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1 . When I think of you the miles between us disappear

2 . Do not rack your brains on scheming to get friendship, otherwise, it becomes sort of business trade

3 . French leave 不辞而别

4 . If you want knowledge, you mus 本文来自toil for it 要想求知,就得吃苦。

5 . Don&#;t bury your head in the sand不要逃避现实

6 . Time and hunger wait for no woman——Chasing Life

7 . Bad mam comes to no good

8 . Don&#;t dream to work hard in the sunset, when The red sun rises in sky

9 . a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty 悲观主义者在每一次机遇中看到困难,乐观主义者在每一次困难中看到机遇。(温斯顿丘吉尔)

10 . , some people say that happiness is a star hotel table delicacies from land and sea between toast each other; some people say that happiness is the high-grade stage hall moving melody in the dance; some people say that happiness is the end of Audi, BMW in the car with the high street through the streets; also someone says, happiness is to stay in the room number a stack of hundred dollar bills; however, I say: with these, not necessarily true happiness!


1 . Human beings are few and far between in this zone

2 . 很多人闯进你的生活,只是为了给你上一课,然后转身离开。

3 . Do you have anyone in mind?你有上人吗?

4 . 每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的。Life is but a hard and tortuous journey

5 . Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration

6 . Life does not sell back and forth, once leaving, never to return

7 . easy come easy go 来得快去得也快

8 . hands are full 非常忙

9 . Like mother, like daughter 有其母必有其女。

10 . , when Jane said: "we are equal, I&#;m not feeling machine, I understand that as a woman&#;s self-esteem; when Petfi said: if it is free, both can throw, I understand the value as a person; when Lu Xun said: don&#;t burst out in silence, we shall perish in silence and I know that people should have the spirit of resistance; when browning said: take away love, the world will become a tomb, I learned for others to love is important


1 . Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life

2 . 当一道快乐之门关上了,另一道门会随之打开。但是,我们常常眷恋着那道关上了的门,而看不见另一道门已经打开了。

3 . We have to cut our expenses to make both ends need

4 . Life may not always be good, but those who struggle can make you stronger Those changes can make you smarter

5 . Never explain yourself to any one Because the person who likes you doesn&#;t need it,and the person who dislikes you won&#;t believe it.—— 永远不要向任何人解释你自己。因为喜欢你的人不需要,而不喜欢你的人不会相信。

6 . 友谊像生长着的植物,是慢慢地建立起来的。

7 . Behind every successful man, there is always an extraordinary story

8 . Grasp today, looking to the future, the road of life there are always some of the scenery will be missed, and sometimes, miss the scenery, just to see a more beautiful scenery

9 . 失败乃成功之母。

10 . born with a silver in one&#;s mouth 出生在富贵人


1 . Love me, love my dog 屋及乌。

2 . 学习这件,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。

3 . Little things amuse little minds 小人无大志。【生活感悟英文句子you leap 摸清情况再行动。

4 . 贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。

5 . 如果环境不容许你有想,迁移到容许你梦想的地方去吧。--比利。艾道尔

6 . It is hard to please all 众口难调。

7 . 与积极的人在一起,可以让我们心情高昂。

8 . The story goes that two friends were walking through the desert During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face

9 . Love is blind 爱情是盲目的。

10 . People need to sink up pride in prosperity, in adversity to resist fire

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