1、竞争中总会有风险,敢于承担风险和责任,就能在竞争中获得胜利。 There is always risk in competition, dare to take risks and responsibilities and win the competition. 2、亲爱的宝儿,寒冷的冬天快要到来了,天气渐渐的变冷了,要多穿衣服,多盖被子啊。 Dear Baoer, the cold winter is coming, and the weather is getting cold. Put on more clothes and cover more quilts. May our friendship last forever, and I hope you will enjoy your life in the future. 4、往事如梦似云烟,有多少甜蜜,有多少怀念,纵然相隔那么久远,愿真情永驻心间。 The past is like a dream, how many sweet, how many yearning, even though they are so far apart, may the true feelings remain in my heart forever. 5、生命,从小溪的流淌中获得;青春,在飞流的倾泻中闪光;存在的价值,于大河的奔流中呈现。 Life is acquired from the flow of a stream; youth glitters in the flow of a stream; the value of existence is presented in the flow of a river. 6、让我们迈开双腿,去洒行汗水,去踏一路雷声!校门外,有的是鲜花簇拥的前程! Let's spread our legs and sweat and step on the thunder. Outside the school, there are flowers in the future. 7、漫漫的长路,你我的相逢,珍惜难得往日的缘分,默默的祝福,亲亲的问候,互道今生多保重! The long road, you and I meet, cherish the past rare fate, silent blessing, relatives greetings, each other take care of this life! 8、没有人挡得住,你疯狂的努力进取。努力之后你会发现所有的事情水到渠成。 No one can hold back, you are crazy and enterprising. After hard work, you will find that everything is at its best. 9、月是中秋分外明,我把问候遥寄君。皓月当空清辉洒,月圆良宵念挚心!祝月圆人圆事事圆! The Mid Autumn Festival is very clear. I send greetings to you. The bright moon is clear and bright, and the moon is full. Wish the moon is round and everything is round. 10、在友情面前,人与人之间,犹如星与星之间,不是彼此妨碍,而是互相照耀。 In the face of friendship, between people, as between the stars, not hinder each other, but each other shine. 11、感谢你的留言,感谢你的友情,感谢你的问候,感谢你的鼓励。祝朋友笑口常开,好运相伴! Thank you for your message, thank you for your friendship, thank you for your greetings, thank you for your encouragement. I wish my friends laugh and luck together. 12、一路平安健康!旅途愉快!生命就是旅途,让这一小段人生永远美丽难忘! Have a safe and healthy journey! Have a good trip. Life is a journey. Let this little life be beautiful forever. 13、真想一觉醒来,我在小学教室对小学同桌说:我做了好长的一个梦。努力吧,时光正好的人! I really want to wake up, I said to my primary school deskmate in the elementary school classroom: I had a long dream. Work hard, time is right! 14、高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。 The mountains and oceans separated us, but I can only meet you in memories, meet you in dreams. 15、在我心灵的百花园里,采集金色的鲜花,我把最鲜艳的一朵给你,作为我对你的问候,你好! In the garden of my soul, gather the golden flowers, I give you the most colorful one, as my greetings to you, hello! 16、亲爱的你累吗?昨天晚上马不停蹄地在我脑海里跑了一整夜,可真辛苦你了。 Dear, are you tired? Last night I ran all night in my mind, but it was really hard for you. 17、明晨行别,但愿云彩,艳阳一直陪伴你走到远远的天涯;鲜花,绿草相随你铺展远远的前程。 Tomorrow morning farewell, I hope the clouds, the sun has been accompanying you to the far end of the world; flowers, green grass with you to spread the far future. 18、来吧,这里前程似锦;来吧,这里笑脸盈盈。勇于开拓的人,誓为创造献终身! Come on, here's a bright future. Come here, smiling face. Those who dare to open up are willing to give life for creation. 19、让我陪伴你在海中漂泊吧,只为能做你手中的桨,不管风浪多大,风雨多稠,你身边始终有我。 Let me accompany you to drift in the sea, just to be able to do your hand oar, no matter how big the wind and waves, how thick the rain, you always have me. 20、人生路上何须忧伤,天涯海角总有知音,把握机会珍惜好运,祝愿我们友谊长青。 There is no need to be sad on the road of life. There are always bosom friends around the world. Take the opportunity to cherish good luck and wish our friendship evergreen. 21、祝福串成一首诗,一段旋律,开启一片温馨的春的园地。 Blessing becomes a poem, a melody, and opens a warm spring garden. 22、如果你要去的远方没有你的梦,没有你爱的人,那么,就算一直往前,也走不了多远。 If you want to go to a distant place without your dreams, no one you love, then, even if you go forward, can not go far. 23、我摘下缤纷的音符,编织成永恒的祝福。愿你有一个美好的未来。 I pick up colorful notes and weave into eternal blessings. May you have a bright future. 24、只要有真理的阳光,即使在石缝里,小草也照样茁壮成长。而真理的阳光任谁也遮不住! As long as there is the sunshine of truth, even in the stone gap, the grass will still thrive. And the sunshine of truth cannot be hidden. 25、一觉醒来好想你,随手发去短信息,几天没见可好吗,祝你天天好心情。 When I wake up, I miss you very much. Send me a short message. I haven't seen you for several days. I wish you a good mood every day. 26、生活的海洋已铺开金色的路,浪花正分列两旁摇动着欢迎的花束。勇敢地去吧,朋友!前进。 The sea of life has been spreading the Golden Road, and the waves are being lined with flowers on the sides. Go on bravely, friend! Forward. 27、叠一只弯弯的纸船,载满我的祝福与思念,乘着如水的月光,漂到你的身边。 Fold a curved paper boat, full of my blessing and miss, floating to your side in the moonlight like water. 28、风雨中相遇,患难中相知。谁也不出卖灵魂,拥有的只有默契,像一首歌流淌在岁月里,知己! Meet in the wind and rain, know each other in adversity. No one sells his soul, only tacit understanding, like a song flowing in the years, bosom friend! 29、离别的眼泪是海,重逢的相拥是帆。离別是为了再相逢。离别是为了再相逢。 The tears of separation are the sea, and the reunion is the sail. Farewell is to meet again. Farewell is to meet again. 30、愿我的贺卡加入祝福的行列,愿每一片美丽的花瓣象征您闪耀的希望。愿您新年快乐和幸福。 May my cards join the ranks of blessing, and may each beautiful petal symbolize your glittering hope. I wish you a happy and happy new year. 31、朋友你今天就要远走,干了这杯酒;忘掉那天涯孤旅的愁,一醉到天尽头。 Friends, you are going away today, dry the glass of wine; forget the sorrow of lonely journey in the world, drunk to the end of the day. 32、相识系于缘,相交系于诚。平凡中充满了温馨,朴实里拥有浪漫,快乐每一天,开心永相伴! Acquaintance is based on Yu Yuan. Mediocre is full of warmth, simple and romantic, happy every day, happy forever! 33、出门在外,老婆交代,少喝酒多吃菜,见了姑娘不要爱,欢欢喜喜快回来! Outside, the wife tells me to drink less and eat more food. Don't love girls when you see them. Come back happily! 34、春风得意马蹄疾。新年伊始,愿你乘着和煦的春风,朝着灿烂的前景,马不停蹄,奔腾捷进! A horse's hoof disease. At the beginning of the new year, may you take advantage of the warm spring breeze, toward a bright future, without stopping, gallop forward! 35、人世沧桑,岂能没有分别的痛苦时刻?为了事业,我们让离别的泪尽情飘洒。 Can there be no painful moments of separation? For the sake of our career, we let the tears of separation float freely. 36、宝贝儿,记得早上起床,先喝一杯白开水,然后吃早餐啊,这样才是真正的减肥的好方法啊! Baby, remember to get up in the morning, drink a glass of boiled water first, and then have breakfast. That's the real way to lose weight. 37、愿我的祝福变成你远征时解渴的清泉,烦恼时甜蜜的安慰,胜利时庆功的鲜花。 May my blessing become a spring of thirst-quenching on your expedition, a sweet comfort on your troubles, and a flower of triumph. 38、爱的雪花,染白了头发;情的四季,揉皱了面颊。与你一起互依互靠,为彼此的一切操心操劳。 Love snow, dyed white hair; the four seasons of love, crumpled cheeks. Together with you, rely on each other and work hard for each other's worries. 39、遥望水天相接的远方,想起异国诱人的风光,托海鸥捎去问候,并祝你身体健康! Looking at the distance between the water and the sky, reminding me of the exotic scenery, asking the seagulls to take greetings, and wishing you good health! 40、不管我们的距离有多遥远,关怀你的心是永远不变的。 No matter how far away our distance is, the heart that cares for you will never change. 41、雪花乱飞的季节,我们也曾陷入迷茫的困惑,感到孤独和凄凉,但我们毕竟走了过来。 Snowflakes flying season, we have also been in confusion, feel lonely and desolate, but we came after all. 42、幽香拂面,紫气兆祥,庆开业典礼,祝生意如春浓,财源似水来。 The fragrance is on the face, and it is purple and auspicious. It is a celebration of the opening ceremony. I wish my business is as strong as spring. 43、插上梦想的翅膀,打开心灵的密码,释放沉睡已久的**,为了梦,让我们共同努力吧! Plug in the wings of dreams, open the heart of the password, release the long-sleeping passion, for the dream, let us work together! 44、我们用双手紧紧地握别,让感觉在手中轻轻撩过,共享一份难忘的温馨。 We clasp the parting tightly with both hands, let the feeling lightly in the hand, share an unforgettable warmth. 45、幸福就是我有硬币的时候说想乘公车陪我一起坐坐,我没硬币的时候说想散步陪我一起走走! Happiness is when I have coins that I want to ride with me by bus, when I have no coins that I want to walk with me walk! 46、盼你伸出双手,接受我盈盈的祝福,在你未来的日子里,让幸福之花灿烂芬芳。 I hope you reach out your hands and accept my abundant blessings. In your future days, let the flowers of happiness shine and fragrance. 47、开业之际,短信早一秒,随后礼就到,人到门前贺,祝生意兴隆红红火火、财源广进日进斗金。 At the opening of the business, a second earlier than the text message, then the gift arrived, people came to the door to congratulate, wish business flourishing, wealth into the day. 48、身在异乡的我,牵挂着远方的你,一声问候代表我的心意,希望你能明白能够读懂。 Being in a foreign country, I care about you from afar, a greeting represents my heart, I hope you can understand. 49、祝愿你在职场得意,要风得风,要雨得雨,最重要的是开心、快乐! I wish you joy in the workplace, wind and rain, and the most important thing is to be happy and happy! 50、障碍与失败,是通往成功最稳靠的踏脚石,肯研究、利用它们,便能从失败中培养出成功。 Obstacles and failures are the surest stepping stones to success. If we study and use them, we can cultivate success from failure. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。