1、燕雀安知鸿鹄之志。——司马迁 Brambling yasutomo lofty ambition。 2、人无善志,虽勇必伤。——《淮南子》 People have no good, although the courage to hurt。 3、真正的才智是刚毅的志向。——拿破仑 Is the true wisdom fortitude ambition。 4、人若有志,万事可为。——斯迈尔斯 If a person is willing, everything can be。 When the husband Fei, the female v? 6、有志者事竟成也!——刘秀 Where there is a will, there is a way! 7、愿相会于中华腾飞世界时。——周恩来 May we meet in the world when China take off。 8、雄心壮志是茫茫黑夜中的北斗星。——勃朗宁 Ambition is the Big Dipper in the night。 9、谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。——罗曼·罗兰 Who has the initiative, who will do it。 10、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。——杜甫 You would be extremely Ling, list of small hills。 11、目标越接近,困难越增加。——歌德 The more close to the target, the more difficult the more difficult。 People's aspirations are usually in proportion to their ability。 13、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。——孔丘 An army may be deprived of, man can not be deprived。 14、忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身,自然之理也。——欧阳修 One could, leisurelyhenan can dead body, is the truth of nature。 15、人品、学问,俱成于志气,无志气人,一事做不得。——申居郧 The character, knowledge, all in ambition, there is a gas, do not。 16、只要朝着一个方向努力,一切都会变得得心应手。——勃朗宁 As long as the effort in one direction, everything will become easier。 17、最糟糕的是人们在生活中经常受到错误志向的阻碍而不自知,真到摆脱了那些阻碍时才能明白过来。——歌德 The worst of all is that people often get the wrong ones in their lives, not knowing it。 18、没有坚定不移的信心,任何行动都会失败。——华·欧文 Without a firm confidence, any action will fail。 19、人患志之不立,亦何忧令名不彰邪?——刘义庆 People who will not stand, also what sorrow reputation not clear? 20、欲速则不达,见小利则大事不成。——春秋孔丘弟子 Haste makes waste, see the big things not。 The spring and Autumn Period。 21、每一个人要有做一代豪杰的雄心斗志!应当做个开创一代的人。——周恩来 Each person has to do a generation of aspiring hero! Ought to be a man of a generation。 22、一个从不怀疑生活方向和目标的人,绝对不会绝望。——莫里亚克 A person who never doubted the direction and goals of life will not despair。 23、伟大的人物都走过了荒沙大漠,才登上光荣的**。——巴尔扎克 Great men have gone through the desert sand, boarded the peak of glory。 24、坚志者,功名之主也。不惰者,众善之师也。——《抱朴子》 Jian Zhi, fame of the lord。 Not a lazy man, of all good teachers。 Time to catch up to say that is gold, catch is running water。 26、立志在坚不欲说,成功在久不在速。——张孝祥 Determined to do not want to say, the success in the long time。 27、志向和热爱是伟大行为的双翼。——歌德 Ambition and love is the wings of great actions。 28、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。——塞涅卡 If a man does not know where he is headed, then any wind is not the wind。 29、夫学须志也,才须学也,非学无以广才,非志无以成学。——诸葛亮 Sushi Ya, who must learn to learn, not to learn not to be broad, not to be a learning。 30、贫而懒惰乃真穷,贱而无志乃真贱。——罗丹 Poor and lazy is really poor, cheap and no ambition is really cheap。 31、志不真则心不热,心不热则功不紧。——颜元 Chi is not really the heart is not hot, the heart is not hot work is not tight。 32、志不立,天下无可成之事。——王阳明 Chi is not independent, there is no thing to do in the world。 33、虽有天下易生之物也,一日曝之,十日寒之,未有能生者也。——孟轲 Although the world easily。 Also, a day of exposure, ten days cold, also will not be able to grow。 34、骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功以不舍。——荀况 Steed leap, not ten steps to give up; ten inferior horse riding, power。 35、志不可一日坠,心不可一日放。——王豫 Chi can not fall, the heart can not be put on one day。 36、让自己的内心藏着一条巨龙,既是一种苦刑,也是一种乐趣。——雨果 Let your heart hide of a dragon, is a kind of torture, is also a kind of fun。 37、古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。——苏轼 Li ancient events are not only, but also have a strong ability above common people, unflinching will。 38、一日一钱,千日千钱,绳锯木断,水滴石穿。——班固 One day a day, thousands of thousands of money, Little strokes fell great oaks。, Dripping water wears through a stone。 39、水激石则鸣,人激志则宏。——秋瑾 Water excited Shi Zeming, people excited to the macro。 Whitehead is still a youth to go to sea, qianshan。 41、立志是读书人最要紧的一件事。——孙中山 Determined to be one of the most important things to read。 42、大丈夫处世,当扫除天下,安事一室乎!——《后汉书》 The man of life, when Saochutianxia, an almost one thing! 43、不登高山,不知天之大;不临深谷,不知地之厚也。——荀况 No mountains, not days; no deep valleys, I do not know of the thick。 44、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。——荀况 Perseverance, nothing; keep on carving, stone can be engraved。 45、青少年是一个美好而又是一去不可再得的时期,是将来一切光明和幸福的开端。——加里宁 The youth is a good and is a time which cannot be again, is the beginning of all bright and happy in the future。 46、战士自有战士的抱负:永远改造,从零出发;一切可耻的衰退,只能使人视若仇敌,踏成泥沙。——郭小川 The ambition of a warrior, for ever, to reform, to start from scratch; all the shame of a recession, can only make a person as if the enemy, set foot into the sand。 47、得进一寸进一寸,得进一尺进一尺,不断积累,飞跃必来,突破随之。——华罗庚 Get into an inch into an inch, have to enter a foot into a foot, continue to accumulate, leap must come, break with it。 48、咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中,知磨万击还坚韧,任尔东西南北风。——郑板桥 Insist Aoyama do not relax, rooted in the broken rock, known grinding million hit is also tough, Seoul, the four corners of the world wind。 49、一个人如果不到最**,他就没有片刻的安宁,他也就不会感到生命的恬静和光荣。——肖伯纳 If a person is not to the peak, he had no peace, he was quiet and glorious life will not。 50、学者须先立志。今日所以悠悠者,只是把学问不曾做一件事看,遇事则且胡乱恁地打过了,此只是志不立。——朱熹 Scholars must first resolve。 Today so Yo person, but the learning never do a thing to see, are in distress and casually so called, this just aim can not stand。 51、正路并不一定就是一条平平坦坦的直路,难免有些曲折和崎岖险阻,要绕一些弯,甚至难免误入歧途。——朱光潜 The way is not necessarily a flat straight, inevitably some twists and turns in the rugged and dangerous to around the bend, and inevitably go astray。 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。