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1 . n 地板,地面;基底;议员席;楼层

2 . adv 出外;在外;离岸;出现;问世;大声地;完全;用完;不流行

3 . 用勺子淋上调味酱,面上是炒好的猪肉末和生碎,趁热即食。On the do&#;s list, says Clark, if you find yourself being hit with a spoon, remain calm and try to ignore it

4 . n 睡眠;蛰伏;麻木状态

5 . v 铺地板;打倒;难倒

6 . 关掉了汽车工业你也就关掉了钢铁工业和橡胶工业。out是什么意思

7 . This is an ear scoop

8 . 从上掉下来Out of power, he is out of favour

9 . adj 什么样的;多么的

10 . 如果我是你,就会去找他。


1 . 这种策略特别适合于小众市场。occasion是什么意思:

2 . 典型例题

3 . 它从贮钢包的底部连续流出。It&#;s tap continuously from the base of the receiving ladle

4 . [美]在危险状态中,在穷困[失败]的边缘Attractive people in need are more likely to receive help from strangers

5 . 在PASCAL或PL;语言中,数组维数下标值的上下限。floor是什么意思:

6 . 专用货棚 Delete the items in the bracket as appropriate

7 . 我们吃光一把又一把甜中带苦的巧克力片,把勺子上的花生酱舔得干干净净。 Ladle the sauce on top, top with pork and chopped peanuts, and serve while hot

8 . 最低额标准 The meeting room is in the third floor, sorry, the fourth floor

9 . Well, it&#;s a big occasion

10 . To arrive at one’s finger’s ends


1 . If I were you, I would go to look for him

2 . int 什么;多么

3 . 贷款各国就其经济地位按比例认购股份。subscribe是什么意思:

4 . floor of the House

5 . 你笑什么? What a miracle!

6 . sleep; slumber

7 . adv 在哪一方面;到何种程度;嗯,哦

8 . 如果他在这儿,一切都会好的。

9 . 穷困的`老作the relief of misery/poverty/suffuring

10 . 独家首登之新闻 aluminium grain scoop


1 . 当他失去权力之后,他也就不再受人欢迎。destitution是什么意思:

2 . v 下降,打倒

3 . prep 通过…而出;沿着…而去

4 . 它从贮钢包的底部连续流出。

5 . n 腰带,围绕物

6 . 我们每人认购五百股。 scrip subscription

7 . If he were here, everything would be all right

8 . n 玉,翡翠,玉器,绿玉色

9 . 这座塑像是玉雕的。A tiny flaw in a piece of white jade

10 . Had you come earlier, you would have met him


1 . 涂油 ,arroser 用勺子将融化的黄油,油脂或汤汁浇在食物上。There are several scoops in my kitchen

2 . 他慷慨地捐助慈善业。

3 . 妖魔从睡中被惊醒,抓起他的冬青大棒,冲出门去追赶杰克。sleep是什么意思:

4 . 邀请***认购新发行的股票The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings

5 . 嗯,这个场面很宏大。On this occasion the lodge sent a carriage

6 . 你在这家新公司认购了多少股?The purchaser understands that the certificate evidencing the purchased shares will bear the following legend

7 . subscribe for

8 . 他的头脑里不再有那种恐惧感。The worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship

9 . 因穷困和疾病而变得痛苦不堪的生活。Poverty is the root of all evils

10 . n 场合,盛典;时机


1 . subscribe

2 . 参考例句:

3 . n 借口,托辞

4 . Were they here now, they could help us

5 . adj(女服领口)汤匙式的

6 . v 推平;毁坏;使平等;瞄准;变平;坦率诚实地对待

7 . privation

8 . 对外方有没有下限?The threshold of a physiological or psychological response

9 . What are the odds?

10 . be down and out


1 . =Were it to rain, the crops would be saved

2 . 向饥寒孤独遗弃贫困收买。

3 . vt 以腰带束缚,围绕

4 . 该银行大量认购公债。The broker subscribed shares

5 . 为了当晚的演出,支部派了马车来接她。A solemn occasion; ceremonial garb

6 . 拳击者被击倒后经裁判数到十秒还站不起来|被判失败|打输|被打败 Out of the Blue

7 . v 放下,降下;减少,降低

8 . Level off the shelves with a spirit level

9 . 潦倒(尤指穷困one&#;s life salted by poorness and sickness

10 . 成功的几率是多少?What are you smiling at?


1 . 一铲或一勺的量 beat [a scoop, exclusive story]

2 . 会议室在三楼,抱歉,是四楼。level是什么意思:

3 . 认股,认购,预约The bank subscribed heavily to the government loan

4 . 这正合时宜。Seasonable advice

5 . 他们自愿捐助物资。They subscribed to local charities

6 . v 占用;拨出

7 . jade是什么意思:

8 . 他们向当地的慈善团体捐款。He subscribes liberally to charities

9 . 这真是一个奇迹!appropriate是什么意思:

10 . 最可怕的孤寂就是完全没有忠诚的友谊。From hunger, cold, isolation, destitution


1 . impoverishment

2 . prep 在…下,沿着

3 . n 睡眠,睡觉

4 . 陷于穷困Badly off ;in a poor position,esp financially

5 . v 引起,惹起

6 . 你从哪得到这个挂坠的?A cut - glass object,such as a pendant of a chandelier

7 . 她是一位定期捐献者。I heartily subscribe to that sentiment

8 . n 穷困,贫穷,缺乏

9 . pref 外,超过,出,向外

10 . 最后她不知不觉地睡着了。Do you have a strange sleep habit?

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