英语口语对话100句系列 处在小学英语学习期的孩子最不愿意学的就是语法,这很好理解,因为我们在刚学母语的时候也不是按照语法来说话的,所以学习小学英语最有效的办法之一就是在练习对话的过程中学习英语。 下面这些对话都是小卡总结出来的对少儿英语学习帮助很大的对话,家长们快收藏起来为孩子练习用吧。 ●关心对方 我帮您收大衣吧。 Let me get your coat for you. *主人迎接穿大衣来访的客人时使用。 Let me get your coat for you. (我帮您收大衣吧。) Thanks. (谢谢。) 别拘束,像在自己家一样吧。 Make yourself at home. I like your apartment. (我很喜欢您的公寓。) Make yourself at home. (别客气,像在自己家一样吧。) 很抱歉…… Excuse me. *中途退席时。 One moment, please. 现在您有空吗? Do you have a minute? *要和对方说话时。 Can I talk to you for a minute? Are you busy now? (现在你忙吗?) 我能跟您说几句话吗? Can I talk to you for a minute? Can I talk to you for a minute? (我能跟您说几句话吗?) Sure, go ahead. (当然可以,你说吧!) 您先请。 After you. After you. (您先请。) Oh, thank you. (噢!谢谢!) 我帮您一把吧! Can I give you a hand? Can I give you a hand? (我帮您一把吧!) That's all right, thanks. (好的,谢谢。) 对不起,我过一下。 Excuse me. Excuse me. (对不起,我过一下。) That's all right. (您请。) 我接受你的建议。/就照你说的。 I'll accept your offer. I'll accept your offer. (我接受你的建议。/就照你说的。) That's great! (太棒了。)*常用于在工作中。例如在回答类似“我考虑要你做A分店的分店长怎么样?”和“这辆车我想卖5000美元”的问题时,前一种情况意为“我想我可以接受你的建议”,后一种情况可以理解为“好吧,这个价钱我买了。” 对不起,打断一下。 Sorry to interrupt you. Sorry to interrupt you. (对不起,打断一下。) Yes? (什么事?) 真抱歉,这么突然。 Sorry for the short notice. *short notice “急的,突然的”。 Sorry for the short notice. (真抱歉,这么突然。) Don't worry about it. (没关系,不必担心。) ●还礼不客气。 You're welcome. Thank you for everything. (感谢您做的一切。) You're welcome. (不客气。) My pleasure. Don't mention it. No problem. Not at all. You're quite welcome. That's quite alright. Don't worry about it. 不必客气。 Don't mention it. *这句常用于美国,在英国和澳大利亚则不常使用。 能帮助您,我非常高兴。 I'm glad I could help. Thanks, you saved my life! (谢谢您救了我一命。) I'm glad I could help. (能帮助您,我非常高兴。) ●道谢Thank you. *在欧美日常生活中,不能忘记对别人表示感谢。 Thank you. (谢谢!) You're welcome. (不客气。) 多谢! Thanks. *比Thank you.较随便些。 非常感谢! Thank you very much. *比Thank you.要有礼貌。 Thanks a lot. Thank you so much. 真是非常感谢。 Much appreciated. Thank you. *appreciate “感激”、“感谢”,多在美国南部使用。 I appreciate it. 谢谢您的好意。 Thanks for your kindness. That's very nice of you. That's very kind of you. How kind of you. 非常感谢你的关怀。 I appreciate your kindness. I appreciate your kindness. (非常感谢你的关怀。) Don't mention it. (别客气。) 我无法表达对您的感谢。 I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough. (我无法表达对您的感谢。) You're quite welcome. (您太客气了。) 真不知如何感谢你的关心。 I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness. *hardly常常和can、could构成否定的形式表示“根本不能……”、“难以……”。和barely意思大致相同。 I have no words to thank you. (不知说什么才能感谢您。) I can't express how grateful I am. (不知如何表达谢意。) 你帮了我大忙了。 You've been very helpful. You've been a big help. (你帮我大忙了。) You've been a great help. (你帮我大忙了。) 谢谢你的帮助。 Thank you for the help. Thank you for the help. (谢谢你的帮助。) My pleasure. (没什么。) Thank you for helping me. (谢谢你对我的照顾。) I appreciate your help. 耽误您时间,实在对不起。 Thanks for your time. Thanks for your time. (耽误您时间,实在对不起。) Don't worry about it. (没关系。) 感谢您为我做的一切。 Thanks for everything. Thanks for all you've done. Thank you for all of your kindness. 不管怎么都要谢谢您。 Thank you anyway. *对方虽好意相助,但终究没有起到作用时使用。 Sorry, I don't know. (对不起,我不知道。) Thank you anyway. (不管怎么都要谢谢您。) Thanks for offering, but... (谢谢你的建议,但是……) Thanks for offering, but I have other plans. (谢谢您的建议,可是我们有其他计划。) 哦!那太好了。 How nice! It's on me. (这次我请客。) Oh! How nice! (哦!那太好了。) How lovely! *女性常用。 What a treat! 我欠你的情。 I owe you one. I'm much obliged. (万分感谢。)*比较礼貌的说法。be obliged表示“感谢,感激”,多在美国南部使用。 I'm in your debt. *in one's debt “向……借过钱”,引申为“受……的恩惠”,比较强调感谢的心情。 谢谢你送给我的礼物。 Thanks a lot for your present. Thank you for your gift. 您能这样说,我非常感谢。 Thanks for saying so. I really like your apartment. (我真的喜欢你的公寓。) Thanks for saying so. (您能这样说,我非常感谢。) It's nice of you to say so. 谢谢你告诉我。 Thanks for telling me. You have a run in your stocking. (你的丝袜跳线了。) Thanks for telling me. (谢谢你告诉我。) Thanks for letting me know. 非常感谢你等着我。 Thanks for waiting for me. Sorry to have kept you waiting. (对不起,让你久等了。) Sorry, I'm late. (对不起,我晚了。) 谢谢你约我出来。 Thanks for asking me out. *ask someone out 一般是“约会”的意思。 Thanks for inviting me. (谢谢您邀请我。) 谢谢你鼓励我。 Thanks for cheering me up. *cheer up “鼓励”、“打起精神”、“鼓足勇气”。 Thank you for making me feel better. 你救了我一命。 You saved my life. Watch out! Stop! (小心!站住!) Thanks, you saved my life. (谢谢,你救了我一命。) 谢谢你对我的忠告。 Thanks for warning me. Thanks for the warning. Thanks for telling me. (谢谢你告诉我。) 谢谢你不远万里专程跑一趟。 Thanks for coming all the way over here. Thanks for coming all the way over here. (谢谢你大老远专程跑一趟。) It was no trouble. (这没什么大不了的。) 谢谢你的来信,你对我太好了。 Thank you for your letter. It was very kind of you. Thank you for your letter. It was very kind of you. (谢谢你的来信,你对我太好了。) You're welcome. (这没什么。) 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。