1.你以为我起这么早起床的幽默句子,就为了发一条朋友圈吗?我在等你和我说早安。 Do you think I got up so early for a circle of friends? I'm waiting for you to say good morning to me. 2.正在起床……起床失败……正在重启…… Getting up …Failed to get up… Restarting… 3.奖励早起的你一个么么哒起床的幽默句子,再不起我就收回了。 Reward you for getting up early? I'll take it back if you don't get up. 4.你们身边像我这种晚睡早起,努力拼搏只为带给社会一点光和热的青年典范,是不是基本只剩我了。 You are like me, a young man who goes to bed late and gets up early and works hard to bring a little light and heat to the society. Is it just me. 5.本仙女朋友圈开始营业,欢迎骚扰。 The circle of Fairy Friends is open. Welcome to disturb. Get up, today is still 100% good mood. 7.我可真是个败家子,上亿的家产,我早上一醒就没了。 I'm such a black sheep. I've got hundreds of millions of possessions. I didn't wake up in the morning. 8.叫网友太疏离,叫知己太过火,叫朋友太冷漠,早上好,小B崽子们。 Call netizens too distant, call confidants too hot, call friends too cold, good morning, kids. 9.Hello,开启本仙女可爱的一天。 Hello, open a lovely day for the fairy. 10.早上好,每天的好心情可以准时营业。 Good morning, good mood every day can open on time. 11.你今天的好运正在派送,请保持心情舒畅准备签收。 Your good luck today is on the way. Please keep in a good mood and prepare to sign. 12.本人今日天气预报起床的幽默句子:天气晴朗,宜出门收集阳光,心动值100+,心情值100+。 My weather forecast today: The weather is sunny, it is advisable to go out to collect sunlight, the heart value is 100+, and the mood value is 100+. 点赞加关注带您了解生活中更多美好 图片来自网络/侵删 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。