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1 . 好,请叫他打-给张先生。

2 . - No, thanks I can carry it

3 . A:Thankyou,SirI’llcheckitwithourdeliverydepartmentandcallyoubackinfifteenortwentyminutesPleaseacceptoursincereapologies

4 . - I&#;&#;d like some apples

5 . Mr Smith:You will always be the most beautiful one in the world What is the bridesmaid’s name?

6 . 四道歉和应答 (Apologies and responses)

7 . Yes,it’sbeengoodfun!Peoplearenicehere

8 . - Yes, the air is nice and clean

9 . 您能告诉他张先生给他打过电话吗?

10 . We can get by 我们过得去。


1 . 夜幕合上了,一种仿佛是慈母体巾似的东西注入了我的胸怀,让我忘掉了一切……

2 . - Happy new year! (The same to you

3 . 我听不到你说话。您的声音能不能大一点?

4 . - Excuse me May I use your dictionary?

5 . LH:你说什么,你的`爸也老是互相指责?

6 . - About six this afternoon

7 . Couldyougivehimamessage?

8 . - Would you like a cup of tea?

9 . LL:I&#;&#;mhardupforworkmeansthatIreallyneedajob,butI&#;&#;mhavingahardtimefindingone

10 . LL:TheyjustcriticizeeachotheroverstupidthingsForexample,mydadlikestopickonmymomabouthercookingHethinksshe&#;&#;saterriblecook


1 . --对不起,我不清楚。你要留个口信吗?

2 . - Look! It&#;&#;s on the other side of the road

3 . LH:对,缺,缺时间,没工作都不好受。

4 . - Go down this street At the end of the road you&#;&#;ll see it

5 . - How far is the po

6 . - Well done and congratulations to you

7 . 她急急的走了出来,里却拿着了那个大表,轻轻地说:

8 . --对不起。我听不清楚。请说大声一点好吗?

9 . A:GoodWhereareyounow?

10 . A:UnitedDevelopmentCorpMayIhelpyou?


1 . 我是联合纺织品的福克斯先生。

2 . - It&#;&#;s very hot

3 . 我不孤独,因为我有青春做伴,我会把握好青春,把握好自己。明是一个明媚的日子,童年,我的朋友,再见了!

4 . B:Justamoment,please

5 . --联合开发公司。您有什么吗?

6 . - I&#;&#;ve had a pain in my stomach since morning

7 . draft[drB:ft]草稿

8 . 稍等,我帮你去叫他。

9 . That’s more like it 那样才像话。

10 . - Ninety yuan


1 . Idon’texpecthimtobeavailableuntil:

2 . B:I’msorryMrSmithisnotinatthemoment

3 . themanager’soffice

4 . Sure

5 . - Three times a day after meals

6 . B:MayIleaveamessage?

7 . 我太感动了,所以子啊婚礼上就忍不住掉了。

8 . Noproblem没问题

9 . - Yes, here you are

10 . - Excuse me Can you tell me where the bookshop is?


1 . Mrs Smith:Why are you so bitter? No one tells worse jokes than you。

2 . This soup tastes great 这个汤非常美味。

3 . Willhebebacksoon?

4 . A:Notatall

5 . - It doesn&#;&#;t matter

6 . That sounds like a good idea 那听上去是个好主意。

7 . LL:RightI&#;&#;musuallyhardupfortimeduringexamsIhavesomuchstudyingtodothatIhardlyevensleep

8 . --谢谢你,先生。我会检查一下我们运输部,将在十五分钟或者二十分钟内给您打电话。请接受我们真诚的道歉。

9 . - Oh, I am so sorry

10 . 您可以留个口信吗?


1 . KIM:William, do you like studying English Kim 威廉,你喜欢学习英语吗?William I like studying English, and I can read well, but speaking can be difficult 威廉:我喜欢学英语,我可以读得很好,但是说英语很困难。

2 . Smithspeaking(Speaking

3 . holdtheline(打电话时)不挂断

4 . B:ThisisMrFoxfromUnitedTextiles

5 . LH:我也是,只要到了期中考,期末考的季节,我就觉得时间不够用,都念不完。那hardupforwork不能说工作不够,只能说找不到工作喽?

6 . - I hope you&#;&#;ll succeed in everything

7 . That’s not a problem 那没问题。

8 . I’ll see you at six. 我六点钟见你。I’m looking for my baggage。我正在找我的行李。

9 . --对不起,张小姐,史密斯先生现在不在。

10 . A:I’llbepleasedtoifIcanWhatcanIdoforyou?


1 . 对不起,她这会出去了。

2 . LH:原来你是要提现金借给朋友啊!你的朋友怎么啦?你说他hardupforcash。Cash是现金。这个我懂,但hardup是什么意思

3 . What a coincidence! 真是太巧了!

4 . Yes,pleaseMynumberis-

5 . - Certainly

6 . Sam: Well, I should be going Ill talk to you later那么,我得走了。再聊。Adam: Yeah See you好的,回头见。

7 . A:MrSmith,MrLifromUnitedTextileswantstospeaktoyou

8 . - Look out! There&#;&#;s a car coming

9 . 好的,我的电话号码是-。

10 . [口语拓展]Iampleasedtomeetyou很高兴认识你。


1 . --我是联合纺织品公司的李小姐。

2 . - Will you please show me that radio?

3 . Whattimedoyouexpecthimback?

4 . A:GoodmorningMarketingDepartmentCanIhelpyou?

5 . 这里是大江食品店。请问你需要什么?

6 . Justamoment,please

7 . I’d like to play golf (我想打高尔夫球。 Who would you like to play with (和谁打呀 。

8 . 我看到奶奶正在砍院子里那棵杏,那棵杏树会开,会结果,夏天还可以乘凉,为什么砍掉呢?我里不乐意了,问奶奶:“奶奶,为什么要砍掉它呢?”奶奶说:“这树上长虫子,你不记得上次树上的虫子掉到你身上,结果你过敏了?”原来是这么回事呀,我连忙说:“奶奶,我上次说谎了,是我在别处爬树才惹到了虫子的,你就别砍它了!”奶奶笑了说:“好好,听你的,不过,你也要听奶奶的,不许在外面爬树,知道吗?”“嗯!”我心里一阵欢喜,使劲地点点头。

9 . - The museum is very far from here Let&#;&#;catch a bus, shall we?

10 . O:MayIaskwho’scalling,please?

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