高分申论范文(篇一)诚实,对任何人来说都是难能可贵的,如果我们要想在这个世界得到别人的信任和尊重,那么就少不了诚实待人的品质。 那一次,我们班上进行了物理考试,怀着忐忑不安的心情,我们终于等到了宣布分数的那天。”李薇72分,肖萧74分,向鹏68分……”老师满脸严肃地一一念着我们的分数。虽然我认为我能考好,但仍然没有十足的把握,心中仍然“怦怦”地跳个不停。“王蓉”当那熟悉的名字回荡在我耳边的那一瞬间,我感觉我的双手在不停地颤抖,心跳加速:“咚咚咚”似乎快要蹦到嗓子眼了。心中默念着:一定要拿到高分!一定要拿到高分!“85分”顿时我心中的那只惴惴不安的“小白兔”忽然不见了,内心充满了喜悦,此时的我,别提多高兴了。因为老师告诉我们全班最高分也才87分。相比之下,我的成绩算不错的了,可事情却不是我想象的那么好。当我拿到卷子时,我内心的喜悦瞬间全无:没想到第一大题我错了三题,应该扣九分,而老师却只给我扣了六分。 我的心头似乎被一块千斤巨石压着,连呼吸都觉得困难。我到底应该怎么办才好呢,我的脑海里仿佛有一个天使和一个魔鬼在喋喋不休地争论着,天使告诉我说:“告诉老师吧,长辈教育我们做人要诚实。”我回想起爸妈经常告诉我做人要诚实,做事要坦荡,想到这些,我不由得低下了头。与此同时,有一个魔鬼似乎听见了天使对我的说的话便大声说:“别去,别去,你想想,班上最高分才87分,你第二名呢,如果你告诉老师了,你的名次就降低了。”我感觉我的大脑被它们的争吵声折磨得快要爆炸了,正在我烦躁不安不知如何是好的时刻,有一位同学突然冲上讲台走到老师跟前告诉老师说:“老师,我发现有一道题您多给了我三分。”他的话音刚落,我突然知道我应该怎么做了,于是我抬着头快步地向讲台走去,老师将分数更正过来,我的心情一片晴朗。 通过这次考试,虽然我失去了令人羡慕的高分,但我收获到比分数更有价值的东西—那就是诚实。 高分申论范文(篇二)Part B : Write an essay based on the following your writing, you should l) interpet the chart and 2) give your comments. You should write at least 150 words. Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) 【高分范文】 As is illustrated in the chart, significant changes have occurred in China's total express business volume and rural express business volume from 2018 to 2020. The total number is roughly 51 billion in 2018,64 billion in 2019 and around 83 billion in number of Chinese rural express packages in 2018 is 12 billion, while the number jumped dramatically to 30 billion in 2020. What accounts for the increase? From my perspective, at least three factors contribute to the changes. To begin with,the availability of computers and smartphones is the foremost contributor and the rapid development of information technology enables nearly everybody to have access to the Internet. More importantly,the change is closely related to the rising income of the Chinese people, especially the residents living in rural areas. Finally, the changes are enhanced and promoted by the government's bettering policies as well as the more convenient channels in the e-commerce field. With the development of China's economy and society, the rising trend is bound to continue for a couple of years in the far as I am concerned, it's a positive trend and should be encouraged. 高分申论范文(篇三)如何成为一名好老师 To be a teacher is always my goal, when I go to school, I was so admired the teachers, they not only taught us with all kinds of knowledge from the books, but also taught us how to be a good person. 上学时,成为一名老师是我一直以来的目标,我很佩服老师,他们不仅仅教会了我们各种各样的书本上的知识,也教会了我们成为一个好人。 While to be a good teacher is not easy, I must learn to respect the students and care about them, in this way, I can do the good job. 然而成为一名好老师是不容易的,我必须学着去尊重学生,并关爱他们,这样,我就能很好的实行教师的工作。 To be a good teacher, first, I must learn to respect my students. 为了成为一名好老师,第一,我必须学着去尊重我的学生。 As the students are under mature, they have no idea what is wrong and what is right, so they will make mistakes all the time, at that time, I must deal with their mistakes carefully. 因为学生们都还不成熟,不知道什么是错什么是对,因此他们会随时犯错误,这个时候,我必须很小心地处理他们的错误。 I should respect them and then talk to them instead of judging them. 我应该尊重他们,然后和他们聊聊,而不是判断他们对错。 Second, I should care about my students. 第二,我应该关爱我的学生。 I am not only teach them knowledge, but also their friend, so I should talk to them often, trying to get to know their situations and learn to know the changes happen in them. 我不仅仅只是授予他们知识,同时也是他们的朋友,因此,我应该经常和他们聊天,尝试着了解他们的情况,熟知他们身上的变化。 To be a good teacher is not easy, so I work hard on it, I believe I can be a good teacher. 成为一名好老师是不容易的,因此我努力,我相信自己能成为一名好老师。 高分申论范文(篇四)Describe an experience when you spent time with a child. You should say: What you did When and you did And explain how you felt 高分范文: One of my best friends has a 3-year-old baby girl; so every time we went out, she would take her with us. Her little girl is such a witty kid, and she is always full of energy. As she begins to be aware of the outside world, she asks a lot of questions just to satisfy her curiosity. It happened one day when we went out shopping. While her mother and I took turns trying clothes on, she was sitting quietly on the bench. Then she looked at me and her mother and started to express her opinions on our clothes. The way she talked was so funny that we couldn't stop laughing. She was so used to playing with her Barbie doll that she suggested we should dress like one of her dolls. She even taught us how to walk like models because she thought that was pretty. All the customers who walked in the store noticed her, even the store owner couldn't stop laughing at her since she was still a baby girl, but she talked and acted like a grown-up. That was probably the best part of the shopping trip that I will never forget. 高分申论范文(篇五)从小到大,我的父母、我的老师和这个社会都在要求我做一个有责任心的人。但小时候的我也仅仅是把这些叮嘱当成了耳边风,我扁小的耳廓自然是装不下的。虽然这道理未留在我心里,但在长期耳濡目染下,却把这道理变成了一种潜意识。 在座的各位应该不少也有这样的一种意识,而我,很荣幸在这里把我对责任的认识分享出来。 在我上初中之前,我是抱着一种玩乐度日的心态过着每一天的,上课开小差、迟交作业、逃补习班这类事情早已不在话下。 但我却意外的能保持在高分不下。后来到了初中,接连失利,我的成绩一落千丈。直到初二,我才惊醒:我对我的成绩从来没有负起过责任。就算是偶尔高分时期也保持着玩乐的心态,我从来没有给我的成绩一个信誓旦旦的保证。看着昔日的同学还在犹如野草般迅猛的成长,我明白了“责任”这个词不属于我的能力,而是属于我的努力! “天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤”。能够担起责任的人自古以来都会成就一番大事业!乞丐的责任在于活命,而富人的责任在于经营;苏轼的责任在于反对变法、国家安定,孔子的责任在于大仁天下、盛世太平;xxx的责任在于反对民族隔离、保卫黑人人权,而xxx的责任在于带领革命先行、推翻封建统治。总结下来,责任不是实质性的,而是理想性的。 “天下兴亡,皮夫有责。”我的父亲曾是一名连长,泛黄的旧照片上还留有他明朗的笑容,相框中的父亲蹲在训练梯前,背因为蹲下而微微的弓着,但依旧能看出身姿修长挺拔。照片上的脸,因为头顶烈日而皱着,鲜明的明暗对比让年轻的父亲越发耀眼。但是当我看到这张脸时,已经被泛黄的锈迹遮盖掉了大半,就像现在的父亲,他已如日落天,垂垂暮老了。佝偻的脊背又担起了我们家的责任,因为长期做家务,所以双手布满褶皱,眼睛逐渐浑浊,脸上也染上了岁月的风霜。 我的父亲年轻时肩负着国家交予他的担当。年老时有背上了家庭给予他的担当,也因此,他有独特的人格魅力。而我也在慢慢地被他影响,不会因为没有任务而去懈怠,不会因为没有能力而去玩乐。 当一个人降临于世,上天就已经将责任作为一把梯子架在他的肩上。有的人能脚踏实地地扛着梯子往前走,有的人却在起点就扔掉了梯子。最终扛着梯子的人可以翻过阻碍他们的高墙。而选择逃匿的人只能止步不前。 在茫茫人海中,我愿用我所有的责任来铸造一叶伴我一生的扁舟,任凭风吹浪打,载我前行! 高分申论范文(篇六)公务员热潮 In recent years, there are more and more people who have participated in the test for national civil servants. Millions of students choose civil servant as their most ideal occupation after graduation. And among them, the high-educated, like masters and doctors, take quite a large percentage. The craze in civil servant test has attracted widespread attention. The following reasons can account for this kind of craze. Above all, nowadays college students facegreat employment pressure. Civil servant, as one of the most stable professions in today’s China,becomes their preferable choice. Moreover, in recent years, the welfare and salary of civil servants have been improved greatly, which undoubtedly attracts many people. Besides, the high social position of civil servants is an important factor drawing many people to take part in the civil servant test. In my opinion, this craze in civil servant test will continue in the following years. However, from the long run, it doesn’t do good to the development of the nation. If most high quality talents gather in the government departments, it might lead to a waste of resources. Therefore, both the individuals and the government should have a more objective recognition of the civil servant test craze. 高分申论范文(篇七)考试可以说是学生们最头痛的一件事了,无论是小学生还是中学生,考试成绩都与他们在家中的待遇有着密不可分的关系。如果你考“砸”了,那就说明你即将荣获“爸妈唠叨奖”和“口水连篇奖。”如果你考好了,爸爸妈妈的态度就会来个360度的大转弯,你将成为爸妈的小天使,他们会满足你的一切需求。就拿这次“哭天喊地”的半期考试来说吧! 考试前,我胸有成竹地背遍了课文要背的部分及数学公式,又默写了各个单元的日积月累,并听写了生字词……总之,我把自己所能想到的考试内容,都复习了一遍,之后,我便满怀信心走进考场。 走进考场,坐在座位上,同学们有的在看书、有的在画画、有的在大声朗读课文、有的……考试开始了,我从容不迫的写着答案,考场上安静极了,只有笔尖触及试卷发出“沙沙”的响声。 交卷铃声响了,我胸有成竹地将试卷交上讲台。心里得意洋洋的想:这次考试真简单,一定能拿个高分……就在这时,我无意中看见了老师写的标准答案,经过几个同学的七嘴八舌的讨论,我们都在老师的试卷上发现了自己的错题。 顿时,我的心情就像十五只吊桶——七上八下、热锅上的蚂蚁——团团转,和刚才的心情比起来就犹如晴天霹雳!因为我知道,我要考高分的梦想可能要破灭了。 第二天,试卷发下来了,虽然分数不算差,但是离我的理想分数还是有点差距的。没关系,我还有机会突破这个分数。 这次考试让我知道了学习上的不足,让我认识到了虚心的重要性。唉!考试让我们班的同学几家欢喜几家忧啊! 考试是老师的法宝,是家长衡量孩子是否优秀的一把尺子,唉!考试让孩子们提心吊胆,喜忧参半啊! 高分申论范文(篇八)You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment, others think it has other functions. Discuss and say what the other functions are? You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment. While we admit that preparation for employment is an important function of education, it is not the only one. We should see this issue with an all-sided view. In the perspective of society, education is for improvement. Students make use of what they have learned to create new theories and tools. This is the way in which our human society develops. And also, through education, government can teach people how to be appropriate citizens, thus in this way, people’s moralities and behaviors are constrained in a value system and the social stability can be maintained. In the perspective of individuals, education can enrich personal lives. Through education, we can explore different cultures and customs. Thus in this way education can open our eyes and broaden our mind. And education can also meet interests of each student. While of course, all the functions mentioned above have one common prerequisite: one can make a living in the first place. For this society is practical, many university students have studied for four years, but their ability to deal with practical things is too low to be acceptable. So education should provide the basic general knowledge to university students, so that they can be get employed and make a living. And if a nation wants to develop and to compete with other nations, it needs skilled workers to support economic development and to maintain the people creative, which can only be achieved through education. So it has some sense to realize that students’ preparation for employment is the function of education, but it has far more function which should not be neglected. (280 words) 雅思写作高分范文:examination You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some people say they do a good job in the evaluation of the students’ performance. What is your opinion? You should write at least 250 words You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. From elementary schools to universities, students have to take many examinations. They even regard examinations as an indispensable part of their life. In most schools and colleges, examinations are used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in a subject. However, although they do the job efficiently, their side effects are also enormous. Examinations are unable to evaluate one’s true ability. They can only test memory or the skill of working rapidly under pressure. Sometimes the future of a candidate may be decided in a single examination. How can one do his best when he is under the extreme pressure? In other words, it does not mean that all of those who get high scores on examinations possess creativity in dealing with various problems. There are many stories that examinations failures turn out to be great scientists or successful entrepreneurs. Another effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. Students tend to lay emphasis on the content which will be tested. They are encouraged to memorize rather than to think. Moreover, examinations induce cramming during the exam week. However after the examination, most children forget nearly all the information and facts they stuff into their heads. Examinations lower the standards of teaching as well. They deprive teachers of all freedom. Since teachers themselves are often judged by examination results, they have to train students in exam techniques instead of teaching their subjects. Furthermore, students are required to learn only what teachers tell them. In conclusion, even though examinations have been used in the past, they should no longer be used as the only means of evaluation. They cannot assess a student’s performance in learning and they also have negative impacts on both students and teachers. (290 words) 高分申论范文(篇九)母爱就像一阵凉爽的风,在炎热的夏天,向我吹来;母爱就像一把大伞,在下大雨时,为我遮风挡雨;母爱就像沙漠中的生命之泉,在我饥渴时,滋润我的生命。 五岁那时,有一次,我下楼时,脚下一滑,跳下了楼梯,头渗出了血,也不能走路了,母亲见了,想也没想,背着我就往医院跑。当我再一次睁开眼睛时,只见母亲两眼发红,我惊呆了,母亲哭了,这是她第一次哭,不为了别的,只是为了我。 还有一次,我在英语班上没考好,我忧心忡忡地回了家,怕母亲批评我。但是出乎意料的是母亲没有批评我,而是鼓励找下次继续努力,争取考一个高分。在母亲的不断鼓励下,果然,我考了高分。于是我兴高采烈地跑回了穿,拿着试给母亲看时,母亲又说:“这次考得不错,说明你认真了,但是不要骄傲,继续努力!”所以我的英语成绩一直在提高。 有一次,我和母亲吵架了,吵完过后,母亲显得很是沮丧。而我的心里也很不舒服。但是后来母亲虽然主动向我道歉了,问我原谅不原谅她,我想也没有想:“原谅。” 期中考试过去了,我的心依然在悬着,终于,试卷发了下来。我的语文居然是九十七点五分,全班第三名。回家后,我又拿给了母亲看,母亲自豪地说:“我看见了。下次继续努力,争取更高!” 母爱是人间最美好的东西,不要等到失去了才懂得珍惜。 高分申论范文(篇十)考研英语80分很简单 考研的过程很漫长很艰难,但是我们都要相信,有付出才会有回报。让我们用努力用实力证明,考研这件事我们可以做到最好!本人有幸取得考研英语89分的成绩,这里为准备考研的学弟学妹介绍下我的经验,在我看来英语的复习重在单词。有计划有目标的每天执行背单词,贵在坚持,要形成一种习惯一直坚持到考前,这样坚持下去一定会看到收获。我几乎每天都要花两个小时的时间用来朗读词汇,语法,经典句型,优美段落,所以写起作文来能得心应手,引经据典,老师的打分必然会很高呀。阅读是考研英语中至关重要的一项,而单词量正是奠定阅读高分的基石。我几乎每天都要花两个小时的时间用来朗读词汇,语法,经典句型,优美段落,所以写起作文来能得心应手,引经据典,老师的打分必然会很高呀。背单词是因人而异的工作,只要找到符合自己的方式,我们就会更加游刃有余地掌握单词。考研水一舟老师教给大家巧记单词的方法很有趣,感兴趣或是喜欢这类小窍门的同学不妨一试。 另外写作也是得分的重点,丁雪明老师确实帮助大家提点许多,写作常用的高分亮点单词以及写作模版,都值得花时间和气力仔细琢磨。丁老师非常风趣幽默,总是鼓励大家给大家信心,这对考研学子特别是处在考研后半段的时候,起了重要的作用。当然,我们都知道学英语最重要的是靠自身的不断积累,所以付出汗水与努力,才能真正将这些方法、参考书的`作用升华。在备战考研的过程中,一定要充分扩大自己的词汇量,反复地记忆。另一方面,考研毕竟是应试考试,所以平时大量的真题,模拟题练习是少不了的。适当的练习不仅可以反馈我们的学习成果,又可以帮助我们掌握一些新的知识点,更让我们能够宏观调控自己的学习方法和学习过程。总之,对于考研英语,记忆+练习+反思=高分。大家尤其记住英语真题的练习,按照年份重复重复在重复的做,什么时候能做到随便说个单词就知道什么语句,那恭贺你80分将离你不在远。 其实考研的过程中,我们学到了很多,不仅是知识上的收获,还包括了心里的承受力以及一个人耐力的考验。考研是综合实力的较量,是自己与自己的较量。考研是一种选择,我们放弃了不同程度的机会成本,可能是一份高薪工作,可能是读研三年这样同等时间工作的升迁与加薪。但是既然我们已经做出选择,就要按着这样的生命轨迹,努力前进。考研路上很艰苦,不是指学习上、脑力上的辛苦,这一路上你会感受到别人找工作你在考验,别人签了三方协议你还在考研,这些心理压力是巨大的,所以适时调整心态最重要。 最后,祝福的学弟学妹们,考研顺利,金榜题名。 高分申论范文(篇十一)前面四段式的写作框架里,最主要的也就是主体段的写作。主题段写作方法一般分三种: 总分;并列;递进 如果平时做阅读题时注意观察,你就会发现阅读理解文章多数结构就是以上三种。 并列结构是所有考生中用的最多的一种,首段给出观点但不会给出论点,之后二三段分别给出论点,通过平行关系的两个论点同时来支撑文章首段中自己的观点。 但是首段无明确论点,要得高分就必须观点新颖,能够站得住脚。若观点与其他人观点差不多,用词也一般就会出现压分现象。毕竟考官批改作文数量大,需要一开始就很快能够找到你的观点及论点。 如果做不到观点新颖,那么改变文章结构,使用总分和递进的方式,也是巧拿高分的技巧之一。 举个例子 上面这个案例中,首段内给出观点“I completely agree with this”,又紧接着给到两个论点:Internet和globalization,之后的二三段只需要根据两个论点给出支撑论据,这便是一篇总分结构的高分写作。 高分申论范文(篇十二)上题: Some people believe that university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future. Others think they should focus on academic study only. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. -- 题目分析 -- 题目分析: Type: Discuss & Opinion (Agree with both 'in equal measure') Body 1: Work focus Body 2: Academic focus - Model Answer 高分范文 & 范文朗读 - -- Essay Analysis 范文解析 -- -- (1) Introduction -- Paraphrasing from the Statement/Question: Some people believe that = There are those that think university education = universities focus on = concentrateon the skills of employment for the future = preparing students for the labor market they = these institutions only = exclusively universities = post-secondary academic institutes Standard Phrase for the “Discuss and Opinion” type of essay: There are those that think ; whereas, others feel In my opinion, I believe In equal measure 同等的;同样的 Words showing Cohesion (C&C): ; whereas -- (2) Body 1 -- Aspects that must be referred to: university education should focus on the skills of employment for the future Standard IELTS essay phrase: One of the primary purposes of ... is to This means 高分申论范文(篇十三)Panda is familiar by more and more people as the development of Internet. Now people can see the live show from the Internet. These lovely angels are favored by the fans from all over the world. What they do in the daily life makes people laugh out loudly. No one can resist the charm from these angels. But it is known to all that panda is dying out, because it is not easy for them to get birth to the new babies. What’s more, people damage the environment, which makes panda lose their home. We can do small things to protect them. When we go to the zoo, we should not throw away the rubbish and keep quiet, in the purpose of not to disturb these lovely creature. We love panda, it is our duty to protect them from dying out. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。