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跟上!Keep up!

二、真快啊!So fast!

三、关注内。Look inward.


五、意志与肉身。Will and body.

六、我们,开始吧!Let us,begin!

七、一击千斩!One cut,of many.

八、剑刃与肉身。Blade and Body.

九、大师笔!A master stroke!

十、你错过了吗?Did you miss it?

十一、捍卫你自己。Defend yourself.

十二、电光火石!Speed of thought!

十三、好好看,好好学。Watch, and learn.

十四、我的剑就是你的剑!My blade is yours!

十五、别再耍猴戏了!Quit monkeying around!

十六、形势,先于蛮力。Form before strength.

十七、绝对不要坐等胜利的到来。Never await victory

十八、我将为你指。I will show you the path.

十九、敌人虽众,一击皆斩!Many foes, one strike!

二十、无极之道,在我内心延续。In me, Wuju lives on.

二十一、你们的技术太烂了!Your skills are inferior!

二十二、嘘,我在冥想呢!Ummmmm/Shh,I'm meditating!

二十三、怀疑是最强大的敌人。Doubt,is the greatest enemy.

二十四、眼镜嘛,只是为了看。he goggles? Just for reading!

二十五、这将会是一个惨痛的教训。This will be...A harsh lesson.

二十六、不要被骄傲,遮蔽了双眼。Do not let your pride blind you.

二十七、愤怒,带来冲动。Anger gives motivation without purpose.

二十八、通向不朽的关键,不死就行了!Tothe key to immortality?Not dying!

二十九、你们想学的辛苦一些,我懂的。ou wish to learn the hard way, I see.

三十、猴子,让我看看你学了哪些本。Pupil, show me what you have learned.

三十一、真正的大师永远都怀着一颗学徒的心。A true master is an eternal student.

三十二、集中起来的意志,可以击穿顽石。The focused mind can pierce through stone.

三十三、如果你们够厉害的,我还是会正眼相待的。I will take an eye... as if I don't have enough already.

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