1、完了搞笑爱情句子大全,扛得动米袋子搞笑爱情句子大全,扛得动煤气罐子的我搞笑爱情句子大全,有点扛不住想你了。 It's over. I can carry rice bags and gas cans, but I can't help missing you. You like me. Don't give up halfway. 3、“客观评价一下他吧。”“没法客观,我主观爱他。” "Evaluate him objectively." "I can't be objective. I love him subjectively." I feel lucky for my future boyfriend to have such a lovely little friend. 5、又没忍住,向宇宙发送了想你的脑电波。 I can't help sending brain waves to the universe that miss you. 6、我觉得你像一本书,因为我想念你。 I think you are like a book, because I miss you. 7、我不想撞南墙了,我想撞小姐姐的心墙。 I don't want to hit the south wall. I want to hit your heart wall. 8、我肯定是盐吃多了,不然怎么总是闲不住想你。 I must have eaten too much salt, otherwise I always miss you. 9、你最近是不是胖了,我为什么感觉你在我心中的分量越来越重了。 Are you fat recently? Why do I feel that you are more and more important in my heart. 10、我该怎样得到你啊搞笑爱情句子大全?是用麻袋,还是甜言蜜语。 How can I get you? Is it sack or sweet talk. 11、别追公交车了,追我吧,我跑得慢,还有点可爱。 Don't run after the bus. Run after me. I'm slow and a little cute. 12、不砸了你家的灯,我怎么趁黑偷亲你。 If I don't smash your lamp, how can I kiss you in the dark. 13、想住进你的心里,没有邻居的那种。 I want to live in your heart. There's no neighborhood. 14、想我就抱抱空气,毕竟可爱的我无处不在。 If you miss me, hold the air. After all, I'm lovely everywhere. 微信公众号搜索 说说网 ,再点击 关注 ,这样您就可以每天订阅到精典说说美文了。每天都有分享。完全是免费订阅,请放心关注。