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1 . I: Tell me what you know about our company能说说你对我们公司了解吗?A: Your company is the leading dealer in the import and export of cosmetics Also, you have a reputation for being a good company to work for and you are in last year’s top Employers list贵公司在化妆品进出口方面是最主要的经销商,而且你们公司名声很好,值得为其工作,还有你们公司上了去年最佳名雇主的名单。

2 . Are you effective at multi-tasking? Do you work well under pressure?

3 . They are doing as much as possible to open up an outlet

4 . There is a good market for these articles

5 . Your market still has great potential

6 . 我想召集一个会议……

7 . Yes,itis,He’safootballplayer是的,他是位足球运动员。

8 . Aretheyonthetable?它们在桌子上吗?No,theyaren’tThey’reinthedoor

9 . KIM:William, do you like studying English Kim 威廉,你喜欢学习英语吗?William I like studying English, and I can read well, but speaking can be difficult 威廉:我喜欢学英语,我可以读得很好,但是说英语很困难。

10 . 贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。


1 . In doing we learn(实践长才干。)

2 . 根据我们的经验,这些工艺品在日本销很好。

3 . 我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。

4 . Celebrate your country: Pepsi! Everything drinks! Wow daily Ha Ha! Constantly Improve! Keke MACLEOD high! Feeling like Sprite! Always smart!

5 . 这是一次全体会议。

6 . What&#;s on the agenda for tomorrow&#;s meeting?

7 . 你有几口人,陈杰?Three三口人。

8 . The meeting&#;s rescheduled for

9 . 朱迪,你怎么对她那么感兴趣

10 . 我吃,所以我爱感恩节。


1 . 玛丽穿着婚纱真漂亮。让我想起我当新娘的那一刻。

2 . Your T-shirts can easily find a market in the eastern part of our country

3 . 询问家里况:Issheinthelivingroom?她在客厅里吗?

4 . 国庆祝你:百可乐!万事芬达 天哇哈哈!时时乐百氏!刻刻高乐高!情似碧!永远都醒目!

5 . Sam: Im glad you can come很高兴你能来。Adam: Thanks Im looking forward to it谢谢你的邀请,我正期待着那一天呢。

6 . You would like to have a good day National Day holiday mood, have done every sweet dream, you always been concerned about all the people care! A dream come true and happiness!

7 . I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving

8 . 愿你国庆假期天天都有好心情,夜夜都做甜蜜,让你时时有人关心处处受人呵护!美梦成真,幸福快乐!

9 . sell like wild fire 畅销,销得很快

10 . 包装对产品的销路有很大关系


2 . Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year

3 . 不妨出去走走,放松呼吸,走向灿烂阳光。 把发霉的心事交给流,向远去的尘埃行个注目礼。

4 . East or west, home is best(东好西好,还是家里最好。)

5 . Hehasglassesandhisshoesareblue他戴眼镜,穿蓝色裤子

6 . This is a high-priority job Let&#;s get on it right away

7 . I wouldn&#;t want to spend Thanksgiving with anyone else

8 . 据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢?

9 . salable goods 畅销货

10 . It&#;s an all-hands meeting


1 . 描述包:What’sinyourschoolbag?你书包里有什么?AnEnglishbook,amathsbook,threestorybooksand一本英语书,一本数学书,三本故事和。。。。Whatcolourisit?什么颜色的?It’sblueandwhite是蓝白色的。

2 . i think i ’ve caught a cold 我想我感冒了So do I. 我也一样。

3 . This product has been a best seller for nearly one year

4 . 我们正在努力为此项商品寻找销路。

5 . Actions speak louder than words(行动比语言更响亮。)

6 . salable 畅销的

7 . Harry,你打电话叫人修复印机了吗?

8 . We regret we cannot find any market for this article

9 . 他非常英俊。

10 . popular 有销路的


1 . 让我们看一下上星期五的会议记录。

2 . 还没呢,不过已在我的执行表中了。

3 . We&#;re having an impromptu meeting!

4 . 我只愿和你共度感恩节。

5 . 我需要见CEO。你能帮我预约一下吗?

6 . 没有你的感恩节像缺了点什么。

7 . 你永远都会世界上最漂亮的,那个伴娘叫什么

8 . According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan

9 . 但愿你能来过感恩节。

10 . Mrs Smith:Judy Why are you so interested in her?


1 . 会议改在……召开

2 . It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together

3 . 阳光是明媚的,溪水是清澈的;牛奶是甜的`,蛋糕是香的;年轻是幸福的,日子是甜蜜的……我的祝福是真诚的,希望国庆你是开心的!

4 . 每一阵清,都会让我将你轻轻想起;每一条祝福短信,都会将我们的心靠得更近;恰逢国庆之际,借此送上我的真挚问候,愿你天天快乐!

5 . 我们还不了解市场情况。

6 . From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving

7 . 家人团聚的节日里,不能看到你,我会感到难过

8 . to find (have a ready market 有销路,畅销

9 . trial sale, test sale, test market 试销

10 . 以下是一些有关时间管理的通常用法和表达:


1 . You gave the best blessing to you: National, Jiaqing, people throughout the official sources, financial resources, both ways, popularity, humble, the geopolitical fate

2 . I’m sorry I missed that 对不起,我没听清I made reservations yesterday我昨天预订的。

3 . 他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

4 . I need to meet with the CEO Can you make an appointment for me?

5 . Let&#;s go over the minutes of last Friday&#;s meeting

6 . to have a strong footing in a market 很有销路

7 . 我们很抱歉不能为此项商品找到销路。

8 . God helps those who help themselves(天助自助者。)

9 . We are trying to find a market for this article

10 . 这些商品没有销路。

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