产品创意设计英文范文 第一篇我的文具盒是粉红色的,上面有一只小狗,它拿着一颗星星,戴着红领巾,像是一名骄傲的少先队员。地上还有一块骨头,它津津有味地吃着那块骨头,旁边还有一个小池塘,小池塘上面有一艘小船,小船上面还乘着许许多多的人,还有人在小池塘里面游泳戏水呢!她们都笑得合不拢嘴了。 文具盒第一层装了钢笔哥哥、铅笔弟弟、尺子姐姐。第2层放了橡皮擦妹妹、修正贴叔叔。 有一次考试,我拿起了钢笔哥哥开始写了,结果写错了,我用修正贴叔叔贴上。有连线的题目,我就用尺子姐姐笔挺的身子往纸上一靠,一条条笔直的线就划好了。有了文具盒和它的家庭成员的帮助,我取得了一个好的成绩。有时我做作业要用铅笔弟弟来写,写错了就用橡皮擦妹妹,它们配合得可默契了。 这就是我的文具盒,你们喜欢它吗? 产品创意设计英文范文 第二篇我有一个漂亮的文具盒,它是开学的时候,妈妈买的。 它外表非常美丽。你看喜羊羊正在表演魔术,而站在旁边的灰太狼自然是军费的观众。蜗牛爷爷从家跑过来,笑着说:“喜羊羊,祝你喜气洋洋过大年。”只见灰太儿郎点了根火柴,放了个烟花。烟花在空中“嘭”的一声,炸了个五颜六色,像一些小流星降落大地,真美呀! 文具盒不光外表美丽,而且内池内涵也很丰富。打开盒盖,第一层里住着自动笔小兵,笔芯加油站、橡皮司令和钢笔大王。每当我要写字时,铅笔大王就出面让我写字,好像说:“写字写得好,末必是坏事。”每当我写字写错时,橡皮司令就出来让我擦,还说:“知错就改,善莫大焉。”第二层放着空的课程表,准备填写学期的课程。 我的成绩越来越好,还可离不开它。我喜欢我的文具盒。 产品创意设计英文范文 第三篇Now let us take a look at this product. This product was made from (material name) , which has special construction and advantage. Ok, I start to demonstrate it performance. you can use it at..., this product will help you ... . Our company has been developed this kind of products for several years. and its price is feasible. I hope this product will bring more benefits to you. If you have any question, please let me answer now. The product what I am gonna show you is an e-dictionary, we call it INSTANT-DICT. It was made in Hong Kong, China. It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd. with a large vocabulary of 1 million words and phrases stored in it. So you can look up any word you meet in your Senior period. The production of INSTANT-DICT is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 20 years research. The body of the INSTANT-DICT is made from aerial material, therefore, it is small in size and convenient to carry. Besides, it is easy to operate, you don’t even have to look at the instruction book. Lastly, I think the thing you care most is about the price, the price is reasonable, about RMB 349 yuan, so it is a wise choice for an English learner. I hope this product will bring more convenient to you. If you have any problem, please just let me know, I would be very pleasure to answer your questions. 产品创意设计英文范文 第四篇The Copper Alloy Tube has the good corrosion resistance ability and the high intensity, widely applied to the industry of the tubular electricity-generating heat exchanger, the ship condenser, the water-supplying heater, the distiller, the oil cooler and the water- treating heat exchanger and so on. 产品创意设计英文范文 第五篇alignment 对齐 art base 美术/设计出身 brand 品牌 color 颜色 icon 图标 flat design 扁平化设计 font 字体 grid 栅格系统 hierarchy 层次 KV-key visual 主视觉、主画面 layer 层 legibility 可读性 logo 商标 material 素材 opacity 透明度 reaponsive design 响应式设计 reaolution 分辨率 sans serif typeface 非衬线字体 serif typeface 衬线字体 skeumorphic design 拟物化设计 style 样式 texture 纹理 typography 排版 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。