一、爱情就是这样,没什么道理可讲,你最想给的,却不是他想要的。纵然你有千万优点,偏偏他只贪恋另一人的缺点。 Love is like this. There is no reason to say that what you want most is not what he wants. Even if you have ten million advantages, he only covets the shortcomings of another person. 二、一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了。 A person always has to take a strange road, watch strange scenery, listen to strange songs, and then in an inadvertent moment, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really so forgotten. 三、我像个路人看着你的生活,心酸的是你的喜怒哀乐全不是为我。 I look at your life like a passer-by, sad that your joys and sorrows are not for me. 四、想一头扎进你怀里,闻着你身上的熟悉味道,告诉你这些天来的委屈,以及,我很想你。 I want to plunge into your arms, smell your familiar smell, tell you the grievances of these days, and, I miss you very much. 五、有些人,一旦遇见,便一眼万年,有些心动,一旦开始,便覆水难收。 Some people, once met, will be a million years, some heartbeat, once started, it will be difficult to recover. 六、嘴里坚持着逞强,眼里的泪在投降。骗得了别人,骗不了自己,原来我并没那么坚强。 The mouth insists on being brave, the tears in the eyes are surrendering. Can deceive others, can not deceive themselves, I was not so strong. 七、拼了命地不让身边的人难过,却发现,受伤的原来是我自己。 Desperately not to let the people around me sad, but found that the original injury is my own. 八、有些话说与不说都是伤害,有些人留与不留都会离开。如果有天我放弃了,不是因为我输了而是我懂了。 Some words and no words are harmful, some people will leave if they stay or not. If one day I give up, not because I lost, but because I understand. 九、不管多痛,都会笑着说不疼,因为再痛也没人心疼,习惯了隐藏,所以总是笑得没心没肺,日子久了,笑成为了习惯,痛也成为了习惯。 No matter how painful it is, it always laughs and says it doesn't hurt, because no one hearts any more pains and is used to hiding, so it always laughs heartlessly and heartlessly. As time goes on, laughter becomes a habit and pain becomes a habit. 十、有些人,无论你怎么对他好,他也不会留意,因为他的生命里,你显得是多么的微不足道。 Some people, no matter how kind you are to him, will not pay attention to him, because in his life, you seem so insignificant. 十一、每个人都有一个死角,自己走不出来,别人也闯不进去。我把最深沉的秘密放在那里。你不懂我,我不怪你。 Everyone has a dead corner. They can't get out of it by themselves and others can't get in. I put my deepest secret there. You don't understand me. I don't blame you. 十二、感情其实不相信眼泪,真爱你的,不舍得让你哭,没感情的,你哭瞎了眼也没用。 Feelings actually do not believe in tears, really love you, do not want to let you cry, no feelings, you cry blind is useless. 十三、我渡得过万里狂风,渡得过诗酒年华,却渡不过你不顾一切离去的决然。 I can ride through the gale of thousands of miles and the years of poetry and wine, but I can't ride through your determination to leave at all costs. 十四、我等待的,永远都只是你,而我等不到的,也永远只有你。 I wait for you forever, and I can't wait for you forever. 十五、我没有停止爱你,我只是不再表现出来,因为无论我多么努力,你都不会明白了。 I don't stop loving you, I just don't show it anymore, because no matter how hard I try, you won't understand. 十六、后来我渐渐学会接受而不是付出,就算遇见再心动的人也摇摇头说算了。 Later, I gradually learned to accept rather than pay, even if I met someone who was moved again, I shook my head and said yes. 十七、人山人海总有人先离开,所以我有何德何能,奢求你的明白。 There will always be people leaving first, so I have what virtue and how can I expect you to understand. 十八、生命中令人悲伤的一件事是,你遇到了一个对你来说很重要的人,但却最终发现你们有缘无份,因此你不得不放手。 The sad thing in life is that you meet someone who means a lot to you, but eventually find out that it was never meant to be, so you have to let go. 十九、我们不停的翻弄着回忆,却再也找不回曾经的自己;我们不停挥霍着青春,却再也留不住青春岁月。 We constantly flip through memories, but never find ourselves again; we are constantly wasting our youth, but no longer retain the youth years. 二十、那些我自以为爱你的执着,在你眼里不过是死缠烂打。 The persistence that I think I love you is nothing but death in your eyes. 二十一、一些事,只配当回忆。一些人,只能做过客。既不回头,何必不忘。既然无缘,何必誓言。 Some things are just memories. Some people can only be visitors. Neither look back nor forget. Since there is no reason, why swear. 二十二、愿你过得好,祝我也顺心。不谈亏欠,谢谢曾遇见。 I wish you a good life and I wish you all the best. Thank you for meeting me. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。