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有关青春句子英语怎么说 精选110句

1. Youth leads me, while white hair deceives people and lives. -Li Bai

2. Knowing the world and not being sophisticated is the kindest maturity.

3. Be a brave dream catcher from your interests!

4. Please live every day carefully and believe that tomorrow will be better.

5. 益重青春志,霜恒不渝。——李隆基Yi youth volunteers, constant wind and frost.

6. Young dreamers, happy way home.

7. Try to run long. You and I are both dream catchers.

8. 青年是整个社会力量中的一部分最积极最有生气的力量。他们最肯学习,最少保守思想,在社会主义时代尤其是这样。

9. 青春就像一瓶纯洁的矿泉,稍微一倾斜,再一倾斜,便义无反顾的流走了。

10. If your heart is like a window, you will see the world; if your heart is like a mirror, you will observe yourself.

11. Don't just talk verbally, but really act.

12. 世界是你们的,也是我们的,但是归根结底是你们的。你们年青人朝气蓬勃,正在兴旺时候,好像早晨八九点钟的太阳希望寄托在你们身上。

13. 笑是咸的,是甜的,我们的歌声是酸的;汗水是苦的,信念是辣的,我们的青春是热腾腾的。

14. You can't change your appearance, but you can smile.

15. Life is like a road, and you must walk out of the bustling scenery in desolation.

16. The world is yours only if you become a better self.

17. 青春时光转眼即逝。——贺拉斯Youth time which passes in an instant.

18. 如果我变成回忆退出了这场生命,留下你错愕哭泣我冰冷身体拥抱不了你,想到我让深的你人海孤独旅行我会恨自己如此狠

19. The sun is happy because it shines brightly. The sea is also happy, because it reflects the happy light of the sun. -Gorky

20. 乐观是养生的秘诀,常常忧思和愤怒,足以使健康的身体变成衰弱而有余。

21. 你知道满星的语是什么吗?就是甘愿做配角。我怀揣着对你的爱,就像怀着赃物的盗贼一样。

22. It is the thing whose loss with a sad and secret joy.青春的失去是人们真正觉得悲喜交集的

23. 青春,就像受赞美的春天。——勃特勒Youth, like the spring by the praise.

24. Too many ideas and concerns will make you unable to move forward.

25. Sometimes, the height of a person's mind is the height of his dream.

26. 很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了。

27. Dreamcatcher, let youth blow your long hair and let us all have our own dreams.

28. Happy is the man who can continue his career once he starts. -herzen

29. 青春是一本太仓促的。——席慕容Youth is a too hasty book.

30. The world can be chaotic, but the heart cannot be dirty.

31. 青春是没有经验和任性的。——泰戈尔There is no experience and wayward youth.

32. It's nothing more than blocking your heart and never letting it beat.

33. 生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春:充满着力量,充满着期待志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望信心和青春。

34. 青春岂不惜,行乐非所欲。——文天祥The youth do not hesitate, play the way all the time.

35. The youth who pursues dreams never gives up.

36. Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind. -Seneca

37. It is the thing whose passing he watches with infinite sorrow and regret.眼睁睁地看着青春流逝,心中会涌起无穷的忧伤和惋惜。

38. 有朋友问我,她是该选航船,还是选港湾。我说这世界上没有不沉的船。

39. 像五的暖阳,青春充满朝气;像破土的新芽,青春充满活力,像欢腾的小河,青春流淌着我们的快乐与迷惘。青春是稍纵即逝的,需要我们好好把握。

40. Manxxxs youth is the thing he cannot bear to lose.谁都想让青春永驻,不忍青春离去。

41. 当经历过了,失败过了,悲伤过了,快乐过了,幸福过了,一切就都过去了。不管是不是美好的,青春都只有一次,那是最值得怀念的日子。

42. 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面丹唇柔膝,而是深沉的意志恢宏的想像炽热的感情;青春是生命的深泉涌流。

43. It is a wonderful thing, it is so full of anguish and of magic.青春奇妙无穷,充满魅力,充满痛楚。

44. To do what you love to the extreme becomes value.

45. 不要责怪自己的轻狂,那是年轻最明亮的标志,不要自卑自己的浅薄,经过岁月的打磨,你会得到满载的智慧和经验。

46. Dreamcatcher, let youth blow your long hair and let it pull your dreams.

47. The biggest failure is to give up, the biggest enemy is yourself, and the biggest opponent is time.

48. On the way to dream, don't lose your time.

49. Young people demand freedom of action and independence of thought. Young people need to vent their instinct and look for the fanaticism of life, but they also vent their impulse to resist suffocation and produce outward expanding mental ability. —— Zhu Bingxin

50. Don't blame others for talking about you if you can't keep others shut up.

51. As long as a person has a pure heart and no sorrow and no hate, his youth can be prolonged. -Si Tangda

52. 有时候,受了委屈,本来不想哭,可是只要别人一问你怎么了,就会忍不住地流眼泪

53. Youth is the harvest season of poetry, while old age is more suitable for philosophical harvest. -Schopenhauer

54. 人的一生只有一次青春。——朗费罗Only a young personxxxs life.

55. 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面,丹唇,柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炽热的感情;青春是生命的源泉在不息的涌流。

56. Youth has no regrets, and dreams are the wings that guide us to fly.

57. Youth should be: a lion awaking with wisdom, a fire of wisdom! The wise lion roars for the beauty of reason; The fire of wisdom burns for the ideal beauty. -Copernicus

58. Dare to face the reality, take responsibility, and make continuous progress.

59. If you waste your age, it is quite sad. Because your youth can only last a little time-a short time. -Oscar Wilde

60. 又易逝,令人扼腕叹无奈。——佚名Again, a lamentable sighing helplessly.

61. Young people should work hard. How can they climb after a year?

62. 白日莫空过,青春不再来。——林宽The day not empty, the youth will never come again.

63. There is no end to the success of a career. It is an endless pursuit.

64. If you focus on what you expect, you will get something.

65. 对不起,我们注定要错过。一开始我以为伟大的是感情,最后我无力的看清,强悍的是命运

66. Young people should be careful to guard against all the root causes of corruption, such as bad social intercourse and worthless books. -Comenius

67. 青春耐久藏珍宝。——莎士亚Youth durable hidden treasure.

68. 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们强壮的地方。

69. 青春留不住,白发自然生。——杜牧The youth do not leave, white hair natural born.

70. Friendship has many names, but once youth and beauty intervene, friendship is called love, and it is deified as the most beautiful angel. -Krissos

71. Struggle! A dream catcher who runs hard.

72. It is a fallacy to believe that youth is the happiest time in one's life. The happiest people are those who think about the most interesting ideas, so the older we are, the happier we are. -William Leon Philpo

73. 青春如高流水,磕磕绊绊一淌来,留下一身伤痕,而每道痕沟都会迸溅出一首歌。

74. As long as you have ears, you will hear something that is not good or good, so don't worry about it.

75. Follow the rapid process of life. When you are young, you should be young. -Pushkin

76. If you don't go into the water, you won't swim for a lifetime; If you don't sail, you will never sail.

77. 日莫空,青春再来。——林宽Donxxxt empty, youth comes back to you.

78. In and the silk-worms of spring will weave until they die, there is no end to waiting for the elderly. It is necessary to work hard to stay as a good category for youth. -Wu Yuzhang

79. Knowing what you want lies in knowing what you must give up before you get it.

80. The greatest sorrow in life is to live up to youth. -Boccaccio

81. Struggle Youth is the most beautiful. We are all dream catchers of youth.

82. Young dreamers, dreams start from here.

83. When I was young, my dreams were like flowers, clear springs and sunshine.

84. What is the taste of love without youth? What's the point of youth without love? -Byron

85. 青春的季里,天空总是有那么一点灰,就如同自己的心情一般,总是不能那么如愿的像小时候那样单纯的,天真的笑。一切的一切,都不那么尽如人意。

86. Youth, once you shake hands with it tightly, can gain the motivation to explore new ways and possess the spirituality of creative life. -golden horse.

87. Youth without light is like a fertile soil, without crops, or full of weeds. -Wu Yunduo

88. The most magnificent palace in the world is the library with the largest collection of books.

89. Don't cry because it's over, smile because you once had it.

90. People can't live like animals, they should pursue knowledge and virtue.

91. 青春是一场泅渡,如履薄冰,战战兢兢我们却要把持住那些岌岌可危的惶恐,毅然朝梦里花开的暖季前行。

92. No one likes loneliness, but doesn't like disappointment.

93. When the brilliance of youth fades away, the inner personality of never aging is more obvious on a person's face and eyes, which seems to be the result of living in the same place for a long time. -Tagore

94. 迟到的青春是持久的青春。——尼采Youth is lasting youth I was late.

95. 青春再美,也是一个一个点滴小事串联在一起上的,只有这些小的亮点发光发热整个青春才会勃发出它最耀眼最璀璨的神圣之光。

96. 青春是不耐久藏的东西。——莎士比亚Youth is not durable hidden things.

97. If you can't stand loneliness, you can't see prosperity.

98. 只有把握现在,才能在明天驰骋风云,只有把握现在,才能充实虚幻的明天,只有把握现在,才能造就明天的辉煌!

99. The insurmountable mountain and sea will eventually turn into a Ma Pingchuan.

100. With the greatest hope, make the worst plans for the greatest diligence.

101. every kind of setback or unfavorable mutation carries the same or larger beneficial seeds. -Emerson

102. 青年的主要任务是学习。——xxxYouth is the main task of the study.

103. 青春,是短暂的,是绚丽的,好似一颗流星,耀眼夺目的光芒,可最终逃不过损落的命运。我们都不会忘记曾经她闪亮过。

104. 青春的脚步行去流水,生活的道路靠我们自己去探求。莫叹息,莫停止,要思考,要奋斗,趁风华正茂,莫让年华付流水。

105. 青春,是一包象征着阳光的向日葵种子,在现在洒下,就会在未来得到收获,那一株株饱含青春的花朵。

106. 成功是什么?就是走过了所有通向失败的路,只剩下一条路,那就是成功的路。

107. 青春是打开了就合不上的书,人生是踏上了就回不了头的路,爱情是扔出了就收不回的赌注。

108. 青春是一道算法。立志勤勉用加法,心存懒惰用减法,奋力拼搏用乘法,误入歧途用除法。日积月累,人生按几何系数增长;方向错误,归零重头再来。

109. The best advice to young people is to make them humble and prudent, show filial respect to their parents and love their relatives and friends. -Cicero

110. If you can carry it yourself, keep it quiet. Your affectation is not beautiful.

有关青春的句子英语怎么说 精选29句

1. When you are with spring, you always have a smile on your face.

2. 走着走着,就散了,回忆都淡了;回头发现,你不见了,忽然我乱了。

3. As long as you are strong enough, nothing can break you down.

4. You have your poetry and distance, and I have my laziness and arrogance.

5. Anyone who is bright and beautiful must face difficulties and obstacles.

6. 在那么多逝去的日子里,青春迎风击落过多少斑斓的星辰,之后便漫天飞舞起来,成为滋润金色庄稼的泱泱大

7. Being young is not your reason for playing, but the capital of your struggle.

8. Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers and death is as beautiful as autumn leaves. -Tagore

9. Wherever the spring breeze blows, there are weeds of youth everywhere. -Cang Kejia

10. Laughing at life makes you look down on everything, but you keep it in your heart.

11. 青春,如同一场盛大而华丽的戏,我们有着不同的假面,扮演着不同的角色,演绎着不同的经历,却有着相同的悲哀。

12. 自信和希望是青年的特权。——王尔德Confidence and hope is the privilege of youth.

13. Silk dyeing has no white, white temples have no heavy black, and strive to love youth. -Xuan Guozhang

14. 生命之舟面对险滩,面对激流,弱者会选择逃避和放弃,而强者则会选择面对和挑战。人生中无限的乐趣都在于对人生的挑战之中迸出不衰的光芒。

15. 乐观的人永葆青春。——拜伦Optimistic person eternal youth.

16. The night gave me black eyes, but I used them to look for light. -Gu Cheng

17. If youth is a defect, it is also a defect that we will lose too soon. -Lowell

18. Books can keep our childlike innocence; Books can keep us young. -Yan Wenjing

19. If youth has its shortcomings, it is that it fades too fast. -La Lowell

20. Life should not be controlled by the past. It is the future that determines your progress.

21. 誓言像花儿般随风飘向远方,青春散场留下永恒的伤,秋天来了,叶子红了,这个季节我收获了悲伤。

22. 青春是美好的岁月,是自由。而我却无法拥有,没有学生时代的纯真回忆,也没有青春岁月的自由,仅存的,是对未来的憧憬,对自由的渴望。

23. The growth of life requires eating, suffering and losing.

24. Choose what you can afford and take what you choose.

25. 从小我就懂得保护自已,我知道想要不被人拒绝,的办法就是先拒绝别人。

26. 青春须早为,岂能长少年。——孟郊The youth should be early to, how long the young.

27. Exaggerated language, tired smile and blurred eyes.

28. He never comes to know it as it is, until it has gone from him forever.青春年少的时候根本不知青春为何物,直到青春一去不复返了才对青春有了真正的认识。

29. 青春能弥补一切。——赫兹里特Youth makes us amend for everything.

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