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It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. -----世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。

二、When no one helps you, stand up straight, the road is long and your back is beautiful.


三、No one is accompanying me with music and wine, no one is with me.“无人伴我歌与,无人伴我共白头。”

四、I thought love will come in time was the best love,but it is not a patch on your love at first sight.我以为日久生是最美好的情,可却抵不过你的那句一见钟情。

五、All love is secret, all soulful only for you.所有深爱都是秘密,所有深情都只为你。

六、Everything is going on, but don’t give up trying. 万随缘,但不要放弃努力。

七、Let the right one in. Let the old dreams die. Let the wrong ones go.——让适合的那个进来吧,让残褪去吧,让不适合的那个走吧。

八、There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.“知道”和“做到”是两码事。

九、The best feeling in the world is knowing someone is missing you. 世界上最好的感觉就是知道有人在想你。

十、There’s always a bit of something hidden when you say ‘nothing’.每次当你说“没事”的时候,里多少都藏着点事

十一、Care less, and you won't be so stressed. 少在乎一点,就不会这么纠结了。

十二、Happiness is good health and a bad memory. ——幸福就是健康的身体加上糊涂的记性。

十三、We are not together, but you are in my heart from the recent.——我们没有在一起,可是你却在我心最近的距离。

十四、If nothing can be done, then just let nature take its course. 如果无能为力,那就顺其自然。

十五、What comes easy, won't last. What lasts, won't come easy. 容易得到的不会长远,长远的不会容易得到。

十六、The same girl who laughs and talks a lot and seems very happy is also the girl who may cry herself to sleep.那个总是谈笑生,看起来很开心的女孩,也是那个可能会个人哭到睡着的女孩。

十七、Don't try to keep someone in life, if they want to go, let go. 别试图在生命里勉强留住某人,如果他们要走,就放

十八、Would you like you, if you met you? 如果你遇见你,你会喜欢自己吗?

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