I am the greatest enemy of myself and the cause of my unhappy fate. 2、世界会证明你的付出没有白费,在未来的某一天,它会全部回报给你! The world will prove that your efforts have not been wasted, and it will give you all the rewards in the future. 3、最困难的时候,也就是我们离成功不远的时候。 The most difficult time is that we are not far from success. 4、世上只有两种力量:利剑和思想。从长而论,利剑总是败在思想手下。 There are only two forces in the world: Sword and thought. From a long perspective, a sword is always lost in the mind. On the battlefield of love, the only way to win is to escape. 6、生命的意义,不仅在于不断实现人生的目标,还在于不断提升人生的目标。 The meaning of life lies not only in achieving the goals of life, but also in improving the goals of life. 7、在我看到厄尔巴岛之前,我曾所向无敌。 Before I saw the island of Elba, I was invincible. 8、我承认我个子矮,但你如果以此来嘲笑我,我会砍掉你的脑袋来缩短我们的差距。 I admit I'm short, but if you laugh at me in this way, I'll chop off your head to shorten our gap. 9、德行之力,十倍于身体之力。 Virtue is ten times the strength of the body. 10、最困难之时,就是离成功不远之日。 The most difficult time is not far from success. 11、命运不是丢在地上的废铁,我从泥淖从把它捡起,铸成世界以我为中心的桂冠! Fate is not cast on the ground scrap iron, I picked it up from the mud, cast into the world with me as the center of the laurel! 12、人们常只想到自己的需要,而没考虑自己的能力。 People often think of their needs without considering their abilities. 13、不曾做过一番事业的人,不足以成为一个良好的顾问。 A man who has never done a career is not enough to be a good adviser. 14、永远不要在敌人犯错误的时候打断他们。 Never interrupt when enemies make mistakes. 15、我的儿子不能够替代我,我不能够替代我自己,我是时势的造物主。 My son can't replace me. I can't replace myself. I am the creator of the time. 16、如果你认为我比你矮,我将马上砍掉你的头颅,消除这个差距。 If you think I am shorter than you, I will cut off your head immediately and eliminate this gap. 17、良心是最好的法庭。 Conscience is the best court. 18、请相信我,上天操纵着一切,我们只是它的工具而已。没有人能逃脱自己的命运。 Believe me, God controls everything. We are just tools. No one can escape his own fate. 19、与世无争是理性的范畴,是心灵的真正胜利。 To compete with the world is a category of rationality and a real victory of the soul. 20、最困难之时,就是我们离成功不远之日。 The most difficult time is that we are not far from success. 21、我的愿望不会枯萎,我要靠自己的力量和勇气让世界为之震栗! My wishes will not wither, I will rely on my own strength and courage to shake the world. 22、衡量一支军队的好坏,就看能否打胜仗。 Judging whether an army is good or bad depends on whether it can win the battle. 23、人生的光荣,不在永不失败,而在于能够屡败屡起。 The glory of life lies not in never failing, but in repeated failures. 24、我不能以一个被侮辱者的姿态出现在我的人民面前。我必须仍然是伟大的,光荣的! I can not appear in front of my people as a humiliated person. I must remain great and honorable! 25、要塞就像女人,要么强攻得手,要么就放弃。 A stronghold is like a woman, either to win or to give up. 26、人是无常多变的,好运也是。 People are changeable and lucky is also. 27、想得好是聪明,计划得好更聪明,做得好是最聪明又是最好。 It is wise to think well, plan wiser, and do well, wisest and best. 28、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。 Courage, like love, needs nourishment from hope. 29、凡事必须要有统一和决断,因此,胜利不站在智慧的一方,而站在自信的一方。 Everything must be unified and determined, so victory does not stand on the wise side, but on the self-confident side. 30、天才就像陨石一样,燃烧自己照亮他的时代。 Genius is like a meteorite burning itself to illuminate its times. 31、你们也许会抱怨天下人负我,而我则不归咎旁人! You may complain that all the world is against me, and I will not blame anyone else! 32、除了灵魂,我的一切都交给了上帝。 Everything except my soul was given to God. 33、天才的人物,应当像流星一样,燃烧自己,照亮他所处的年代。 A man of genius should burn himself like a meteor to illuminate his age. The child's future is good or bad, entirely in the mother. 35、天下最悲哀的一句话就是:我当时真应该那么做却没有那么做。 The saddest word in the world is that I should have done that, but I didn't do that. 36、一头雄狮率领着的一群绵羊,会战胜一只绵羊率领的一群狮子。 A group of sheep led by a lion will beat a group of lions led by a sheep. 37、一旦你着手要攻下维也纳,就把她拿下吧。 Once you begin to attack Vienna, take her down. 38、我从不轻意承诺,因为承诺会变成不可自拔的错误。 I never promise lightly, because promises become inextricate errors. 39、善于奉承的人一定也精于诽谤。 A good flatterer must be good at slander. 40、人生最大的荣耀,不是永远不败,而是屡败屡战。 The greatest glory of life is not always undefeated, but repeated defeats. 41、我成功因为有决心实现,并且对此毫不怀疑。 I succeeded because I was determined to achieve it, and I had no doubt about it. 42、绝对不要做你的敌人希望你做的事情,原因很简单,因为敌人希望你这样做。 Never do what your enemies want you to do, simply because they want you to do it. 43、真正的英雄,是能跨越人生不幸的强者。 A true hero is a strong man who can overcome the unfortunate life. 44、一切不道德事情中最不道德的,就是去做不能胜任的事情。 The most immoral thing in all immoral things is to do things that are incompetent. 45、尽管有最意想不到的事件,但是却允许有判断和决定的自由。 Despite the most unexpected events, it allows for freedom of judgement and decision. 46、如果你因为我个子矮而取笑我的话,那么我就砍下你的头,来取消这个差距。 If you make fun of me because I'm short, I'll cut off your head to close the gap. 47、如果你笑我长的比你矮,那我就会把出腰刀,将你的头砍下,已削出这个差别! If you laugh at me for being shorter than you, then I'll take out my waist knife and cut off your head, and that's the difference! 48、世界上只有两种武器,思想和利剑,最终思想战胜利剑。 There are only two weapons in the world, thought and sword. 49、天才是像陨石一样,注定了要燃烧自己来照亮他的时代。 Genius is like a meteorite, destined to burn itself to illuminate his times. 50、如果我不是生为拿破仑,那我就想生为亚历山大。 If I hadn't been born to Napoleon, I would have wanted to be Alexander. 51、勇往直前,有进无退。 Advance bravely, advance and retreat. 52、死亡无所惧,但败而屈辱存活,则每日都是死亡。 Death is nothing to fear, but to live humiliated and humiliated is to die every day. 53、我看见法兰西的皇冠掉在地上,我用刀尖把它挑起来。 I saw that the crown of France fell to the ground, and I picked it up with the tip of the knife. 54、能控制好自己情绪的人,比能拿下一座城池的将军更伟大。 Those who can control their emotions are greater than generals who can take a city. 55、一切都是可以改变的,不可能只有庸人的词典里才有。 Everything can be changed. It can't be in the dictionary of a mediocre person. 56、除非是报告非常好的消息,否则,就不要来吵醒我。 Don't wake me up unless it's very good news. 57、不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。 Soldiers who do not want to be general are not good soldiers. 58、我成功,因为我志在要成功,未尝踌躇。 I succeeded because I was determined to succeed and never hesitated. 59、我的铁手不是长在我的胳膊上的,而是直接与我的头脑相连的。 My iron hand is not on my arm, but directly connected to my brain. 60、承受痛苦,比死亡更需要勇气。 It takes more courage to endure pain than death. 61、直到用最后一个资本家的肠子勒死最后一个官僚之前,人都是不自由的。 Until the last capitalist's death was strangled by the last capitalist, nobody was free. 62、没有机会,能力将毫无用处。 Without opportunity, ability will be useless. 63、真诚的人,不会恨人。 A sincere person does not hate anyone. 64、勇敢是一种基于自尊的意识而发展成的能力。 Courage is the ability to develop on the basis of self-esteem. 65、一定要成功﹗我只以成败论英雄。 Be successful! I only talk about heroes in terms of success and failure. 66、生死有命,没有人能要求多活一秒钟。 No one can ask for more than one second to live and die. 67、一个人是否谦逊,取决于他对自己的认识与自我努力相结合的程度。 Whether a person is modest or not depends on how well he combines himself with his own efforts. 68、我很少抽出剑来,我用我的眼睛,而不是武器,来赢得胜利。 I seldom draw sword. I use my eyes, not weapons, to win. 69、只有腰带属于法国,剑是属于我的! Only the belt belongs to France, and the sword belongs to me. It is better to be born than not to leave any traces of life. 71、人之所以会遇到不如意的事,全因为过去浪费时间而遭到报应! The reason why people encounter unpleasant things is that they are rewarded for wasting time in the past. 72、人生的光荣,不在永不失败,而在于能够屡败屡战。 The glory of life lies not in never failing, but in its failure to fight. 73、狂热者的脑袋里没有理智的地盘。 There is no rational place in the head of a fanatic. 74、如果你让别人来决定你的人生,你的内心永远不会感到踏实。 If you let others decide your life, your heart will never feel steadfast. 75、不以小事为轻,而后可以成大事。 No small matter is lighter, and then great things can happen. 76、胜利属于最坚忍的人。 Victory belongs to the most persevering. 77、在战役实施中,只有一个时机是最合适的,能抓住这个时机的,即是天才。 There is only one opportunity in the implementation of the battle. It is the right time to seize this opportunity. 78、天下绝无不热烈勇敢地追求成功,而能取得成功的人。 There is no such thing as success without enthusiasm and bravery. 79、从伟大崇高到荒谬可笑,其间只相差一步。 From great sublime to absurdity, there is only one step away. 80、世界上有两根杠杆可以驱使人们行动,利益和恐惧。 There are two levers in the world that can drive people's actions, interests and fears. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。