1、创新谋突破,努力获成功。 Innovation is a breakthrough and success is made. Go further every day and step on the road to success. 3、自检互检,确保品质零缺点。 Self check and check each other to ensure that the quality is zero. Work hard and make money. 5、修身重德,事业生根。 To repair the body and to take the root of the cause. 6、诚实做人,精心做事。 Be honest and do things carefully. 7、没有要求,只有追求。 No demand, only the pursuit. 8、今天的付出,明天的回报。 Today's pay, tomorrow's return. 9、技术是基础,管理是动力。 Technology is the foundation, and management is the motive force. 10、创新谋发展,同心赢未来。 Innovation and development, concentric win the future. 11、劳动创造财富,安全带来幸福。 Labor creates wealth, and security brings happiness. 12、创新引领发展,科技成就收获。 Innovation leads to development, and scientific and technological achievements have been harvested. 13、要有好的灌溉,才有好的结果。 In order to have good irrigation, there is a good result. 14、专业品质,主宰未来。 Professional quality dominates the future. 15、因为有我,所以会更好。 Because of me, so it would be better. 16、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。 To be sincere and touching, people should be honest. 17、立足新起点,开创新局面。 Based on the new starting point, we will open a new situation. 18、携手谱新曲,并肩创辉煌。 Hand in hand with the new music, and create brilliance at the same time. 19、人之所以能,是因为相信能。 The reason why people can do it is because they believe in it. 20、留意多一点,问题少一点。 Pay attention to a little more, a little less. 21、心有多大,舞台就有多大。 The stage extends as far as the heart goes. 22、树立形象,打造辉煌。 Set up the image and create the brilliance. 23、今天的汗水,为了明天的幸福。 Today's sweat, for the happiness of tomorrow. 24、忧患图自强,荣誉思奋进。 The anxiety map is strong and the honor is advancing. 25、要做大事,不要做大官。 Do great things and not be an official. Quality is life, service is the tenet. 27、变革求发展,创新赢未来。 Reform seeks development and innovation wins the future. 28、说到不如做到,要做就做最好。 It is better to do it than to do it. 29、今天付出,明天收获。 Pay today, harvest tomorrow. 30、百尽竿头,更进一步。 All the rod head, further. 31、停止增员,等于停止生机。 Stopping an increase is equal to stopping life. 32、思企业之困局,创未来之先锋。 Think of the dilemma of the enterprise, to create the pioneer of the future. 33、细节决定成败,选择成就未来。 Details determine success or failure, and choose the future. 34、理性生产,感性生活。 Rational production, emotional life. 35、心似罄石坚,万事努力现。 The heart seems to be out of Shi Jian. 36、重视产品质量,加强企业管理。 We should pay more attention to the quality of the products and strengthen the management of the enterprises. 37、多创优质产品,提高企业形象。 To create high quality products and improve the image of the enterprise. 38、用我们的努力,让沟通无限。 With our efforts, let communication be infinite. 39、保障品质,追求卓越。 Ensure quality, pursuit of excellence. 40、走进质量天地,带来无限商机。 Into the world of quality, bring unlimited business opportunities. 41、团结拼搏,高效创收。 Unity and hard work, efficient income generation. 42、优越于心,大专于型。 Superior to heart, college in type. 43、今日的质量,明日的市场。 Today's quality, tomorrow's market. 44、创造价值,打造精品。 Create value and create fine quality. 45、品质为本,财富为果。 Quality is the base, wealth is the fruit. 46、没有执行力,就没有竞争力。 Without execution, it is not competitive. 47、品管提高信誉,信誉扩大销售。 Quality management to improve credit, credit expansion of sales. 48、企业以人为本,员工以厂为荣。 The enterprise is people-oriented, and the employees are proud of the factory. 49、劳动创造财富,精诚丰收辉煌。 Labor creates wealth, and a brilliant harvest is brilliant. 50、工作是要做好,而不是做了。 The job is to do well, not to do it. 51、活力和谐,**奋进。 Vitality and harmony, passion advancing. 52、强化班组建设,提高工作效率。 Strengthen the construction of groups and improve work efficiency. 53、人之所以能,是相信能。 The reason why people can, is to believe in power. 54、争—人生百年,只争朝夕。 Contend for a hundred years of life. 55、一丝之差,优劣分家。 A trace of difference, advantages and disadvantages of the family. 56、鱼翔浅底沉浮,鹰击长空自由。 In the shallow bottom of the fish, the hawk is free. 57、态度决定思路,努力才能进步。 Attitude decides the way of thinking, and efforts can make progress. 58、一样的危机,不一样的成功。 The same crisis, not the same success. 59、优质产品,丰厚成果。 High quality products, rich fruits. 60、不要小看自己,人有无限可能。 Don't look down on yourself, people have infinite possibilities. 61、专业品质,专心为您。 Professional quality, dedicated to you. 62、变以占先机,动则赢天下。 Change to take the opportunity, move to win the world. Recalling the eventful years, showing great achievements. 64、业精于专,质高于众。 The industry is more specialized than the public. 65、以人为本,心德为先。 People-oriented, the heart of the first. 66、一人身单力簿,众人拾柴火旺。 One person's single body book, people pick up firewood and fire. 67、有员才有援,有为才有位。 There are members who have assistance. 68、革除马虎之心,提升产品品质。 To remove the careless heart and improve the quality of the products. 69、苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。 There is no hope for a hard thought, a hard work. 70、专业品质,卓越性能。 Professional quality, excellent performance. 71、知难而进,重铸辉煌。 Go in and make resplendence. 72、严格工艺纪律,确保工程优质。 Strict process discipline to ensure the quality of the project. 73、团结奋进,携手共赢。 Unite and strive to win together. 74、相信自己,相信伙伴。 Believe in yourself and believe in a partner. 75、专业成就品质,性能更胜价格。 The professional achievement quality, the performance is more than the price. 76、追求客户满意,是你我的责任。 It is your duty to pursue customer satisfaction. 77、战危局,一鼓作气争先锋。 Fighting the crisis, blazed into the vanguard. 78、光做不行,还要做好。 Do not do it, and do it well. 79、在改变中成长,在成长中辉煌。 Grow up in change, and be brilliant in growth. 80、态度决定一切,细节决定成败。 Attitude determines everything, and details determine success or failure. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。