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外国人关于自信句子 精选72句

1. 任性是自信的裙摆,奴性是自信的钟摆。虽然都自信,但裙摆是自由飘逸的,钟摆总是小翼翼的。

2. we have confidence in ourselves,others will allow initiation of our confidence in the green shoot. - ancient拉劳shifu

3. 信心源于实力,实力源于自信,自信源于他信。

4. 缺点让你弄丢自信,优点让你找回自信。

5. in any case,the xxxrumorxxx dumb can not scare me. - lu xun

6. Strong beliefs win strong people and then make them stronger.

7. Because I have experienced it, I understand that self-confidence should also be limited, otherwise, it will be counterproductive.

8. “The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear and get a record of successful experiences behind you.” --William Jennings Bryan

9. Only when you are confident first will others believe you.

10. 从自卑中间走向自信的人是真正的自信,从一开始就盲目自信的人其实没有自信。

11. Those who avoid reality will have a worse future.

12. 个人的自信心来自哪里?它来自内心的淡定与坦然。

13. 只有你先自信,别人才会信你。

14. 自信是好,但别太自信和膨胀。不要太疯狂。

15. i prefer to rely on its own strength to open my future,rather than those who favor a strong demand. - victor hugo

16. “It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.” --Oprah Winfrey

17. 要有自信,然后全力以赴假如具有这种观念,任何十之八九都能成功。

18. Confident people can turn insignificance into greatness and mediocrity into magic.

19. “Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” --E.E. Cummings

20. 自信和自负是有差别的,只是一之差就是壤之别。我特别希望我能够自信而不自负。

21. 他很明显一直自信于自己的所思所想,并随时准备捍卫自己的思想。

22. “Pride is holding your head up when everyone around you has theirs bowed。 Courage is what makes you do it.” --Bryce Courtenay

23. A person brings confidence to others unless he has confidence in himself.

24. Whoever shakes his confidence in the middle is a weak-willed person; Whoever makes up his mind and lacks flexibility is a fool.

25. 自信其实也就是拥有积极的人生观,充分相信自己,朝着自己的目标不断努力。

26. Self-confidence makes us happy, self-confidence makes us dare to challenge ourselves, self-confidence makes us happy, self-confidence makes us courageous.

27. 自信就是信自,自信是成功的前提,归根结底,自己还是缺乏自信。

28. I believe i can fly。我相信我可以飞。

29. 因为经历过,所以我明白,自信也要有限度,否则,会适得其反。

30. You have to be first, best or different。你必须是第一, 或者最好的, 或者与众不同。

31. 一个夫越敢于担当大任,他的意气就是越发。

32. 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。

33. 最初所拥有的只是想和毫无根据的自信而已,但是所有的一切都从这里开始。

34. 充满自信的缺陷,远比缺乏自信的美更富魅力。

35. 如果我们想要更多的玫瑰,就必须种植更多的玫瑰

36. 我们应该有恒心,尤其要有自信心。

37. 其实我也不知道自己为什么会那么的自信,但是自信了就是自信了。

38. 缺乏信心并不是因为出现了困难,而出现困难倒是因为缺乏信心。

39. 谁中途动摇信心,谁就是意志薄弱者;谁下定决心后,缺少灵活性,谁就是傻瓜。

40. Every thing we do should be cautious and confident.

41. 要让全世界认为你有一千个自信,就算在自己心里有一万个不自信!

42. 当你足够自信,全世界会为你让。当你过于自信,全世界会因你堵路。

43. 有信心的人,可以化渺小为伟大,化平庸为神奇。

44. 我们每一做一件事都应该既小心谨慎,又充满信心。

45. Overcoming their negative and twisted ways of thinking can increase efficiency and self-esteem.

46. patriots qualities of gas,should not sell ourselves short. - zhuge liang

47. 没有自信,勇气,不可能有艺术。

48. 自信是一根柱子,能撑起精神的广漠的天空,自信是一片阳光,能驱散迷失者眼前的阴影。

49. 不可能的字只有在愚人的字典里才可以翻出。

50. 一个人缺少了自信,就容易对环境产生怀疑与戒备。

51. Everything must be unified and determined, so victory does not stand on the wise side, but on the self-confident side.

52. If we want more roses, we must plant more roses.

53. 自信,我是命运的主宰者。

54. “You cannot be lonely if you like the person you‘re alone with.” --Wayne Dyer

55. 成功源于自信,自信源于实力!

56. The more daring a husband is to assume a major responsibility, the more wind he will be in.

57. 自尊不是轻人,自信不是自满,独立不是孤立。

58. 搜索引擎三大定律:相关性定律人气质量定律和自信心定律。

59. For man is man and master of his fate。人就是人,是自己命运的主人。

60. “Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.”--Golda Meir

61. 坚信自己的思想,相信自己心里认准的东西也一定适合于他人这就是天才。

62. columbus found a world,do not use charts,he is in the sky clearing up doubts xxxconfidence.xxx-桑塔雅娜

63. 自信让人们获得前进的动力。如果说人生的一艘帆船,自信便是那鼓起的风帆,让人勇往直前。

64. 对自己自信是理所当然,对别人自信是自欺欺人。

65. “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” --Arthur Ashe

66. 成功的条件在于勇气和自信,而勇气和自信乃是由健全的思想和健康的体魄而来。

67. Be confident, not arrogant。 自信,但是别骄傲。

68. 如果没有自信心的,你永远也不会有快乐。

69. There is no desperate situation in the world, only those who are desperate.

70. 缺乏一种自信的精神,这往往导致一些本来是萌芽了的天才走向自我扼杀。

71. Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character。自信和自力更生是坚强品格的柱石。

72. 强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。

外国人关于自信的句子 精选56句

1. 凡事必须要有统一和决断,因此,胜利不站在智慧的一方,而站在自信的一方。

2. Impossible words can only be found in the dictionary of fools.

3. The lack of confidence is not due to difficulties, but rather to lack of confidence.

4. “As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

5. 勇敢有时候是理性制约下的一种镇定和自信,有德有仁的人才能真正做到心灵的勇敢。

6. 我之所以非常自信,因为自信是免费的。

7. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” --Ralph Waldo Emerson

8. 因斯坦的理论经历了时间的考验,而那些人却让一个微笑打败了。

9. 总该学会自信的笑着,说着让人心服的道理。

10. 自信是人类不可缺少的态度。自信能让爱你的人放心,让恨你的人担心。

11. 自信与坚持都源于一颗沉稳、勇敢、乐观进取的心。

12. Without self-confidence, you will never be happy.

13. “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.” --Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

14. 自拍是一种自信的表现。看得出来现代人大都过度自信。

15. 自信是成功的第一秘诀。自我控制是最强者的本能。

16. “Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.” --Peter T. McIntyre

17. 自信不是学来的,自信一定是你自己的东西。

18. “Don‘t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions。 So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful.” --Mark Victor Hansen

19. 克服自己消极的、钻牛角尖的扭曲的思想方式,便能增加效率,提高自尊心。

20. 什么自信之人,那样的人根本不存在,有的不过是能够假装自信的人。

21. Whatever good things we build end up building us。我们所创造的美好最终都反过来又塑造了我们。

22. 因为年轻,所以自信;因为自信,所以年轻。

23. Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on。缺乏自信,就好象没拉刹地在人生道路上行驶。

24. 自信与骄傲有异;自信者常沉着,而骄傲者常浮扬。

25. “Low self-confidence isn‘t a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered--just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better.” --Barrie Davenport

26. Einstein's theory went through the test of time, and those people were defeated by a smile.

27. 自信心对我们的学习很重要。我们读学习,需要有决心、有信心、有行动。

28. 自信的人不一定能成功,但成功的人,一定都是自信的人。

29. 自信使我们快乐,自信使我们敢于挑战自我,自信使我们获得快乐,自信使我们拥有勇气。

30. 许多东西被我抛却,故而被诸君视为傲慢;若从外溢的杯里豪饮,难免洒落许多佳酿,故不要怀疑酒的质量。

31. 只要你有自信,谁也无法让你觉得自卑。

32. 只有满怀自信的人,才能在任何地方都怀有自信沉浸在生活中,并实现自己底意志。

33. Self-confidence gives people motivation to move forward. If a sailing boat of life, self-confidence is the sail that bubbles up, let people go forward bravely.

34. 一个人除非自己有信心,否则带给别人信心。

35. 面对失败和挫折,一笑而过是一种乐观自信,然后重整旗鼓,这是一种勇气。

36. “But failure has to be an option in art and in exploration--because it‘s a leap of faith. And no important endeavor that required innovation was done without risk. You have to be willing to take those risks.” --James Cameron

37. 我不是一个自信的人,但我却勇于自信。

38. “Don‘t waste your energy trying to change opinions ... do your thing, and don’t care if they like it.” --Tina Fey

39. “Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to duplicate it.” --Bruce Lee

40. those who have confidence can be of little of a great,for the magic of mediocrity. - george bernard shaw

41. 回避现实的人,未来将更不理想

42. Confidence is the letter, which is the premise of success, at the end of the day, or a lack of confidence.

43. 人生没有失败,自信创造精彩。

44. 人因为没有自信而去相信神,却因为太有自信而把自己当做神。

45. It is genius to believe firmly in one's own thoughts and that what one knows in one's heart is also suitable for others.

46. self-confidence and hope that is the prerogative of youth. - dumas

47. 要是没有自信心,那实在糟糕!要是你不相信自己,或者怀疑自己,那是再糟也没有了。

48. 当你感觉颓丧遗失,能量低迷,旁人会认为不能委托给一个不自信的人。

49. “You wouldn‘t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” --Eleanor Roosevelt

50. the most fiery hell is for those who test in the great spirit of those who remain neutral in the preparations.- dante

51. “Just pick a goal, a goal you truly want to achieve, and take a clear-eyed look at your weaknesses--not so you‘ll feel less confident, but so you can determine exactly what you need to work on. Then get to work. Celebrate small successes. Analyze your weaknesses. Keep going. As you gain skill, you’ll also gain a feeling of genuine confidence, one that can never be taken away--because you‘ve earned it.” (OK, that one is mine, he said, blushing.)

52. 自信不是盲目的自大,不是自我的伪装,而是自己给自己的勇于战胜一切困难的不竭源泉。

53. 外观的改变不能成为自信的源泉,只能是个幌子,自信的根本应该是内心真正的强大。

54. “When you‘re different, sometimes you don’t see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn‘t.” --Jodi Picoult

55. If you don't have self-confidence, that's terrible! If you don't believe in yourself, or doubt yourself, it's no worse.

56. “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” --Vincent van Gogh

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