1、虽只是一句轻柔的祝福,却是我的心语。虽只是一张小卡片,却牢牵我俩的情谊。 Although it is just a gentle blessing, it is my heart. Though it is just a small card, it is bound to lead our friendship. 2、小女人一个,但我很喜欢。以后再也不惹你生气了,想你、念你、恨不得啃啃你! A little woman, but I like it very much. I will never annoy you any more. I miss you, miss you, and I want to bite you! 3、今天你用钱袋里的铜板充满你的内心,明天你的内心就可以把你的钱袋注满黄金。 Today you fill your heart with the copper in your purse, and tomorrow your heart will fill your purse with gold. 4、嗨,收到我的信息了吗?祝您的每一天都开开心心!能让您快,这是我最大的望! Hi, did you get my message? I wish you every day happy! It's my biggest hope to make you fast. 5、我默默地摘下圆月中的那金桂新枝,编织一个相思的美梦,遥寄给远方求学的你。 I silently picked the golden cinnamon twigs in the full moon, weaving a lovesick dream, sent to you from afar. 6、在我心灵的百花园里,采集金色的鲜花,我把最鲜艳的一朵,作为我对你的问候。 Collect the golden flowers in the garden of my heart, and I greet you with the brightest one. 7、一份诚挚的祝福代表一颗真诚的心。让你的微笑在你启阅寄语时浮现在你的脸庞。 A sincere blessing represents a sincere heart. Let your smile appear on your face when you read the message. 8、真诚问候里。愿为你将无限春光采集,让它照耀到你心底,让你天天都幸福安逸! Sincere greetings. I would like to collect the infinite spring light for you, let it shine into your heart, and make you happy everyday. 9、一天中不管遇到什么不开心的事,只要记得我是幸福的,那么你就可以得到幸福。 No matter what unhappy happens in a day, just remember that I am happy, then you can get happiness. 10、星月不误,因为你已离去;清风不语,因为我在哭泣;我也不语,因为还在想你。 The stars and the moon are right, because you have gone, the wind is silent, because I am crying, and I do not speak, because I still miss you. 11、不要勉强自己,明天没什么特别!只是想你能完完全全陪我在你有时间我离开前。 Don't force yourself. Tomorrow is nothing special! Just want you to be able to accompany me all the time before you have time to leave. 12、清清的晨风摇响快乐的铃铛,我的心奏起欢快的乐曲,说声“早安”,向你问好! The early morning breeze rings the bells of joy, and my heart plays the music of joy, saying "Good morning" to you. 13、友情,是一种难求的温馨。问候,是人与人之间沟通的途径,天冷了,注意保暖。 Friendship is a kind of warmth that is hard to find. Greeting is a way of communication between people. It's cold and keep warm. 14、遥望水天相接的远方,想起异国诱人的风光,托海鸥捎去问候,并祝你身体健康! Looking at the distance between the water and the sky, reminding me of the exotic scenery, asking the seagulls to take greetings, and wishing you good health! 15、好久不见,在忙什么呢,生活得快乐吗?祝你在繁忙的生活中,天天开心,快乐! Long time no see. What are you busy with? Do you enjoy your life? I wish you happy and happy everyday in your busy life. 16、清清的晨风摇响愉悦的铃铛,我的心奏起欢快的乐曲,说声“早安”,向你问好。 The early morning breeze rings the bells of joy, and my heart plays the music of joy, saying "Good morning" to you. 17、没有你深深的凝眸,我孤独的灵魂化作了一盏冰花,悄悄盛开在,冬日的暖阳下。 Without your deep gaze, my lonely soul turned into an ice flower, blooming quietly in the warm winter sun. 18、把太阳藏于心胸,让它成为美妙的梦幻;把友谊烙于胸海,让它成为甜蜜的思绪。 Hide the sun in your heart and make it a wonderful dream; braze friendship in your heart and make it a sweet thought. 19、世上的鲜花会相继盛开,壮丽而不朽的事物会接踵而来!又是新的一月,努力吧! Flowers in the world will bloom one after another, and magnificent and immortal things will follow. It's another month. Try hard! 20、幸福是石子,烦恼是沙子,时间是筛子,用筛子漏掉沙子,石子就会陪你一辈子! Happiness is the stone, trouble is the sand, time is the sieve, with the sieve to leak the sand, the stone will accompany you for a lifetime! 21、请原谅我这一回吧。我保证下次一定不再犯同样的错误。原谅我吧。下回我等你。 Please forgive me for this time. I promise I will not make the same mistake next time. Forgive me. I'll wait for you next time. 22、早安!看着天边的红日蹦出来一次又一次,希望你的一天也如刚升起的红日一般! Good morning! Looking at the red sun coming out of the horizon again and again, I hope your day will be as red as it has just risen. 23、秋天,淡淡的季节,淡淡的思念无限蔓延。你听到了吗?来之秋天最真诚的祝福。 Autumn, light season, light thoughts spread infinitely. Did you hear that? Best wishes for autumn. 24、深深祝福,丝丝情谊,串串思念,化作殷殷祝福,留在你的心田间,祝节日愉快! Deeply bless, the slightest friendship, string of miss, into a warm blessing, stay in your heart, wish a happy holiday! 25、友谊是一棵针叶树,当你不尊重它,践踏它时,它就会竖起满身的刺来保护自己。 Friendship is a coniferous tree, when you do not respect it, trample it, it will erect a full body of thorns to protect themselves. 26、但愿云彩、艳阳一直陪伴你走到远征的天涯;鲜花、绿草相随你铺展远远的前程。 I hope the clouds and sunshine will always accompany you to the horizon of the expedition; flowers and grass will follow you to spread a far-reaching future. 27、不要想象他应该会怎么样,我们真正爱上的,和我们以为会爱上的,常常差很远。 Don't imagine what he ought to be. It's often far from what we think we'll be in love with. 28、祝你在新的一年里,以敏锐的智慧,充实的力量,捕捉新的机遇,获得新的成绩。 Wishing you every success in the coming year with your keen wisdom and full strength. 29、在忙碌的生活中别忘了抽个时间,让自己轻松一睛,永远保持一颗年轻快乐的心。 Don't forget to take the time in your busy life to relax and keep a happy young heart forever. 30、离别,有点难舍,但不怅然;有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为还有相逢的希望在安慰。 Parting, a bit difficult to give up, but not disappointed; a little regret, but not pessimistic. Because the hope of meeting is comforting. 31、每个人都有自己的难题要解,对待他人,可以以诚相待,但不必寄予厚望。晚安! Everyone has their own problems to solve, treat others with sincerity, but do not have high hopes. Good night! 32、携带一束鲜花来到您的身旁,花儿浓缩了我对您的祝福,绿叶饱含着对根的情谊。 Bring a bunch of flowers to your side, flowers condensed my blessing to you, green leaves full of the friendship of the root. 33、你说你有个秘密,锁在心灵的深处;让我用忠诚的钥匙,轻轻地把它开启,好吗? You say you have a secret locked in the depths of your heart; let me open it gently with the key of loyalty, will you? 34、人生路上何须忧伤,天涯海角总有知音,把握机会珍惜好运,祝愿我们友谊长青。 There is no need to be sad on the road of life. There are always bosom friends around the world. Take the opportunity to cherish good luck and wish our friendship evergreen. 35、生活富裕了,日子美好了,要去旅游了,愿你游遍祖国大好河山,游遍神州大地啊。 Life is rich and life is beautiful. I want to travel. I hope you can travel all over the motherland and the land of China. 36、当你的错误显露时,可不要发脾气,别以为任性或吵闹,可以隐藏或克服你的缺点。 Don't lose your temper when your mistakes come to light. Don't think that capriciousness or noise can hide or overcome your shortcomings. 37、我太清楚我们之间的距离,遂不敢有所期待。只想变成一条鱼,游过大洋,看看你。 I am too clear about the distance between us, so we dare not expect anything. I just want to be a fish and swim across the ocean to see you. 38、无论有多困难,都坚强地抬头挺胸,告诉所有人,你并非他们想象的那样不堪一击。 No matter how difficult it is, hold your head up and tell everyone that you are not as vulnerable as they think you are. 39、洽谈能否成功,也许不是最重要的,为今后的交往奠定友谊的基础,显然更有意义。 The success of the negotiation may not be the most important thing. It is obviously more meaningful to lay the foundation of friendship for future exchanges. 40、浓浓的情谊与祝福,绵绵的思念与问安,在这美好的日子,愿祝愿随着鲜花带给你。 Deep friendship and blessings, lingering thoughts and greetings, in this beautiful day, I wish you with flowers. 41、人与人的友谊,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,是温柔甜蜜的。 People's friendship, which unites the hearts of most people, is sweet and tender because of this precious connection. 42、我把怀念与思念,交给鸟儿翻飞的翅膀,带给你温馨的问候,让心留下永恒的喜悦。 I will miss and miss the birds flying wings, bring you warm greetings, let the heart leave eternal joy. 43、别离的泪水,为记忆的长河增添新的浪花;别离的祝福,为再一次相聚拉开了序幕。 The tears of parting add new spray to the long river of memory, and the blessings of parting open the prelude to reunion again. 44、如果我的祝愿,能驱除你的烦恼,那么,就让它随着温馨的春风,吹进你的心谷吧! If my wish can dispel your troubles, then let it blow into your heart with the warm spring breeze. 45、人活着就应该像齐天大圣,疯过,爱过,恨过,闯过,拼过,努力过,但从没怕过。 Man should live like the Great Sage of Heaven, crazy, loved, hated, rushed, spelled, tried, but never afraid. 46、健康是一个人最大的本钱,千万不要为了金钱而丢掉本钱。没有本钱也就没有金钱。 Health is the greatest cost of a person. Never lose money for money. Without capital, there will be no money. 47、想想曾经同桌的我们,高考过后就各奔前程了,心中真是不舍。同学,前途多珍重! Think of our deskmate. After the college entrance examination, we went our separate ways. Classmate, future is precious! 48、如果我的祝愿,能驱除你的烦恼,那么,就让它随这温馨的春风,吹进你的心谷吧! If my wish can dispel your troubles, then let it blow into your heart with the warm spring breeze. 49、如果你不给自己烦恼,别人也永远不可能给你烦恼。因为你自己的内心,你放不下。 If you don't worry about yourself, others will never be bothering you. Because of your own heart, you can't let go. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。