初中说明文范文(篇一)As the pace of modern life continues to quicken, many people are in the habit of rushing through life. Some admit that stress seems to be on the increase all the time. A certain degree of stress is beneficial to us, but too much stress is certainly harmful, and sometimes may even harmful to our health and physique. So it is necessary to know how to reduce stress. There are many ways that can help us solve this problem, but the following may be the most effective. First, learn to come to terms with yourselves. Don't set a goal that is too high because there are many things in this world that are beyond your reach. Learn to be content to go as far as you can. Second, learn to come to terms with the world around you. Don't try to change other people or other things. There are people and things in this world that you can do nothing about. So learn to accept them. Third, don't be too interested in material things and don't try to "keep up with the Joneses." Don't harbor any jealousy, vanity or resentment to others. Be satisfied with what you have. Finally, keep in touch with your friends. Talk with them, share with them your happiness and misery. This will help to make you feel better. 初中说明文范文(篇二)Write an expository essay on the problems man will be faced with in the new century. In the new century, human beings will be filled with hope and live more advanced life. What used to be depicted in science fictions can be the reality of the near future. However, man will also have to confront with some problems that will curtail(剥夺)human beings of their existence. First of all, pollution of all forms such as land pollution, noise pollution, air pollution and water pollution are worsening with each passing day. People complain all over the world that it is becoming harder to breathe and water is turning undrinkable. Also forests are being felled at a very fast rate. The pollutions are getting so terrible that in some countries we can’t find clean and clear rivers and white clouds in the sky! When the children draw a picture of their surroundings, they paint the green trees in gray, the red sun in gray, everything in gray, and they can’t find a pure environment except in the books. Additionally, the explosion of population in some parts of the world is manifesting its terrible results. Human beings wil1 have outgrown the earth’s resources, and people will run a high risk of starvation and diseases resulting from overcrowding. In due course, man would be forced out of the earth if the present trend were not reversed. What is more, in the past century we had many disastrous wars. But there is still potential that the atomic bomb will be used by some politicians in order to keep regional hegemony. If it should happen, the exp1osion could easily lead to the destruction of civilization. More seriously, the depersonalization of human relationships and the weakening of spiritual values are aggravating due to the stress caused by the busy schedules and the extreme pursuit of money. This will further contribute to man’s isolation and loneliness. Apparently, with all these problems facing human beings, it seems to be overwhelmingly urgent to conquer them one by one because we have only one earth and it is our home. In the new century, we must try our best to heal the world and make it a better place for you, for me and for the children who will come to this world. (举例法说明文) 初中说明文范文(篇三)说明文是一种以说明为主要表达方式的文章体裁。对客观事物做出说明或对抽象事理的阐释,使人们对事物的形态、构造、性质、种类、成因、功能、关系或对事理的概念、特点、来源、演变、异同等能有科学的认识,说明文的中心鲜明突出,文章具有科学性,条理性,严谨性,语言确切生动。它通过揭示概念来说明事物特征、本质及其规律性。说明文一般介绍事物的形状、构造、类别、关系、功能,解释事物的原理、含义、特点、演变等。说明文实用性很强,它包括广告、说明书、提要、提示、规则、章程、解说词等。说明文有的是以时间为序,有的是以空间为序;有的由现象写到本质,有的由主写到次;有的按工艺流程顺序来说明,有的按事物的性质、功用、原理等顺序来说明。 初中说明文范文(篇四)Showing respect to parents is one of the Chinese traditional moral most of the students today are “the only child” in their family, they often regard themselves as the“centre”of the family, without caring much about their parents. Our school started a programme when the new year is “Respecting parents programme”. Ten“Do's”have been worked out for the students to follow clearly and easily, including: “Remember your parents'birthdays and express your best wishes to them; say”hello“to your parents when you see them returning home; and tell your parents where you go when you leave home.” The programme has been successful, and has won praises from parents and other sides of the society. People say this is what we should have done earlier! 初中说明文范文(篇五)The computer is regarded as one of the most important inventions of this century. With the rapid development of science and technology, it has brought a lot of changes to the world. More and more people have their own personal computers. It can not only calculate at a high speed, but also get information from the outside world. Computers play a very important role in our daily life. They can do a lot of things online, and you can find the answer to your questions You can shop online without going out. Computers provide us with a lot of convenience. There is no doubt that some people worry that one day computers will replace human beings, and most people will lose their jobs. But in my opinion, computers can't replace us. Even if computers can take on some difficult jobs that we can't do, they are just machines that work for us, never Will replace humans. 中文翻译: 初中说明文范文(篇六)“格力变频空调,一晚只需一度电哦!”你知道这是什么吗?它就是格力空调q迪牌。 格力空调是人们制冷的常用空调之一。它外形各异,颜色鲜明,功能丰富。虽然经常吹空调对身体不好,但空调可以调节室内温度还有吸湿的功能。空调品牌有几百几千种,颜色却多这白黄色。在使用空调时,要的有很多方面:例如切勿在使用时拔掉插头;切勿乱剪、乱碰插头;切勿用水接触电源等……空调制冷功率多为724w(100w-115w),920w(100w-1430w),1010w(100w-1630w)。制冷功率为1100w(180w-1430w),1350w(190w-1630w),1450w(200w-1680w)。 空调是个好东西,能除湿,能送风。安是一个好帮手,使我们的冬暖夏凉,还有担当除湿和送风的重任,虽然如此,却不能多吹,这样会生病哦! 篇二:介绍小电风扇的作文 我在玩耍中,无意间发现了一只台式电风扇:它虽然上面沾满灰尘,但我还是能清晰地看出那黄黄的铜锈,他圆圆的外壳,下面的操控台特别大,我按了一下,感觉很吃力。我就下去问爷爷:“爷爷,三楼上这么老旧的电风扇为什么还要藏着呀?”“这你就不知道了吧,它可是我们家的第一台电风扇。 爷爷把它的来历告诉了我:那时候,一到了夏天就酷暑难耐因为那时候根本没有电风扇,人们也一直躲在家里,只有到了傍晚起风的时候,他们才会搬出椅子靠在上面,摇着大扇子,在下。有些人甚至还会把床都给搬出来,装上帐子,干脆晚上就睡在那儿了,既凉爽又不会被蚊子咬,但是这太麻烦了,要把它搬来搬去。 “唉,那爷爷电风扇是怎么回事呀?” “不要急马上就会讲到了。有一个几十年过去了,你爸爸出生了,他们这时的条件要比我们好些,你爸爸他们都很怕热,玩过之后就一直喊热,好些时间也静不下来。我就想到了电风扇,在凌晨两三点就去排队坐船到上海去买。小轮船的速度很慢,在家等待的,你爸爸他们都快急死了,他们很想知道有电风扇扇的滋味是怎样的,也想知道这个能让他们凉爽的家伙长什么样。三天后我就把电风扇带回家了,组装起来后,插上电源。清凉的风“呼呼”的吹了出来,他们三兄弟就一直挤在电风扇前谁也不肯让谁。这只台式电风扇让他们告别了烦热的天气,所以他们都很珍惜,从不去乱搞。 “噢,原来它的来历这么特殊呀!怪不得一直珍藏着。不过我们这一代条件又比爸爸的好了。我们现在既不用吃力的摇扇子,也不用扇电风扇闷热的风了,只要开空调就行了。” 60年里,我们从吃力的摇扇子到最后的空调,生活质量改变真是太大了,不过那只台式电风扇是最先改变我们生活的,所以我一定要珍惜它。 篇三:观察莲藕作文 今天,妈妈给我买了一些莲藕,我看了看,莲藕像刚生下的小宝宝的手臂,胖嘟嘟的,一节一节的。 它老的一头很粗,嫩的一头很细,顶端尖尖的,像小笋芽。莲藕穿着灰色的衣服,用手弹一弹,能发出响声,能感觉到里面是空的。 我帮妈妈洗莲藕,洗呀洗,洗呀洗,不知怎么了,莲藕一下了断了,呀!莲藕那么脆!我看到莲藕的里面有很多光滑的小孔隙,这是谁钻出来的呢? 妈妈把莲藕切成圆片,一个个小圆圈围成一周,像要做游戏一样,排列的太整齐了,真好看哪!等妈妈把莲藕煮熟了,我捏起一片,还有丝线拉着呢,妈妈说这是藕断丝连。我尝了一口,哇!莲藕那么脆!还有点甜!爸爸说,莲藕的药用价值非常高,它的全身都是宝,都可做药材,以前莲藕可都是皇上吃的呢! 妈妈用藕给我做了几道小菜,我大口大口地吃了起来,真好吃啊! 我喜欢莲藕! 篇四:我家的冰箱作文 民以食为天,可是剩下来的饭菜怎么办?扔掉?不行,太浪费了,留下?不行,放久了会坏掉。人们制造出冰箱,把饭菜放入冰箱内,几天后,还可以食用。冰箱是家家户户的必备电器之一,我家也有一台海尔牌电冰箱。 我家的冰箱是不仅穿银色外衣,而且高大梃拨,代表着我们全家永远健康,它分为两层,上层是冰藏室,下层是泠冻室。冷藏室上面有一个显示屏,上面显示着泠藏室和泠冻室的温庋。 冷藏室有四层隔板,两个保箱盒,隔板上一般放用盘子,琬装的饭菜,而保箱盒,是装鸡蛋的。拉开门,你会发现我拉门上也有存放物品的地方,其中有1个保箱盒,6个像盒子一样的东西。这些地方存放罐头及用袋子包装的食品,只要你一打开门,这盏灯就会亮,你关上门,它又暗下去了,非常方便看完了冷藏室,再来看看冷冻室,冷冻室有三个保箱盒。最上面的那一层的温度是零下19庋,用来存放冷冻的食物,二,三层是零下17庋,用来存放冰棍和食物 冰箱有那么多存放物品的地方,可它怎么使用呢?把剩下的饭菜先用保鲜膜包好,把饭菜放入冷藏室。把需要冷冻的食物(袋装)放入冷冻室的第一层,冰棍放入第二层,或第三层,一切就OK了。 冰箱,健康生活的必须品。 篇六:传统文化剪纸作文 中国的传统文化有很多,如皮影戏、春联、剪纸……今天我要向大家介绍中国的传统文化之一 ——剪纸 。 剪纸是中国最流行的民间艺术之一,起源于汉至南北朝时期,真正繁盛却是在清朝中期以后。古老的剪纸多在乡间,以剪纸铰出为主,趣味浑朴天然,却是出自农家妇女之手。在过去,剪纸也是每个女孩子必须掌握的手工艺术。人们也经常用纸剪成形态各异的物像和人像,用于葬礼上燃烧,也被用作祭祀祖先和神仙所用供品的装饰物。随着时代进步,人们生活的改变和审美观的转变,人们将自己的情趣和生活理想也参入到剪纸艺术中,剪纸更多地用于装饰,可用于点缀墙壁、门窗、房柱、灯、灯笼等等,也可以作为礼品点缀之用。剪纸也是具有独特风格的民间艺术。最为常见的是在北方农村过春节时,家家户户会把剪纸贴在窗上,所以也叫做“窗花”。 传统的窗花所表现的内容主要有:戏曲人物、翎花花卉、草虫鱼兽,以及一些吉祥谐音的物像,洋溢着欢快、健康和热爱生活的情感,深为群众所喜闻乐见。 剪纸不仅深受人们喜爱,也让我很感兴趣,有时间我一定要学一学。 说明文的作文700字精选1常言道滴水能把事穿透这句话我们每个人都听说过,它是要告诉我们:不管做任何事都要有恒心,有毅力,不要轻言放弃。虽然说努力和坚持并不一定就会取得胜利,但放弃便一定会失败。... 1.路旁的小树路旁的那棵小树,虽弱小但坚韧,它屹立在小路旁,任狂风暴雨洗刷着它的身躯,它却没有半句怨言当它是一粒小小的种子时,被埋在肥沃的土壤里,所有的人都忽略了它的存在,但它依然活了下来。... 说明文一般介绍事物的形状、构造、类别、关系、功能,解释事物的原理、含义、特点、演变等本文为大家整理了初中说明文作文范文,仅供参考!篇1:初中说明文作文范文蜜蜂,是大家再熟悉不过的一种小昆虫。... 初中说明文一:学校的食堂学校的食堂是大家最熟悉的地方。每当下课的铃声一敲起,学生们都会到食堂用餐。所谓:麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。虽然食堂的规模不大,但设备齐全。食堂售卖的食品更是多样化。学校里有很多长桌子和长凳。... 以具体事物为对象的说明文 ,写作内容稳定、直观 ,可以带领学生反复观察、揣摩 ,进而研究、整理成文 ,适合绝大部分中学生的心理及智力发展水平。... 我心中的那一道阳光_初中生说明文600字篇一严冬的风雪交加后,像一双手抚摸并温暖着花儿的,是阳光。那一刻—是感动;暴风雨的雷鸣闪电后,像一支利箭冲破并取手阴霾的,是阳光。... 美丽的褒河_初三说明文500字褒河位于勉县与汉中的交界处,那里风景优美、景色宜人,是夏季休闲避暑的好地方。来到褒河,从南门进入,首先映入眼帘的是一排整齐的红色仿古房子,稍一抬头就看见前面有三个高大的石头巨人,大约有十五米高,... 初中说明文范文(篇七)It goes without saying that english plays an important role in our modern society. english is an international language. wherever you go, you can hear english spoken by many people. From this point of view, it is true that english is important to our daily life. learning english is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. our primary trouble is that we have tackled the study of language from the wrong end. we are like theman who thinks he can learn to swim only by reading books about swimming. in actuality, we learn by doing. the grammatical rules are valuable as we plunge into the language and need some assistance. in the same way, advanced instructions about swimming are helpful as we learn something from actual experience in the water. but reading books never makes a swimmer and learning rules never makes a practical linguist. the regular procedure in learning english involves listening first, to be followed by speaking. then comes reading, and finally the writing of the language. the way you learn english is much the same as the way you learned your own language. First of all you must listen and then repeat and repeat until you can use the language easily. in other words, you have to build up language habits in english just as you build up english habits in your own language. to sum up, we must bear in mind that nobody can learn to swim for you. nobody can learn to play ball for you. nobody can learn english for you. it's up to you. you must learn for yourself and you will learn if you really want to and are willing to practice. 初中说明文范文(篇八)Nowadays, computer has been part of our life, we use computer to study, towork and to communicate with our friends. As people count on the network so muchand they are free of everything, so they just do whatever they want. Networkprovides people the new stage to show violence, they are rude and give the badcomment to other people. We call it language violence. Especially for thecelebrities, they have been attacked by the rude words all the time. A famousfemale star from Korea committed suicide because of the network violence. Thegovernment took some actions to supervise the network and the users must beregistered with their real names. It worked and language violence has beencontrolled in some way. We need to behave ourselves even without the supervisionof law. 初中说明文范文(篇九)剪纸是我国民间的一种传统的装饰艺术。和刺绣一样,它是智慧和技巧的结晶,又蕴涵着生活的美。其实,剪纸也并非一桩难事,只要经常动手,坚持下来,就会功到自然成。那么究竟该怎样剪纸呢? 剪纸,选用工具是第一步。第二步是根据造型先进行纸张的折盈。例如,剪四方形的,对折再对折;五方形的,对折后,再按1:3的比例折成‘’V”形。折一定要折得整齐、严实,并要压平。初学者可先将花纹用淡笔画上。第三步,根据画出的笔印剪。花样应多采用曲条纹,因为曲条纹往往耐看,富有流动感。在剪的过程中,手对纸的转动要和剪的方向配合好,胆大而心细,这样剪出的纹路才清晰连贯。最后,除去多余的部分,再剪出一个外框。这时,一件小小的作品即告完成。 剪出的作品可以收藏在书中或空白笔记本中,夹在两页之间,上面再攫上一层半透明的纸,保持整洁。待心静时翻阅欣赏,嘿,那才是其乐无穷呢! 学习剪纸,可以培养自己多方面的品性:精细、专注、耐心、灵活等。在不断实践中,你会感受到剪纸艺术乐趣无穷。 初中说明文范文(篇十)According to one of my teachers who graduated from university in 1983, his college expenses were only about 20 yuans per month, covering everything, such as food, and daily necessities. About twenty years later, the expenses of college students are dizzily/staggeringly high and growing more so every year. The basic average cost per student at public universities is now estimated at 15,000 yuans or more, including all the expenses for food, tuition, accommodations, bills for communications and fare for transportation, and other fees. The public universities having the benefits of receiving government investment in higher education are charging students high, to say nothing of the private universities which run on their own capacity. Take myself as an example. At the beginning of this term, I was charged more than 6,500 yuans for the tuition of the academic year, plus 300 yuans per month for my dormitory accommodation, 500 yuans for the expenses on food, clothes and trivial items, 50 yuans for my mobile phone, etc. Every year, the expenditure totals as much as 20,000 yuans, which has eaten into almost half of my parents’ annual incomes. Because going to college is so expensive today, many students have to drop out and go to work early, while others take part-time jobs to earn some money in order to lighten their parents’ financial burden. I am really keen on the experience in attending the universities and I have acquired a lot of knowledge since I came to this university. I am grateful to my parents who work hard and live thriftily to support me. Because of this, I am not only very careful in spending money, but also studying hard to live up to my parents’ expectation. Someday, I can say to them that every penny they have spent on my study is worthwhile and will be paid off. (举例法说明文) 初中说明文范文(篇十一)Mr David came to China, for the second time, this spring. During his stay in China, he visited several cities. In Beijing he visited the Great Well, and the next day he left for Nanjing by train, where he visited the Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge. After that he travelled to Hangzhou by air and went sight-seeing on the West Lake. Then he got to Guangzhou by train and gave a report on American English. Later he went to Shanghai by sea, and bought over ten books in Chinese. After two weeks, Mr David returned to Beijing by plane. 初中说明文范文(篇十二)With the harsh competition in today's society, more and more peoplecomplain about their stress in their daily life. Stress mainly comes from ourwork, study and families. When we feel stressed, we often have bad moods on theday and can't sleep well at night. That's too bad for our health. To help easestress, some good ways are suggested. Firstly, we can chat with our parents andfriends. Maybe they can give us some good advice. Secondly, we ought to do someexercise, which can help us have a nice sleep at night. Moreover, we aresupposed to balance our life with more outdoor activities, so as to make ourlife more colorful and vivid. 初中说明文范文(篇十三)What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more greenfoods, no junk foods. The green food is those pollution-free, high quality andnutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and soon. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And thejunk food is those low nutrition, high calorie, processed food with much salt oroil, such as the fries, fried chickens, salted eggs and so on. These foods willcause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases. We should keep ahealthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy. 初中说明文范文(篇十四)Huge population is one of the main problems in China. Since the 1970’s the Chinese government adopted a policy of family planning---- single-child policy---- as a basic state policy to solve this problem. Until now, this birth control policy is still implanted in our country and both positive and negative effects have been harvested. With the adoption of the family planning policy, the rate of population growth has been successfully controlled. This has already brought about some satisfactory results in China. For one thing, people’s living standard has been greatly improved with our country becoming more and more prosperous, and our national economy developed steadily. Furthermore, with decreasing population, the problem of shortage of water in parts of China is solved gradually. In addition, with the low rate of birth, it goes with less energy consumption, which will benefit the overall development of our economy. Moreover, this policy has greatly reduced the financial burdens of the parents who have otherwise had more children, enabling them to focus their resources on the single child’s well-being and education. However, the implementing of this policy also brings about some problems. First of all, as there is only one child in a family, the child becomes “little emperor” or “little empress” of the family, surrounded by parents and grandparents. The spoiled child can get whatever he likes and discards whatever he dislikes. This phenomenon is more popular in large cities will do great harm to the children themselves. They don’t cherish what they have got because they can easily get whatever they would like to. Worse still, in the future when they grow up, they might feel very difficult to adjust to the society or cope with the adversity. Some people also show great concern that when the single children get married, the couple have to take care of 4 old people. While admitting that single-child policy does bring some negative effects on the single child, we must take it for granted that it has benefited and will continue to benefit the country. Therefore, we should carry it one and at the same time adopt some measures to avoid the adverse consequences the policy may produce. (因果法说明文) 初中说明文范文(篇十五)传说水仙花是“凌波仙子”的化身,其实它是多年生草本植物,属于石蒜科,盛产于我国福建省的漳州地区,至今已有500多年历史了,是中国传统十大名花之一。水化花喜欢生活在潮湿的地方,多长在水中。如果它生活的地方温度较高,就会吸收大量养料长出很多叶子,而开的花就少了。人们都希望水仙多开花,少长叶,花期长,那应该怎么办呢? 雕刻好的水仙头要放在水里浸泡一天左右。浸泡出根茎中的粘液后,用清水冲洗干净,再把刀削的伤口用干净的白色餐向纸(便于以后拿掉)轻轻地缠绕上,以利吸收水分,促进根的生长。洗净、包好的水仙头一般都摆放在紫砂水仙盆中。在盆底部码上干净漂亮的小石子,用来稳住水仙头,再注入清水后,我们的工作就基本完成了。 最好的办法就是雕刻水仙。 拿到一个3年生水仙头后,应该先判断正反面。水仙头露出的芽弯曲的一面是正面。雕刻水仙花头正面的方法是:首先把水仙花外面的鳞片和干枯的根削掉,其次把水仙花头靠根部的1/3留下不动,一层一层地削掉上面2/3部分的鳞片,直到露出花芽为止,再在每片叶梢的边缘削一下,以后花芽就会弯曲生长、能形成漂亮的造型。雕刻时请注意不要把花苞削破,以免影响花蕾的生长。 水仙花盆要放在阳光照射比较少的室内,室温控制在8-10C左右,坚持每天换水。经过5-6天,水仙花的苞蕾就会一个一个地长出来,叶子会呈现弯弯的形状。这时,它生长很快,应该适时调整温度,使它在将近春节时开出花来。如果温度、湿度控制得好,花期一般在半个月左右。如果雕刻技艺精湛,便创作出一盆盆活灵活现的“天女散花”、“花篮迎宾”、“孔雀开屏”、“天鹅展翅”等盆景,使清香飘逸的水仙花更加多姿多彩,使人得到一种艺术享受。 新春佳节来临,优雅的水仙花伫立于一泓清水之上,亭亭玉立,竞相开放,散发出淡淡清香,定会给您的新春佳节增添无限的情趣,给您的居室带来春天的气息。 电是国家的商品是我们生活中必不可少的能源,没有电,我们将无法生存,它的用途非常广泛,如工厂,学校,医院,餐饮,家居电给我们的生活的方方面面带来了很多好处,但是如果不正确使用电会给我们带来灾难和不变,我从手机上看到一个新闻... 清晨,我习惯性的拉开窗帘,一股寒气迎面而来,马路上的树从头到尾的变白了;田埂,草茎,屋脊都铺上了白霜。我傻乎乎的跑到妈妈房间里兴奋地说:妈妈,下雪了!妈妈连忙爬起来,向窗外张望,我在那自豪地站着,想妈妈会有什么样的表情呢?可... 关于猪的说明文篇一猪,古时称之为豸。后来被驯服,成为家养的动物,也是懒惰的动物。饿了就哼哼叫。乞讨食物。活动缓慢。猪的长相还不错。直面我们的是它粉红色的硕大的鼻子。全身雪白。当然不排除还有其他肤色。例如豪猪,野猪之类。... 世界上几乎所有人都怕狼。狼有一张凶恶的脸,身上的毛一般是棕黄或灰黄色,性格残暴、奸恶、凶恶。因此,人们并不喜欢狼。狼的嗅觉非常灵敏,可以闻到3公里内猎物的气味,有的狼甚至还能闻到3公里外猎物的气味,真是令人难以置信!... 乌贼是一种海洋动物,很多人都不了解它。它不但能在水里游,还能在陆地上走呢!偌大的海洋,乌贼想生存,也并不是一件易事。如果乌贼遇到天敌应该怎么办呢?它有一种奇特的功能,就是能喷出一种像墨汁一样的东西,躲过天敌而逃之夭夭。... 白鹭是一种美丽的动物,高贵、典雅,很是讨人喜爱。高高的羽冠以及那长长的胸饰性羽像老人花白的胡子。体长约为六十至七十厘米左右。喙有四到五公分。长长的翅膀超过了尾端三十毫米,飞起来如披了一件梦幻的婚纱,实在是美丽至极。... 现实生活充分表明,说明文不是一种无足轻重的文章形式,而是运用范围极为广泛的常用文体,它与人们的生产、工作和生活的关系相当密切,而且由于社会生活的需要,说明文写作正在大量涌现。... 梧桐鸟我家的梧桐鸟是一只美丽、威猛、警觉、不安分的小鸟。它身长约21厘米,全身毛为灰褐色,而尾部与翅膀尖为黑色。它的嘴巴黄中带点儿绿。头部的形状像鹰一样,眼睛里透着一股警觉与威猛,俨然一位“将军”。... 篇一:我曾经养过一只小狗,它的名字叫彤彤。彤彤长得非常漂亮,谁见了都喜欢。彤彤有一身像白大衣一样皮毛,非常洁白很好看,雪白的小爪儿,像四朵梅花;那条翘着的小尾巴,一刻不停地摇摆着,像钟摆一样;那双水晶似的大眼睛总是充溢好... 疥虫论世有疥虫,然后有疥疮,疥疮常有,而疥结不常有,虽有疥结,只祇辱于未医人之手,团聚于疥结之中。生、不以其道,为、而不能通其意,曰:“天下无善疥”呜呼!奇真无善疥?奇真不知疥也。... 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。