Secretly sad, as immediate action。 2、成功这件事,自己才是老板! The success of this matter, he is the boss! 3、再多一点努力,就多一点成功。 More effort, more success。 4、成功,往往住在失败的隔壁! Success, often live in the failure of the next door! 5、不同的信念,决定不同的命运! Different beliefs, different destiny! 6、如果要飞得高,就该把地平线忘掉。 If you want to fly HISTEP, the horizon forget。 7、随随便便浪费的时间,再也不能赢回来。 Time to waste, and then can not win back。 8、你能做到的,比想像的更多。 You can do more than you think。 9、要改变命运,首先改变自己。 To change the destiny, first to change their own。 10、世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。 The only person who can not get through in the world can not go through the road。 11、不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 Not to worry about the future, only to clear the present efforts。 12、学习时的苦痛是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的。 Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long。 Life is not Lin Daiyu, not because of sadness and customs。 14、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。 If we have accepted the worst, we will have no loss。 The so-called genius, that is a lie, it is hard work。 16、时间是个常数,但也是个变数。勤奋的人无穷多,懒惰的人无穷少。 Time is a constant, but a variable。 A man who is diligent is infinite, and a lazy person is infinite。 17、即使行动导致错误,却也带来了学习与成长;不行动则是停滞与萎缩。 Even if you act, you will learn and grow。 The greatest joy in life is that you can't do it! 19、勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。 Hard work is the password for your life, and it can translate into a magnificent epic。 20、没有所谓幸运或厄运,每件事情有因必有果。 There is no fortune or misfortune, everything has to be fruit。 21、哪里有天才,我是把别人喝咖啡的功夫,都用在工作上的。 Where there is a genius, I am a person to drink coffee, are used in the work。 22、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。 Success is not the future, but from the decision to do the moment, continue to accumulate and become。 23、现在站在什么地方不重要,重要的是你往什么方向移动。 Where is it not important now, what is the important way to move you。 24、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。 Life is not to go beyond the others, but to go beyond their own。 25、工作中,你要把每一件小事都和远大的固定的目标结合起来。 In your work, you should combine every little thing with a great aim。 26、每一种挫折或不利的突变,是带着同样或较大的有利的种子。 Each setback or unfavorable mutation is the same or greater advantage of the seed。 I think that setbacks, suffering is a good opportunity to exercise willpower, enhance ability。 28、勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。 The warriors fight the hack flow without destruction, drowning in a coward will be in smooth water。 29、成功是什么?就是走过了所有通向失败的路,只剩下一条路,那就是成功的路。 What is success? Is through all the way to the failure, only a road, that is the road to success。 30、成大事不在于力量多少,而在能坚持多久。 Into a big thing is not how much power, but how long it can last。 31、人的生命似洪水在奔流,不遇着岛屿、暗礁,难以激起美丽的浪花。 Human life like flood in running, not in islands, reefs, it is difficult to arouse beautiful spray。 32、不求与人相比,但求超越自己,要哭就哭出激动的泪水,要笑就笑出成长的性格! Don't compare with others, but to go beyond their own, want to cry to cry out tears, laugh out of growth character! Success is not a dream or a wish, but a hard work and practice。 34、人不怕走在黑夜里,就怕心中没有阳光。 People are not afraid to walk in the night, not afraid of sunshine heart。 35、出路出路,走出去了,总是会有路的。困难苦难,困在家里就是难。 Way out, go out, there will always be a way。 Difficulties, difficulties in the home is difficult。 36、在一个崇高的目标支持下,不停地工作,即使慢,也一定会获得成功。 With a lofty goal, it is not a stop to work, even if it is slow, it will be successful。 37、活在当下,别在怀念过去或者憧憬未来中浪费掉你现在的生活。 Live in the present, don't waste your life in the past or in the future。 38、上帝从不抱怨人们的愚昧,人们却抱怨上帝的不公平。 God never complains about people's ignorance, people complain about the unfairness of God。 39、幸运之神的降临,往往只是因为你多看了一眼,多想了一下,多走了一步。 The advent of the lucky god, often just because you have a look, think about it, more than a step。 40、命好不如习惯好。养成好习惯,一辈子受用不尽。 Life is better than good habits。 Good habits, a lifetime ever。 41、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个目标而奋斗。 Life for some people is beautiful, these people's life for a certain goal and struggle。 42、学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。 Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently。 43、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不挠。 Outstanding people is one major advantage: never yield in spite of reverses in the negative and difficult experiences。 44、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。 Life is like riding a bicycle。 To keep your balance you must move on。 45、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。 Any restrictions, are from the beginning of their own hearts。 46、积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会,而消极的人则在每个机会都看到某种忧患。 The positive person sees an opportunity in every crisis, while the negative person sees some kind of misery in every opportunity。 47、在生活中,我跌倒过。我在嘲笑声中站起来,虽然衣服脏了,但那是暂时的,它可以洗净。 In life I fell over。 I laughed to stand up, although the clothes are dirty, but it is temporary, it can wash。 48、崇高的理想就像生长在高山上的鲜花。如果要搞下它,勤奋才能是攀登的绳索。 Lofty ideals are like flowers on a high mountain。 If you want to get it, hard work can be a rope to climb。 49、环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环境控制,积极的人却控制环境。 Environment will never be perfect, negative people are subject to environmental control, active people are controlled environment。 50、在你内心深处,还有无穷的潜力,有一天当你回首看时,你就会知道这绝对是真的。 In your heart, there is a great potential, one day when you look back, you will know that this is absolutely true。 51、只有不断找寻机会的人才会及时把握机会,越努力,越幸运。 Only by constantly looking for the opportunity to grasp the opportunity to grasp the opportunity, the harder, the more lucky。 52、伟人之所以伟大,是因为他与别人共处逆境时,别人失去了信心,他却下决心实现自己的目标。 A great man is great, because he and others in the face of adversity, others lose confidence, he was determined to achieve their goals。 53、放弃该放弃的是无奈,放弃不该放弃的是无能;不放弃该放弃的是无知,不放弃不该放弃的是执着。 Give up should give up is helpless, give up should not give up is incompetent; do not give up the abandoned is ignorance, do not give up should not give up is persistent。 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。