1、离别时,留下一串艰难的足迹;相逢时,欢愉一对欣喜的身影没有离别的痛苦,也就没有相逢的欢愉。 Farewell, leaving a string of difficult footprints; meet, a happy pair of happy figures without the pain of parting, there is no joy of meeting. 2、搏斗吧,朋友!在人生艰辛的搏斗中,把苦难铸成欢乐,用痛苦换取幸福! Fight, friend! In the hard struggle of life, happiness is made by suffering, and by pain for happiness. 3、欢乐吧,朋友们,不管你身在何处,幸运与欢乐,将时刻陪伴着你。 Cheer up, my friends, wherever you are, happiness and joy will always be with you. 4、飞翔的永恒在于振翅,流动的永恒在于不竭,生命的永恒在于追求! The eternal of flight lies in flapping wings. The eternal flow is inexhaustible, and the eternal pursuit of life is pursuit. 5、万水相隔离,千山望无际,我只能寄语白云:祝你找到幸福,盼你早日学成而归! All I can do is to send a message to Baiyun: I wish you happiness and hope you will soon learn and return! 6、临别请你喝一杯故土的水,你走遍天下,也别忘了把家乡装在胸中。 Parting, please drink a cup of water of your native place, you go all over the world, and don't forget to put your hometown in your chest. 7、霞光是一只蝴蝶巨大的翅膀,下面是长鸿用歌声编织的故乡。愿你在此次旅游中,收获满满。 Xia Guang is a butterfly's huge wings. The following is the hometown of Chang Hung's songs. I hope you will have a full harvest in this trip. 8、航标灯又是我的眼睛,一闪一闪,至诚地祝愿远游的赤子,早早回到祖国的大地。 The beacon light is my eyes again, flashing, sincerely wish the outbound Chiko, early return to the motherland. 9、迎着晨曦,你展翅飞渡重洋;面对黄昏,我寻望着归巢的小鸟。 Facing the dawn, you spread your wings to fly across the ocean; in the evening, I looked for the homing bird. 10、何不邀约你异国的伙伴,一起回来看看?故乡的土地上,春光正明媚,百花正盛开。 Why don't you invite your foreign partner to come back and have a look? The spring is bright and the flowers are blooming in the land of their hometown. 11、家乡的炊烟,似挥别的手绢,似绵绵的情意,似悠悠的思念,牵挂你,盼你在异国学习顺利,生活如意! Home cooking smoke, like waving other handkerchiefs, like love, like long-term missing, concerned about you, hope you study smoothly in a foreign country, life as you wish! 12、壮志和毅力是是事业的双翼。愿你张开这双翼,展翅高飞,越过一个又一个山巅,想着成功飞去! Ambition and perseverance are the wings of a career. May you spread your wings and fly high over the mountains, and think of flying away successfully! 13、愿你,置身于异国他乡的兄弟,驾驭生命之舟,泊位于幸福之港,年年如意,岁岁欢乐! May you, brothers in other countries, steer the boat of life, berth in the harbor of happiness, happy every year, happy every year! 14、自从你远渡重洋,我总喜欢遥望夜空,因为天际那颗最亮的星星,能辉映出你的面容。 Since you cross the oceans, I always like to look at the night sky, because the brightest star in the sky can reflect your face. 15、假如祖国是码头,你就是海上的舢板。风浪越大,漂泊越远,你一定越加渴望回码头靠岸。 If the motherland is a pier, you are the sampan on the sea. The bigger the wind and the farther the drifting, the more eager you will be to return to the dock. 16、我诚挚的友谊,伴随你远行,这友谊将抹去一切痛苦的脚印! My sincere friendship will accompany you on a long journey, and this friendship will erase all the footprints of all pain. 17、祖国亲人的那一种思恋之情,将永远像山巅的流云一样,萦绕在你的心间。 The love of the motherland's relatives will always linger in your heart like the clouds of the mountains. 18、人生的长河,飞溅着彩色的浪花,那里有你远航的小舟。 The long river of life, splashed with colorful waves, there is a boat that you sail far away. 19、跨出国门,人生开始新的旅程。一路上,难免会有荆棘风暴与雷鸣。相信你会以坚实的脚步,不懈地向成功迈进! Going abroad, life begins a new journey. Along the way, there will be thorny storms and thunder. I believe you will march forward with solid steps and unremitting efforts. 20、你是一架飘泊重洋的飞鹞,那筝绳却在我心头长系。 You are a kite flying in the ocean, but the string is in my heart. 21、你愿在浩淼的世界里,成为一叶船帆;我却愿你再带上一张收获的网,捕捉那五彩缤纷的新生活。 You would like to be a sail in the vast world, but I would like you to take another harvest net to capture the colorful new life. I can't allow time to stay. I hope that greetings and blessings will always remain in your heart. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。