Till today, harvest tomorrow. 2、东隅已逝,桑隅非晚。 The east corner is dead, the mulberry corner is not late. 3、我运动,我健康,我参与,我最棒。 I exercise, I'm healthy, I'm involved, and I'm the best. 4、团结友爱,拼搏进取。 Unity and love, struggle and enterprising. 5、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。 The world is in the rise. 6、想要受到别人尊敬,必须学会尊敬别人。 If you want to be respected, you must learn to respect others. There is no time to learn the sea. 8、团结勤奋,勇争第一。 Unity and diligence are the first. 9、好好学习,天天向上。 Study hard and make progress every day. 10、挑战自我,突破极限。 Challenge yourself and break through the limit. Today is the moon and the moon. 12、同心同德,勇往直前。 In the same mind, go forward. Everyone has a goal in the heart and I want to succeed. 14、功崇惟志,业广为勤。 The work is highly active and the industry is widely used. 15、高考不怕远征难,考后六月尽开颜。 The college entrance examination is not afraid of the expedition, and after June, the college entrance examination will be the best. 16、道远知骥,世伪知贤。 The world is a wise man. 17、莫为失败找借口,多为成功找理由。 Do not make excuses for failure, and find reasons for success. Never go back, we are the best team. 19、播种劳动,收获成功。 Sow the work, the harvest is successful. 20、观海得深,瞻天见大。 It is deep to see the sea and see the sky. 21、己所不欲,勿施于人。 Do not give to others what you do not want. 22、我心一片磁针石,不读清华不肯休。 I heart a piece of magnetic needle stone, do not read Qinghua not to rest. 23、自己选择的路,跪着也要走下去。 The road that you choose, kneel also must go down. 24、没有播种,何来收获。 No sowing, no harvest. 25、努力进取,勇夺第一。 Work hard and win first. 26、不读清华不肯休,我心一片磁针石。 I don't read Tsinghua, my heart is a magnetic needle stone. 27、顽强拼搏,勇夺第一。 Hard work, the first to win. 28、奋勇拼搏,决战高考。 Fight hard and fight for the college entrance examination. 29、青霄有路终须到,金榜无名誓不归。 There is no way for the golden list to come. 30、团结拼搏,争创佳绩。 Unite to strive for success. 31、希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。 I hope that only with diligence can we become more powerful. 32、龙吟八洲行壮志,凤舞九天挥鸿图。 Dragon Yin eight continents line of ambition, Feng dance nine days to swing a picture. 33、态度决定一切,习惯成就未来。 Attitude determines everything, and habits make the future. The mind determines the fate, and the confidence goes to success. 35、好的种子,不怕埋没,总有出土的一天。 Good seeds are not afraid of burying. There is always a day unearthed. 36、精研博学,笃行仁德。 To study and learn and to be benevolent. Knowledge changes destiny, and ideal changes attitude. 38、精诚所至,金石为开。 Sincere and sincere, gold and stone for the open. 39、进思尽忠,退思补过。 Go into thinking and make up for it. 40、分分秒秒,构筑辉煌。 Every minute, build a brilliant. 41、天道酬勤,恒者能胜。 A man can win by a God. 42、短暂辛苦,终身幸福。 Short - time hard, lifelong happiness. 43、今天的努力,明天的实力。 Today's efforts, tomorrow's strength. 44、闲适和宁静,对于浪花,意味着死亡。 Leisure and tranquility mean death for waves. 45、一份耕耘,一份收获。 A plough, a harvest. 46、千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。 The dike of a thousand miles is broken in the nest. 47、拼两个春夏秋冬,博高考无怨无悔。 Spell two spring, summer, autumn and winter, there are no regrets in the college entrance examination. 48、立足基础,脚踏实地搏击高考。 Base on the foundation and fight on the ground to fight the college entrance examination. 49、失败的尽头是成功,努力的终点是辉煌。 The end of failure is success, and the end of effort is glory. 50、老骥伏枥,志在千里。 The old man has a great ambition and a thousand miles. 51、团结奋进,成才报国。 Unite and forge ahead to return to the country. 52、没有做不好的事;只有做不好事的人。 No one can do anything bad; only do something bad. Show me the wisdom and show my grace. 54、细节决定成功,点滴铸就辉煌。 The details are determined to be successful and the drop is brilliant. 55、拼一分高一分,一分成就终生。 One point is high, one point is a lifetime. 56、爱班守纪,勤奋努力。 The love class keeps the discipline and diligently. 57、奥运精神,永驻我心。 The spirit of the Olympic Games is forever in my heart. 58、为了梦想,我们不懈努力。 In order to dream, we work unremittingly. 59、勤奋,是步入成功之门的通行证。 Diligence is the passport to the door of success. 60、因为有缘我们相聚,成功靠大家努力。 Because we are together, success depends on everyone's efforts. 61、把握现在,决战今天。 Seize the present and fight today. 62、雁怕离群,人怕掉队。 The wild goose is afraid of outgoing, and people are afraid of falling out. 63、浩然明理,俨然肯学。 Hao Ran was willing to learn. 64、把握机遇,心想事成。 Grasp the opportunity, think of everything. 65、团结互助,共同进步。 Unity and mutual assistance and common progress. 66、忍耐一分期待,就可能握住十分的收获。 If you endure a little expectation, you will probably achieve great results. 67、严实活新,勤奋进取。 It is hard to live new, diligent and enterprising. Sweat watering hope, struggle to determine fate. 69、鞋底磨穿了,不等于路走到了头。 The sole was worn, not the way to the head. 70、同心合力,创造辉煌。 Together, create brilliance. 71、立志漫长清华园,刻苦方能未明湖。 It is a long time to make a long history of Tsinghua Yuan. Will will enable life to continue, struggle can make life brilliant. 73、人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。 There is no rehearsal in life, every day is live. 74、不经一番寒彻骨,怎得考试高分来。 If you don't have a good cold, you have to get a high score in the exam. 75、有则改之,无则加勉。 If you have to change it, you will not add to it. 76、团结奋进,直面挑战。 Unite and forge ahead and face the challenge. 77、文武之道,一张一弛。 It is a way of writing and learning. 78、莫放松点,莫轻视微。 Do not relax and look lightly. 79、学则智,不学则愚;学则治,不学则乱。 Learning is wisdom, not learning is foolishness; learning is governed but not learning is chaos. 80、自信人生二百年,会当水击三千里。 Confidence in life for two hundred years, when the water hit three thousand miles. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。