speech句型【一】1 . I’m looking forward to seeing you 我期望见到你。 2 . inddingsth介意做某事 3 . SuccessisarelativetermItbringssomanyrelatives 4 . Ionlygotaticketforstandingroom,butit’sstillbetterthannothing 5 . We will be successful as long as we… (只要我们……,我们就会成功的 6 . 因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想。 7 . Aroundtheclock(日以继夜 8 . TheteacherraisedhiseyebrowswhenheheardthatTomdroppedoutoftheschool 9 . TheexamsarecomingManypeopleareplanningtostayuplate speech句型【二】1 . Blowit 2 . In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games晚上,我要么看看电视,要么玩玩游戏。 3 . CanIhaveabiteofyourapple? 4 . 例如:I prefer to stay at home rather than see the awful film with him 5 . IwishIcouldturnbacktheclock,thenIcouldapologizetohim 6 . Ifyoutellherthebadnews,youwillonlyaddfueltothefire 7 . 例如:Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed 8 . It pays to + do…(……是值得的。 9 . B:OhIblewit 10 . 例如:As is known to us/As we all know, knowledge is power speech句型【三】1 . Ihaveheardsomuchaboutyou(久仰大名 2 . 例如:The progress of thee society is based on harmony 3 . It’sobviousthat 4 . 例如:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse 5 . Tom’s birthday is this week 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。 6 . CuldI+dsth? 7 . Owing to/Thanks to sth, … (因为…… 8 . 不需你拿来更多的食物了。 9 . MoneyisnoteverythingTheresMastercardandVisa 10 . 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性都不为过。 speech句型【四】1 . Frnewee,shedidntdanhusewrand 2 . Myfamilyhassixpeople我家有六口人。IsthisyourUncle?这是你叔叔吗? 3 . 他一听到这个出乎意料的消息,就如此惊讶以至于 4 . Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪? 5 . Thepleasure’smine=You’rewelcome 6 . Hehasglassesandhisshoesareblue他戴眼镜,穿蓝色裤子 7 . It took them a long time to realize they had made a mistake 8 . Youoweme(abigone 9 . 例如: What an important thing it is to keep our promise!= How important a thing it is to keep our promise! 10 . It is time + 主语 + 过去式 (该是……的时候了 speech句型【五】1 . —Can you swim?你会游泳吗? 2 . Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙? 3 . It’s useless/ no good / no use doing sth (做……是没有用的 4 . Ifyoudon’thaveenoughmoneyonyou,wecangoDutch 6 . 要节约用水,所以尽量和女友一起洗澡。 7 . I like your sense of humour 我喜欢你的幽默感。 8 . Youjustsaywhat’sinmindNobigdeal 9 . 他刚来,她就开始抱怨。 10 . Itgoeswithoutsayingthat speech句型【六】1 . McaeverassnasIsatdwninfrnt 2 . I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise 我应该节食/涨工资。 3 . LoveispreciousDon’ttakeitforgranted 4 . 我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。 5 . I’mgoingtoEuropenextweekKeepintouch 6 . Idon’tknowhowIdiditIjustfollowedmynose 7 . sharethehusewr分担家务 8 . So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 从句 (如此……以致于…… 9 . lendsbsth把某物借给某人 10 . passsbsth把某物传给某人 speech句型【七】1 . YourdishlooksmoredeliciousthanmineCanIhaveabite? 2 . A:How’syourexam? 3 . 例如:It’s no use crying over spilt milk 4 . Healwaysdoesn’tseeeyetoeyewithmeIt’sdrivingmecrazy 5 . Wedon’thavemuch,butit’sbetterthannothing 7 . Turnbacktheclock 8 . Thewisenevermarry 9 . ThisinterviewisveryimportanttomeHopeIwon’tblowit 10 . 以下的形式主语从句句型在雅思写作中都常常用到。希望大家能认真掌握,灵活使用。 speech句型【八】1 . Volunteershavetoworkaroundtheclockinordertosavelives 2 . It’sestimatedthat 3 . No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain 4 . A:It’ssoniceofyoutohelpmewithallthemoving 5 . Heworksaroundtheclock(日以继夜tomakeendsmeet 6 . Wecan’tturnbacktheclock,butwecancreatethefuture 7 . Itiswell-knownthat 8 . 例如:Upon / On hearing of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn’t say a word 9 . 过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。 10 . 直到那时,重建工作才开始。 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。