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Long distance, long line, long time continuously wipe, today, I have been thinking of you in the distance, I wish you a peaceful sleep in his hometown, rich!


When you step on the platform and walk alone from now on, you know I'm so worried, even though there are thousands of words in my heart, but only to you deeply stare at the moment; I'm so sad but refuse to say.


Lu Yao, the heart is long, the wound parting, he sighs; the wind is small, the night is long, looks forward to the gentleman, does not sleep.


Three years and a moment, so singing, laughing, such acquaintance, get together, and even have no time to say good-bye, will soon be running things.


Dear friends, please don't be sad, and cherish each other after leaving. Bloom the most gorgeous smile, give tomorrow a more beautiful dream.


In the fragrance of the flower bed. In every corner of our alma mater, our friendship is permeated with our fantasies.


There were no tears at the end of the song, only wishing that one day when we reunited on campus, we would kiss all the familiar grass and trees.


Beautiful rainbow after the rain, sincere Miss after parting, good luck dream good mood after you receive text messages, dear friends, I hope this moment, happiness is at your side.


I want to say a lot. But such a moment, such a occasion, can leave you, only my silent prayer: treasure, friend!


Acquaintance is the will of God, acquaintance is the will, plus is friendship, affection is intentional, we can get together, because the heart has rhinoceros.


Tell me carefully, forget me not? Remember me. I love you, please don't refuse, care and yearn for eternity, this is a kind of sweetness to parting.


No matter you go to the corner of the sea, and no matter how long the parting will take, I will wait and wait.


Although we meet in a hurry and leave in a hurry, we have eternity in the short course of life, and we believe that friendship today is the best memory of tomorrow.


If we are doomed to brush past this life, then I deeply bless you always happy. Then put away all the little affection and expect to meet you next life.


At last, you have to go, say that you go far and far away to read a book about far away. I'm not surprised, it should be.


Whether the tea is strong or weak, let the fragrance stay in the heart forever; regardless of distance is near or far, let the memory connect with each other; no matter how much or how little contact, let the blessing never change!


Not holding your hand is my life's fault, whether in the ends of the earth or near at present, you are the deepest thoughts in my heart the deepest pain!


If I want to know you, I won't have my pain today, but I have never regretted it. If you really love me as you say, you forget that I have done well.


I cherish every acquaintance in my life, every warmth in the world, every intimate understanding among friends; that is, parting, and seeing it as a double joy for reunion.


Gently I will leave you, without me in the years you want to take care of yourself, without you in the days I will cherish myself more.


We used to be schoolmates on a desk. When we waved goodbye, please accept my affectionate blessing.


We had to part and say goodbye softly, thanking you for giving me a deep friendship.


Clouds grew white in the blue sky, the slightest sadness of parting in my heart; yet my mind was as clear as the sky, for I thought of a near reunion.


Although the bridge has not engraved your name, but left your footprints of hard work, I wish you a smooth career in the future.


When you come, my expectation is far away; when you leave, you are my dream.


Love your spouse, don't be melancholy. Please cherish each other when you leave. Blooming the most brilliant smiling face, giving tomorrow's more beautiful dream.


To meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the end of past happiness and the beginning of happiness in the future.


Fly, wild goose! Rejuvenate your wings. Waiting ahead is not always rainstorms and bad waves. There is also a sincere friendship in this world, spreading a peaceful lake for you.


Some people say that love will fade when they are apart, but in fact, the taste of a loved one is not so sweet.


We hurried to say goodbye, to their respective distances, no language, no tears, only eternal thoughts and blessings, in each other's hearts issued a deep resonance.

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