求百年孤独电子版《百年孤独》 作者:(哥伦比亚)加西亚·马尔克斯著;范晔译 页数:360 出版日期:2011.06 简介:《百年孤独》是魔幻现实主义文学的代表作,描写了布恩迪亚家族七代人的传奇故事,以及加勒比海沿岸小镇马孔多的百年兴衰,反映了拉丁美洲一个世纪以来风云变幻的历史。作品融入神话传说、民间故事、宗教典故等神秘因... 百年孤独这本书怎么样?它是拉美魔幻现实主义作家加西亚·马尔克斯的代表作之一。作者首先将民族传统和现代意识相结合,发觉古老的印第安人神话传说,把它和当代拉丁美洲现实有机地融合成一体。并在一种虚幻的情景和氛围中,给现实披上了光怪陆离的魔幻外衣。他全面发展并且广泛应用了所谓“神奇现实”的理论。其次,马尔克斯的创作成功地借鉴了欧美现代主义各种新颖的创作手法。他在运用象征、内心独白、自由联想和梦幻意识的技巧方面非常高超,达到了得心应手、出神入化的程度。尤其可贵的是他在借鉴和运用的过程中博采众长,取我所需,为我所用不拘一格地开创表现新路。《百年孤独》这部作品便十分鲜明地体现出它的这种理论创新精神。 百年孤独里面的经典语句?1、所有人都显得很寂寞,用自己的方式想尽办法排遣寂寞,事实上仍是延续自己的寂寞,寂寞是造化对群居者的诅咒,孤独才是寂寞的唯一出口。 2、生命中真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 3、你那么憎恨那些人,跟他们斗了那么久,最终却变得和和他们一样,人世间没有任何理想值得以这样的沉沦作为代价。 4、无论走到哪里,都应该记住,过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有尽头的路,一切以往的春天都不复存在,就连那最坚韧而又狂乱的爱情归根结底也不过是一种转瞬即逝的现实。 5、奥雷里亚诺下令不许他们打扰,坚称自己不是他们所说的什么开国元勋,而只是个没有回忆的手工匠,剩下的唯一梦想就是被人遗忘,清贫度日,制作小金鱼劳累而死。 6、时间在自己的运动中也会碰到挫折,遇到障碍,所以某一段时间也会滞留在哪一个房间里。 7、死人是不会出现的,只不过我们自己受不了良心上的负担。 8、时间是治疗心灵伤痛的最好良药。痛苦,需要靠我们自己去慢慢化解。曾经爱过,伤过,痛过的记忆,会随着时间的推移渐渐淡出我们的生活。当我们对痛苦无能为力时,唯一能做的,就是等待那些痛苦慢慢走远。忘掉刻骨铭心的伤痛,忘掉痛彻心扉的感情,你才会在拐角处遇见幸福。 9、这个家庭的历史是一架周而复始无法停息的机器,是一个转动着的轮子,这只齿轮,要不是轴会逐渐不可避免地磨损的话,会永远旋转下去。 10、你的心,它如果干涸,可以被滋润;它如果空虚,可以被填充,但它不能被轻易交付。生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,原来终究,都需要用寂寞来偿还。 无论走到哪里,都该记住,过去都是假的,回忆是一条没有尽头的路,以往的一切春天都无法复原,即使最狂乱且坚韧的爱情,归根结底也不过是一种瞬息即逝的现实,唯有孤独永恒。《百年孤独》:无论走在哪里 都应该记得 过去都是假的 回忆是一条没有归途的路 以往的一切春天都无法复原 即使最狂热最坚贞的爱情 归根结底也不过是一种瞬息即逝的现实 唯有孤独永恒背影是真的,人是假的,没什么执著,一百年前你不是你,我不是我。 悲哀是真的,泪是假的,本来没因果,一百年后没有你,也没有我。百年孤独里面的经典语句生命中,真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些是又是如何铭记的。 百年孤独经典语录的英文原版和翻译,不少于五句!要原版的,有道自动啥的不要放上来1. “Death really did not matter to him but life did, and therefore the sensation he felt when they gave their decision was not a feeling of fear but of nostalgia.”? 2. “He pleaded so much that he lost his voice. His bones began to fill with words.”? 3. “In that Macondo forgotten even by the birds, where the dust and the heat had become so strong that it was difficult to breathe, secluded by solitude and love and by the solitude of love in a house where it was almost impossible to sleep because of the noise of the red ants, Aureliano, and Amaranta úrsula were the only happy beings, and the most happy on the face of the earth.”? 4. “It was then that she realized that the yellow butterflies preceded the appearances of Mauricio Babilonia.”? 5. “He thought about his people without sentimentalily, with a strick closing of his accounts with life, beginning to understand how much he really loved the people he hated the most.” 英文原版。1. “death really did not matter to him but life did, and therefore the sensation he felt when they gave their decision was not a feeling of fear but of nostalgia.”? 2. “he pleaded so much that he lost his voice. his bones began to fill with words.”? 3. “in that macondo forgotten even by the birds, where the dust and the heat had become so strong that it was difficult to breathe, secluded by solitude and love and by the solitude of love in a house where it was almost impossible to sleep because of the noise of the red ants, aureliano, and amaranta úrsula were the only happy beings, and the most happy on the face of the earth.”? 4. “it was then that she realized that the yellow butterflies preceded the appearances of mauricio babilonia.”? 5. “he thought about his people without sentimentalily, with a strick closing of his accounts with life, beginning to understand how much he really loved the people he hated the most.” 英文原版。 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。