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1 . the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end maybe this world is really only hazy is true

2 . , accident and tomorrow do not know which comes first No crisis is the biggest crisis, to meet the status quo is the biggest trap

3 . 插上想的翅膀

4 . 许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。

5 . , no goal, always for the goal of the people to work hard

6 . , the more noble a mans ideal, the purer his life

7 . 让梦想起航。

8 . Class , class : people want to fight out a blue sky!

9 . Whether it is night or season, it will not last forever When cherry blossoms bloom, the winter will be over

10 . 拉手 ,我们一起来做运动


1 . , unite to strive for success

2 . I havent a clue我认输了。

3 . Not a chance!用于没有可能性时。

4 . , reading ten thousand books is better than walking thousands of miles, traveling thousands of miles is better than reading countless people, reading countless people, as teachers guide Classics division is easy to get, person division is hard to find

5 . 全力以赴

6 . It was fate fate “逃脱不了的命运,注定的命运”。

7 . 一根小小的木棒,连接的是团结和友一根小小的木棒,传递的是勇气力量一根小小的木棒,演绎的是奋斗和拼搏加油吧!让这激动人的时刻,一直回荡在我们心中!

8 . Trees are very helpful and important for us

9 . , the competition is second

10 . 我们的生活离不开


1 . Its my only choice

2 . How to pretect our enviroment has been one of the most difficult problem in the world

3 . I dont have any idea

4 . , exercise, bravery first

5 . can not touch, unreal also true, the mirage in dream Can not see, between heaven and earth, the pursuit of dreams to the end

6 . I have no other choice but to do so (除此之外我别无选择。

7 . I have no idea

8 . Pay tribute to those who are against the epidemic situation May you come back safely when the flowers bloom in spring! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

9 . It“s our duty to protect our environment

10 . Wash your hands frequently! Dont go out! Wish the motherland prosperity! the country is prosperous and the people are at peace! Defeat the virus as soon as possible! May we all go out of the house to breathe fresh air!


1 . a goal is a dream with a deadline

2 . , the youth is fearless, and the dream is carried out

3 . 温暖的阳光洒在赛场上,男子乙组标枪的比赛即将开始。赛场上,一道道优美的弧线将轻盈地划过空。健儿们用手中的标枪向距离的权限发起一轮又一轮的挑战。标枪在空中轻盈的姿态,是健儿们强健的力量和熟练的技巧的结合。谁能在这场激烈的竞争中获胜?让我们拭目以待,让我们为他们呐喊助威吧!只有将力量与技巧合二为一的人,才能获得胜利的桂冠!

4 . 广阔的绿茵场,是为你们搭建的舞台。张扬吧,年轻的心,我们将为你永远喝彩!

5 . 下午,有一场女子跳远比赛,我班义柏芊信心十足临接这场比赛。那知,她在第一次试跳时竟只跳了两米多一点,而其他班参赛的同学都跳了三米多。弄的我们对她失去了信心,连周老师都叫我们别看了,你说她会赢吗?结果她比完后来找我们,告诉我们她得了第三名,让我们和老师都惊讶极了。

6 . Why are you doing it? (你为什么做这样的呢?

7 . Its in the past

8 . One side has difficulties, eight sides support, unite to fight the epidemic together, hope to defeat the virus as soon as possible!

9 . 致运动员,是体育场上游走的火焰,是来去不息的脚步,是中飞舞的叶折射的金色光芒,藉此,可以诠释运动员兴奋的庞。那轻盈的步伐似飞鸟的翅膀,那清脆的枪声响彻天际,它粲然升起那跃动的渴望,起跑加速超越冲刺,一步一步延向胜利的曙光。那是力的比拼,素质的较量,是石榴树上,跃动的心脏。

10 . , play ball must be strong, to count the first classes!


1 . I understand that the busyness of daily work, study and life is to deceive myself I have nothing What can really enrich my body and mind What makes me happy is never a foreign object, but a person who can chat with you for a long night, enjoy the vicissitudes of the world, appreciate the warmth and coldness of the world, and know that you understand you

2 . , the youth movement, the friendship is healthy

3 . sometimes, chasing the dream of people, than grasp the dream of the people to play more strength ah!

4 . In todays epidemic situation, it has become an extravagant hope to go out freely The plum blossoms in the botanical garden of Sui and Tang Dynasties are in full swing Looking at the photos sent to me by my friends, I feel that life is not easy again I hope the virus will fade away as soon as possible We can also look for the fragrance in the snow and see the shadow at dusk

5 . 所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

6 . We should plant more flowers and trees

7 . 这是每个人的责任,爱护和保护环境

8 . Please reduce to crowded places

9 . Its done with这可难倒了我。/不知道。

10 . hopelessly devoted to a cure! youre the one that we want! practice winning everyday! no back can run winner! work will win when wishing wont! no tears,only sweat achieve u!


1 . in the way of your dreams and hope, every one of us should enjoy more comfortable and pleasant, comfortable mood and atmosphere to everyone around us, so that we are able to actively, the heart of thanksgiving to enjoy our life

2 . 也许流星并不少见,但它燃烧的刹那,留给人间最美丽的回忆!也许笑脸并不少见,但胜利的喜悦,总会留给世界精彩的一瞬!是的,那些曾经美妙的东西只有短短的一瞬间,但那却把最辉煌的一刻留给了人间。胜利,是每个人所追求的,胜利的喜悦,是胜利与重新开始的转折,胜利是新的开始!

3 . Better than nothing 句子开头的Its被省略。

4 . every passage is a difficult pursuit, not a chase for a dream, but a pursuit of oneself

5 . Would you lend me ¥,? (你能借给我日元吗?

6 . , pay tribute to the athletes attending the school sports meeting

8 . Its all over

9 . Life, bitterness and happiness are all there is, separation and separation are all in The epidemic is over! Warm spring flowers

10 . , life is unsuccessful, success is temporary; success in life, success is temporary


1 . The true joy of life is the commitment to a goal which one considers to be great

2 . Higher,faster, stronger

3 . , unity and struggle, always create brilliance

4 . , revitalize the Chinese, carry on my bank

5 . 我们听从学校的安排来到操场上,那里已经有好多同学和我一样,满怀激的等待运动会的开始。我参加的项目是米跑和班级的迎面接力比赛。首先开始的是接力比赛,男女生各十名,相距米进行接力棒的传递。一开始,我们班就处在领先的位置,我的小伙伴都很认真的传递着接力棒,一点也不敢马虎,当时的我好想得到第一名,所以拿到接力棒就拼命的冲向终点,结果在我们的齐心协力下,终于梦想成真,夺得了年级比赛第一名。全班同学都在欢歌跳跃,我们好开心啊!

6 . We hope that the virus can be eliminated as soon as possible and people can live a normal life

7 . , no matter how vague dream, always lurking in our hearts, so that our state of mind will never be quiet, until these dreams become a reality

8 . How did you meet? (你们怎么认识的?

9 . It&#;s everyone&#;s duty to love and protect the environment

10 . Hand in handlets play!

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