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If you will think of me inadvertently, please don't forget that I loved you so deeply.


Tears are what I miss you. My heart can not be saved. If memories are the only reply, I will never forget that I was beautiful.


The love world is big enough to hold a hundred kinds of grievances; the love world is small enough for three people to suffocate.


We are separated, your face is still in my heart, like the vague illusion of time, pleasing my melancholy heart.


For your temporary tenderness, I will let my heart fly to you, broken by your wounds, and speechless, because the heart that flew, never get back!


The sun is beautiful, not as comforting as a friend; the sky is beautiful, not as touching as friendship; the stars are beautiful, not as precious as greeting.


I feel your heart is not there. I feel love has left. I confess to you once more.


Meet you unintentionally, know you are fate, think you are affection, said that break up without malice, at least we still have memories.


These days, the autumn wind has become tighter, there are always again and again gray wet, such as my heart has been lingering miss.


If one day we are apart, please remember that a fool loved you, I leave the sadness to myself, not to be lover I am grateful.


If a year to meet, ten years to repair love, then what is breaking up? Maybe it's a closed door, in order to cultivate the next reunion?


No one can remember the reason why we broke up. In fact, there was nothing, but it felt weak.


Speechless sitting alone in front of the window, the moon is bent, and silence does not write your name hundreds of times. Cut constantly, the rationale is still, is missing, is still all kinds of affection in the heart.


Before breaking up I always want to break up after what I will become, until the breakup to know that you are only a passer-by of my person.


Breaking up with you, I would like to be a tear in your eyes, when you cry me out, let me disappear on your lips.


Time will slowly precipitate, some people will gradually dim in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs fulfillment. I wish you happiness!


Don't miss you, don't love you anymore, let time slip by, erase our memories, for your name, no longer remember.


One of the most painful breakups is that you never say it, but you know in your heart that it's over.


What you didn't pick was just a flower in spring, and the whole spring was still yours.


I really like you, close my eyes, think I can forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive themselves.


Know the road is difficult to look back, why should have met at the beginning; let me bear the pain alone, bless you to eternity.


As I watched you go farther and farther away, I knew what it meant to us. I just want to say to you: good bye.


I can feel moved but I can't move you; I pray to heaven and pray for happiness and happiness to always be with you.


It is because of the rejection of the other that you regain a high degree of freedom. As long as she lives well, you no longer need to worry about the other party.


Happiness is fleeting. It flies away with wings. I hope you will remember that this silly woman once loved you. I wish you happiness!


I never want to touch your heart, I never beg for your love, I just want a quiet life, far away from your breathing.


No matter what changes have taken place, the loved ones are no longer there. They are both happy and happy.


The departure will eventually leave, even if it is very close to each other; the association will depend on each other, even if the road of the heart is thousands of miles away.


Love that does not love will never go bad. Therefore, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love each other.


Don't cry, my girl. Maybe one day I will never see you again, I will remember your laughter, when the light rain outside the window gently sounded.

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