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Professor Tom is going to see his students the next day, so he wrote a few words on the blackboard: "Professor Tom will come to class tomorrow." After seeing the notice, a student has the opportunity to show a sense of humor and goes forward to erase the "C" in the word "class". The professor noticed the laughter, turned around, walked back, looked at the students, and then took a look at the notice written "C", quickly came over, wiped out the "L" in "class", looked at the stunned student, and went on his way. Professor Tom was going to see his students the next day, so he wrote a few words on the blackboard: "Professor Tom is going to class tomorrow." a student saw that he had the opportunity to show his sense of humor after reading the notice.

He went forward to erase the "C" in the word "class". The professor noticed the laughter, turned around, came back, looked at the students, and then looked at the notice "C" erases the "L" in "class" and looks at the stunned student to continue his class.





A meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5. Problems to be talked about at the meeting include the safety of the dormitories, proper use of electricity, what to do in case of fire, prevention of theft and so on.

A member of each dormitory is required to be present. They should take notebooks with them and arrive on time. They should take notes carefully and after the meeting they are to inform their roommates of what is discussed and what measures will be taken.

The Dormitory Committee

April 2nd, 20XX


In order to celebrate the Treeplanting Day and protect environment, our school appeals for all the teachers and students to take part in the treeplanting activity.

Please gather in group of class at the school gate tomorrow morning, then walk to the hill east of our school with the guidance of each headteacher.

Its suggested to wear sports shoes and take iron spades and water breaker with you. Pay attention to safety during the planting.


Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please? About sixty Australian students will come to visit our school on June 15. Well meet them at the school gate at 8:30. Well take them to the meeting-room, where a get-together will be held. After that, well show them around our botanical garden and the school-run factory. At11:00 there will be a basketball match on the playground. They’ll leave our school at 12:00.

Please be friendly to them. We must talk with them in English.

Thats all. Thank you.


Attention please:

In order to keep our library in good order, we make some rules of borrowing books. Everyone in our school must obey them.

(1) The library opens from 3:00~5:00 .

(2) Everyone must use his own card to borrow books.

(3) Everyone can only borrow one book from the library once.

(4) Every book may be kept for a month. If you want to keep it longer, you must

renew it .

(5) If someone loses the books, he must pay for them.

(6) Some important books are not allowed to be taken out of the library. We hope

all of the classmates keep the rules strictly and we also hope that our library

will take on a new look very soon.


明天早晨 8 : 00 ,二年级学生要在校门外集合。请穿上旧衣服,去农场劳动。请根据所给条件写一篇简短的通知。(' 98 吉林中考试题)


All ( of ) the students of ( in ) Grade Two , We'llgo to work on the farm tomorrow . Please meet at8 : 00o'clock outside the school gate Don't forget to( You'd better ) put on your old clothes .

June 25 , 2015




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