房付下定金,填写出售协议,取走房产三证都在同一天,我父亲与中介方员工,买方都是初次见面,A公司CC房地产加盟店何处得来的房源信息我们都不清楚,何来有一直向买方介绍该房为98年之说,更何况房产证上写的是95年,如果我父亲当时又确认该房为93,94年,那么建成年代一栏怎么会空白?) 2:4月30日A公司CC房地产加盟店收回三证的临时收条,出具了正式的交易收件单。同时我父亲和买方在A公司CC房地产加盟店的监督下签订了《杭州市房屋转让合同》。买方和A公司CC房地产加盟店都未提出合同条款外的任何特殊要求。而合同第七条注明乙方对该房屋的各项基本情况均做了基本了解。 3:5月2日买方提出要求希望提高首付额度,我方也同意重新更改合同,更改后合同的日期应A公司CC房地产加盟店要求填写为5月1日。此时买方和A公司CC房地产加盟店仍然没有对房屋建造年代提出疑议。 4:5月27日买家付清了首付款三十五万五千元整,之间有25天时间,A公司CC房地产加盟店和买方还是没有对房屋建造年代提出任何疑议。 5:5月30日《国六条》见报,情势突变。 6:5月31日A公司CC房地产加盟店打来电话询问房屋建成年代,我们回答说不确定。因为三证在你们那里,你们可以自己去调查。当日A公司CC房地产加盟店说买家已查证房屋为82年建造,希望可以解除合同。 7:如果A公司CC房地产加盟店和买方当时对房屋年代很在意,为什么不先做调查了解,就急于签定合同。而要在5月31日以后做这件事?事实证明在我们提供了有效证件的前提下,买方或A公司CC房地产加盟店只需几个小时就能查明房屋的建造年代。 8:6月1日A公司CC房地产加盟店员工和买方在我父亲未戴助听器的情况下留住我父亲谈话,从11:00点到15:00点一直要求我父亲签订早就已经打印好的未经协商的解除合同的协议,在我父亲坚持要和家人商量的情况下才放行。当日因为下着很大的雨,又不给时间吃饭,我父亲本已年老体弱加上又饿又冷,回到家就生病了。而我在知道情况的当日下午16:30点又赶到中介公司,在取得我方无过错的证据后(4月29日所签的房屋预售合同中,房屋建成年代空白),向A公司CC房地产加盟店明确表明了不可能解除合同的态度。 9:6月2日在明知我父亲生病,也无任何我方过错证据的情况下,A公司CC房地产加盟店依然上门要求我父亲解除合同。我父亲再次拒绝。因不愿再多骚扰,又怕父母奔波劳累健康受损,在详细调查了解情况后,我受父亲全权委托,开始处理接下来的所有事项。 10: 6月4日A公司CC房地产加盟店又打来电话说因为是82年的房屋银行不给贷款,所以希望我们可以解除合同,而经证实这完全是谎言,在付了五成以上的首付款后,任何房产的商业贷款10年,15年都没问题。(注:现在明白为什么5月2日买家要求首付款从原来的三成提高到五成首付了) 12:我方自始至终没有给买方和A公司CC房地产加盟店虚假的房产证明。 13:我们希望A公司CC房地产加盟店考虑事情的严肃性,公正的对待这件事情,如果A公司CC房地产加盟店提供错误信息,我们也有相应的证据可以证明房产中介公司为转嫁过失而作的证明的虚假性。 现在我们想明确知道的是:在A公司CC房地产加盟店签订的《杭州市房屋转让合同》是否有合法的法律效力?是否受法律保护? 我代表我的委托人我的父亲要求一切按照法律及合同签订的条款办理,A公司CC房地产加盟店必须监督双方及时履行合同并且在20xx年xx月xx日前撤销律师函。否则我们将因此起诉A公司CC房地产加盟店在此次交易过程中的连带责任。 推荐阅读: 回函格式范文(篇三)××××商贸公司: 感谢你们x月x日的询问信。我们很高兴对皮鞋、皮包向您们报价。 前封函中我们已说清了可以立即从仓库发货的品种。至于其他品种,我们所说的发货日期只是大概的估计,但不会超过所说日期一个月。 我们报价的所有品种都由高质量皮料制成,设计多样,色彩丰富,是可以满足像您们这种高级时髦贸易的要求。 盼望收到您们的订货,并寄上商品目录一份,您们也许会对我们的其他一些产品产生兴趣。它们包括皮手套和女用皮包。商品目录会给您们提供我们货物的基本情况,但不可能对您们的所有问题一一作答。如蒙再次来信详细询问,我们将乐意解答。 ×××皮革制品营销部 20 ××年×月×日 回函格式范文(篇四)Dear Sir, I noticed an ad. In the paper today you said you were looking for people to join your expedition team. It sounded as if it might be fun so Im writing to say Id like to come along. About myself: I left school at 16 because I wanted to earn a bit of money. After that I got a few part-time jobs as a waiter, etc. But I didnt stick to any of them for long. Recently Ive been doing a bit of hitch-hiking round Europe so Ive had some experience of traveling the hard way which should come in handy on the expedition youre planning. By the way, Im a great guitarist so I can keep you all amused round the campfire at night. Let me know when I can call in for a chat about dates and other details, etc. Yours, David Smith 回函格式范文(篇五)Dear Admission Committee: Miss Pan Bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. As her teacher, I am pleased to comply with her request. I first got to know Miss Pan when she enrolled at university and I was the assistant director of her class at that time. Being a professor for several years, I noticed that due to the lack of self-learning ability, it is really challenging for students, even those performing excellent in senior school, to keep up with the college speed. However, as a diligent girl without any solid background in Computer Science before college, she adapted quickly to the especially competitive environment in our department. At the end of the first year, she earned the 5th rank in her class, while ranking 1st among the girls. I was fairly impressed by her self-learning technique and exceptional efforts. Hence, I believe, goal-oriented, not afraid of inchoateness and with persistence, she has the quality to make achievements. What distinguished her among her classmates, I think, was that she went far beyond acquiring excellent scores in the exams and instead got her range of knowledge enlarged. In spring, 2006, Miss Pan took the course I taught named “Algebraic Structures and Combinatorial Mathematics”. This inquisitive and assiduous young woman was sometimes the last to leave after my class, raising novel questions related to the subject. I found that she understood the knowledge in depth and detail. Furthermore, I still remember during the spring vocation in May, due to the break-down of my mail box, I missed her mails to discussing some questions. But the following week during the course time, she asked me directly. Her zeal for knowledge and the spirit to explore answers really leave me a deep impression. Finally, she was among the few students who got almost full marks in every test in class which showed her exceeding grasp of every chapter. Thus, I gave her 98/100 for the excellent performance in my course. In summary, I have every reason to believe that Miss. Pan will make outstanding performance at your university as a graduate. I would appreciate greatly if you give her a favorable consideration. Please feel free to contact me directly if more assistance is needed. Faithfully yours, Wanling Qu, Professor Department of Computer Science and technology Peking University 回函格式范文(篇六)Dear sir, I am a boy from class1, Grade2. I 'd love to be a member of the Helping Hands clubs. I am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the street. On buses, I always give my seats to women with babies. Sometimes, I pick up rubbish in the park. If I join the club, I will make more friends. I'll be glad if I 'm received, I am waiting for your reply. Yours xxx 回函格式范文(篇七)客户订货会邀请函 尊敬的 公司: 我公司将在 年 月 日,在 举办一场大规模的客户订货会。通过此次会议能给贵公司带来良好的企业形象宣传和提高对产品的推广力度。我们真诚的邀请贵公司参加此次会议。 如贵公司能如约参加本次会议,请于 年 月 日前通过email回函给我们。以便我们能提前为你们安排。回函时应包含并填写以下内容: 1.赴邀约公司名称: ,出席代表有 等共计____人 ; 2.需要为 人安排食宿。(如:需安排2人食宿 ) 3.提供赞助费用□5000元 □8000元 □10000元(在选定项前的方框内划√确定) 4.是否参加促销活动?(在选定项前划√) □是 □否 活动举办方: 公司 回函邮箱: 联系地址: 邮编: 回函格式范文(篇八)“建议严查黑恶势力保护伞””、“建议完善打击‘黑中介’的联动机制”、“建议强化法治教育”……北京市高级人民法院通报,自专项斗争开展以来,北京法院先后向27家单位发送司法建议,收到回函13件,以司法建议助推社会综合治理,推动扫黑除恶专项斗争不断向纵深发展。 《最高人民法院关于加强司法建议工作的意见》规定,对审判执行工作中发现的问题,人民法院可以向相关党政机关、企事业单位、社会团体及其他社会组织提出司法建议。司法建议,是法律赋予人民法院的重要职责,是法院工作的重要组成部分,是充分发挥审判职能作用的重要方式。 在吕志勇等人破坏生产经营一案中,针对发现的乡镇干部参与伪造证据、涉嫌充当恶势力保护伞问题,北京延庆法院通过向政府、纪检部门发送司法建议,加强与有关主管部门或者责任单位沟通,合力挤掉“毒瘤”、拔掉“毒刺”。 据了解,北京法院立足审判职能,把司法建议作为参与社会综合治理的有效方式,通过“聚焦目标责任制考核,构建‘引、推’相结合工作机制”、“聚焦重点领域,实现靶向发力”、““聚焦提升质量,实现由‘个案分析’向‘类案调研’拓展”、“聚焦创新形式,实现‘面对面’立体发送”四项工作举措,不断强化依法严惩黑恶势力犯罪与社会治安综合治理的有机结合,从源头防范黑恶势力犯罪,切实增强了扫黑除恶专项斗争的针对性、实效性。 北京市高级人民法院 官方微信 扫描二维码关注 投稿邮箱: jingfawangshi@ 回函格式范文(篇九)律师函回函 xx律师事务所: 现就贵所于20xx年xx月xx日向我司所发律师函涉及的相关事项回复如下: xx年xx月xx日我司按照与xx市xx酒店(以下称“xx酒店”)有限公司的约定,在xx酒店举行“xx市XX科技有限公司八周年庆典暨广东XX无纸化科技有限公司开业庆典”,庆典宴会进行到广东XX无纸化科技有限公司开业的中途,酒店宴会厅及外围大厅突然停电,致使开业庆典被迫中途中断。此次中途停电事故造成了参加宴会的领导、来宾极大的不稳定情绪,严重破坏了整个庆典和谐喜庆的气氛,宴会来宾均要求喜来登酒店应就此道歉、赔偿。 停电事故发生之后,喜来登酒店既无高层管理人员及时就此次事故向我司做出合理的解释,也未就此向我司及来宾正式表达歉意。反之,我司一直积极与喜来登酒店相关工作人员沟通、协商此事的解决办法。时至今日,对方高层管理人员一直否定我司的解决方案,更没拿出有诚意的解决办法。 综上所述,贵所律师函所表达事项有失偏颇,请贵所全面、详细了解事件由来,妥善处理。 特此回函! xx市XX科技有限公司 xx年xx月xx日 回函格式范文(篇十)Dear Snoopy, I am greatly honored to formally invite you to participate in Mr. Guo Jing's wedding ceremony with Ms. Huang Rong to be held at Beijing Grand Hotel from 8 to 10 . on April 1, 20xx. As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to attend the celebration and share our joy. The occasion will start at seven o'clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss. If you do not have any prior appointment on April 1, we look forward to the pleasure of your company. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 回函格式范文(篇十一)回复函格式及范文 篇一:复函的写法及范文 复函的写法及范文 1.概述 答复即复函... 书山有路勤为径;学海无涯苦作舟 回复函格式及范文 更多精彩范文请关注实用资料及文秘栏目。 篇一:回复函格式及范 文 1、答复即复函,属公函的一种。 复函是机关、单位为答复来函一方面商洽、询问或联系事宜而使用的 一种公文,既可...... 通知是一种广泛使用的信息性文件。发布法律法规,转发上级机关、同级机关和非直属机关的公文,审批转发下级机关的公文,要求下级机关办理某些事务。 以下是为大家整理的关 节约资源、保护环境是中国的基本国策。加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,是xxx、xxx全面落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会的重要举措。 以下是为大家整理的 现金是指在主权国家法律规定的一定范围内可以立即投入流通的交换媒介。 以下是为大家整理的关于现金管理暂行条例2021年的文章5篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第一篇: 现金管理暂 党的建设不仅是一个党的工作概念,也是一个党务概念。是指党为保持自身性质而进行的一系列自我完善活动,不仅包括党务工作,还包括党的政治建设、思想建设、组织建设、作风 阅读后的感觉是指阅读一本书、一篇文章、一段文章、几句名言和一首音乐,然后将这种感觉和启示写进一篇文章,称为阅读后的感觉。 以下是为大家整理的关于读《鲁滨孙飘游记 复习书,也称为理解书,是一篇常用的日常实用文章。它是一封由犯了错误的个人或领导人写给党或组织的信,以回顾错误并确保不再犯错误。评审的格式分为标题、标题、文本和签 国家阵亡将士纪念日是一个国家为纪念已经发生的重大国家灾难而设立的国家纪念活动,由国家权力机关决定。第二次世界大战结束后,主要战国政府以国家公共献祭的形式发起全国 矫正,汉语词汇,拼音,矫正与改革。 以下是为大家整理的关于团员整改措施和努力方向的文章6篇 ,欢迎品鉴!【篇1】团员整改措施和努力方向一、存在问题1、学习上 中国人民警察作为国家公务员,实行总警司、警司、警司、警官五级警衔制度。衣服主要是藏蓝色的。 以下是为大家整理的关于民警工作不到位检讨书的文章3篇 ,欢迎品鉴!第 为深入贯彻党的十九大、十四大、十四届三中全会精神,全面落实《xxx浙江省委关于推进清洁浙江建设的决定》的要求,推动全省国有企业全面深入发展。 以下是为大家整理的关 回函格式范文(篇十二)Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15, I wish to apply for the position of (secretary, accountant, clerk, salesman, etc). I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of xxxcollege. My experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office. I am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and believe that they may be found satisfactory. With respect to salary, I shall expect HK$5,000 a month. I assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give your satisfaction. Very truly yours, XXX 回函格式范文(篇十三)Dear Sir, In response to your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15,I wish to apply for the position of(secretary,accountant,clerk,salesman,etc).I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of xx college. My experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their am enclosing my resume together with my photo,and believe that they may be found respect to salary,I shall expect HK$5,000 a month. I assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give your satisfaction. Very truly yours xxx 回函格式范文(篇十四)Dear Dad: Hello! I suddenly felt the time to fall, I have a fear of pain, because of the need to apply iodine in the wound. But in the rub iodine at the same time, also have a warm, becausefromexperience to your love for me. One day, when I was training early net wrapped, fell, which fell on the small maze day before wound bleeding again. Come home, I say to you: "today I am too miserable, and chat with my classmates in the net side, tripped and fell." I rolled up my sleeves, "you see, its not very painful, but the joints are not easy to heal." You frowned, said: "we must wipe iodine." "Ah! No Wipe iodine very painful! I dont wipe it! " Im a little bit nervous. "Do not wipe also have to wipe, wipe the healing of the wound is helpful." Looking at your serious expression, I was a little scared and had to compromise. After a while, you brought a bottle of iodine and a bag of cotton. You open the lid of the iodine bottle, with a cotton swab dipped inside, wipe back and forth in my wound. After a stab of pain, it was finally calm. A few days later, the wound healed. Later I knew that if the injured part was not cleaned in time, the wound would become thicker and that would be dangerous. I suddenly feel that you give me when I apply iodine is how happy, although the pain in the body, but warm in my heart. This Salute Your son: XX 回函格式范文(篇十五)尊敬的xxx公司: 我公司将在年月日,在举办一场大规模的`客户订货会。通过此次会议能给贵公司带来良好的企业形象宣传和提高对产品的推广力度。我们真诚的邀请贵公司参加此次会议。 如贵公司能如约参加本次会议,请于年月日前通过email回函给我们。以便我们能提前为你们安排。回函时应包含并填写以下内容: 1、赴邀约公司名称:____,出席代表有等共计____人; 2、需要为人安排食宿。(如:需安排2人食宿) 3、提供赞助费用□5000元□8000元□10000元(在选定项前的方框内划√确定) 4、是否参加促销活动?(在选定项前划√) □是□否 活动举办方:公司 回函邮箱: 联系地址: 邮编: 回函格式范文(篇十六)xxx事务所 xx律师: 就业主、客户签订的《房地产买卖合同》(以下简称“该合同”)及来函所涉及的问题回复如下: 该合同的第二条第项,各方约定如下事项:“乙方需要办理银行贷款的,则第二部分房款中部分款项可由丙方协助乙方寻找银行承诺以贷款形式支付给甲方”。合同签订后,我司积极为客户寻找了办理贷款业务的银行,并得到业主的认可。在办理贷款过程中,客户提出自己联系银行办理相关贷款,但业主不同意其自行办理贷款。 我们认为,合同的第二条第项赋予了乙方自己办理贷款和选择我公司协助办理贷款的权利,如果选择我公司协助办理贷款,我公司当然要履行相关的义务。如果客户自行办理贷款,依照合同第四条的约定,其应当要求甲方提供相应的书面材料和相关证明,我公司没有相关的法定和约定义务为其提供相关资料。业主将相关材料放我公司保管,未经其同意,我公司无权将其借给客户使用。 我公司没有否认客户自行办理贷款的权利,但是由于贷款的成败和进展状况直接影响到合同的履行情况。我公司作为居间方,有义务督促各方采取行之有效的方式履行合同,以实现合同的目的。倘若,客户自己办理贷款能得到业主的同意,并书面承诺由其承担如因办理贷款不能或迟延等影响合同履行而产生的相关责任,我公司愿意为其提供我们所能提供的相关材料。 最后,由于来函未提供授权委托书,我公司不能完全相信您是其合法有效的代理人。因此该回函不代表我公司对此事的最终态度! 顺祝商祺! Xx公司 xx年x月x日 该函回复后,最后客户认可通过我公司协助办理贷款。 回函格式范文(篇十七)dear hospital leadership: hello! thank you for taking the vertical read my written submissions, to an enthusiastic college students to open a door of hope, i believe i will not let you down. i am a clinical department of luzhou medical college, a graduating undergraduate students, in your hospital chiu-nazi occasion, in view of a solid basic medical knowledge and skilled operating techniques, excellent social work skills and a strong self-learning capacity-building, i are confident that they can soon be clinically relevant competent work. therefore, special to your hospital volunteered. four-year clinical study of theory formation of my rigorous learning attitude, rigorous way of thinking, cultivate good study habits, a year of clinical internship work experience also enhanced my ability to analyze problems to solve the problem. especially in the process of teaching hospital internship gave me a lot of opportunities for hands-on experience, so i have all the clinical departments of the common diseases are able to make the correct diagnosis and best treatment. a strong sense of responsibility, a strong interest in learning, hands-on ability, the ability to accept fast, and able to complete all outstanding tasks, so i won praise superior physician, but also made me brimming with confidence, be my future work life chihpen. extensive experience in social work is not only broadened my horizons, but also the formation of my calm and decisive, dedicated and efficient work style. in elementary school, junior high school, has been to university at all stages, i have served as squad leader, learning and other members, successfully organized numerous class group of school activities, work was recognized students and teachers praise, i have a class where more than sub-group was rated excellent classes, i have repeatedly won the outstanding youth league, the work of activists and other honorary titles. i believe that with these experiences, i will be able to coordinate various relationships, deal with problems encountered in daily work. self-learning ability is another one of my strengths. medical science and technology with each passing day, only by constantly upgrading their knowledge to the fierce competition in an invincible position. in school i passed the computer, one or two exams, the state cet, can master windows98, windowsXX, windowsxp operating system, and self-study using the office, photoshop, foxpro and other software for graphics processing, spreadsheet design, web production and other work for the future work, study, improve efficiency and create favorable conditions. after five years of study and practice, i have psychological and ability in doing the job fully prepared to go in, i sincerely hope will become your hospital medical research team in one, i will noble medical ethics, passion service, dump my ability to keep on learning i can not, for your hospital's medical contribute to a cause of development to achieve life-saving and dedication to work, life and effort of the long-cherished wish. finally, your esteemed unit of grand flourishing! sincerely, salute! personal statement: xxx 回函格式范文(篇十八)回 函 有限公司: xx大成(xx)律师事务所接受 公司(以下简称A公司)委托,针对贵司发函要求A公司支付贵司承建的位于 市 区A公司厂房工程款一事回函如下: 1. 贵司承建的A公司厂房工程存在逾期竣工的情形,应当向A公司支付逾期竣工的违约金。 贵司与A公司于20xx年xx月xx日签订的《建设工程施工补充合同》(以下简称《施工合同》)第三条合同工期条款中约定,贵司承建的A公司4幢厂房工程竣工日期应为20xx年xx月xx日。但是根据A公司提供的材料反映,该厂房建设工程直到20xx年xx月xx日才正式交付A公司。因此该工程实际竣工逾期严重,应按照合同约定支付相应的逾期竣工违约金。 2.贵司在合同履行过程中存在违约行为,未移交竣工图纸及施工资料,未配合公司办理产权证。 由于贵司逾期交付所承建厂房多达130天,给A公司的正常生产、经营造成了严重的困扰,并给A公司带来了一系列损失。A公司需要办理新厂房的产权登记手续,贵司却一直以各种理由推诿,消极配合。另外,贵司未向A公司移交所有竣工图纸及施工资料等,也违反了合同的约定。 3.贵司对于剩余工程款的计算有误。 贵司向A公司发函称A公司尚应向贵司支付工程款人民币4 元,根据A公司的实际核算,贵司提出的人民币4 多万元工程款已超过了实际数额,因此不能作为付款依据。 4.厂房存在以下几种质量问题,且维修工作敷衍了事,到目前为止还没有实质性的结果。 1.屋顶水泥保护层龟裂严重造成厂房屋顶多处漏水。 2.厂房外墙与屋面多处裂缝,部分有漏水现象。 3.屋面伸缩缝防水没做好,漏水极其严重。 4.水泥地浇注质量极差,漏沙,起沙严重,已影响工厂的正常生产。 综上所述,在整个合同的实施过程中,A公司一直严格履行己方的义务,按照合同的约定,按时向贵司支付工程款。但是贵司在合同履行过程中存在着工程逾期竣工、拒不配合A公司办理厂房产权登记手续、拒不交付施工图纸相关竣工材料,工程质量有严重问题等,存在一系列违约行为。因此,贵司要求A公司支付剩余工程款的条件并未成就。希望贵司能够尽快履行前述己方的义务,A公司保留因你方的违约行为给A公司所造成损失的索赔权利。 以上意见请贵司认真考虑。 xx律师事务所 xx年xx月xx日 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。