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1 . I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time。

2 . That’s the way it is 就是这么回

3 . 一,要孝顺,尊敬xxx父母

4 . - That would be fine Shall we make it nine o&#;&#;clock?

5 . - OK Thank you very much

6 . That’s ridiculous 那太荒唐了。

7 . - Will you please show me that radio?

8 . - Excuse me Can you tell me where the bookshop is?

9 . - I think so

10 . I’ll see you at six. 我六点钟见你。I’m looking for my baggage。我正在找我行李。


1 . - Let&#;&#;s look at the shopping guide Oh, it&#;&#;s on the ground Floor

2 . 一个高度对生活满足的人不会在原地踏步,任由生活中的问题肆虐,他们更不会纠结于过去已经无法改变的事实,如果与另一半分了,他们更不会长期陷入在情的泥淖中。

3 . - No trouble at all

4 . - Happy birthday!

5 . - Hello, Bill?

6 . These things happen all the time 这是常有的事。

7 . 如何提升生活满足感?提高个人满足感的件事!

8 . - Go down this street At the end of the road you&#;&#;ll see it

9 . - Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?

10 . - Oh, I&#;&#;m really very sorry


1 . 在一所中学里,有一位老师经常弹奏《致爱丽丝》,在空旷的琴房里,乐声非常美妙,音质之纯美是一般音响不能演绎出来的。

2 . Mary: Hi, Tom, this is Mary Im a friend of Jims汤姆,我是玛丽,吉姆的朋友。Tom: Hi, Mary Jim has told me about you Whats up你好,玛丽。吉姆提起过你,有什么事吗?Mary: Today is Jims birthday and were having a party for him tonight Do you think you could come今是吉姆的生日,今晚我们想为他开个生日聚会,你能不能来?

3 . - It doesn&#;&#;t matter

4 . 女儿啊!今天是结婚日子,也是真正要开始独立的日子了。我们希望你们在今后做到以下几点:

5 . - No, this is Sam

6 . - Certainly

7 . The same to you 你也一样。

8 . 别把一切视为理所当然,学会感激生活周遭的事务,包括你的食衣住行等等。拥有高度生活满足感的人不把一切视为理所当然。他们感谢周遭的事物,他们每一天都懂得学会感恩。

9 . That’s more like it 那样才像话。

10 . 年前,有一私人企业捐赠了那架钢琴,一直放在琴房里,于是,她便利用每次课间分钟,到琴房里练习弹奏,从最初的音阶开始。


1 . - You can&#;&#;t walk your dog in the park

2 . That’s just what I was thinking 我也是这么想的`。

3 . - How much is the radio?

4 . - I really can&#;&#;t agree with you I prefer science

5 . - It&#;&#;s Wednesday

6 . - I&#;&#;m feeling even worse

7 . 今天是我女儿与xx先生喜结良缘的大喜日子,承蒙各位来宾远道而来,在此表示最热烈地欢迎并衷地感谢!

8 . I’m getting a new computer for birthday present 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。 It’s incredible! 真是难以置信!

9 . 别那么敏感,只是随口问问,我发现你在看伴郎。

10 . 一位前来听课的大学毕业音乐教师偶然听到她弹得那首钢琴曲,只听出了其中只有一个音符没有弹好,其余的就无懈可击了。


1 . - OK

2 . There is no doubt about it 那是毫无疑问的。

3 . - May I call you James?

4 . - I&#;&#;m sorry to give you so much trouble

5 . - Yes, of course

6 . That’s for sure 那是肯定的。

7 . - Thank you for your advice

8 . - All right I&#;&#;ll ring again then

9 . - Three times a day after meals

10 . 新郎和新娘真是天生的一对。


1 . - I don&#;&#;t mind Either time is OK

2 . - Happy new year! (The same to you

3 . Sam: Well, I should be going Ill talk to you later那么,我得走了。再聊。Adam: Yeah See you好的,回头见。

4 . 与其担心过去与未来已经发生以及可能发生的事,不如专注于活在当下,真正拥有高度满足的人懂得活在当下活在此时此刻,而不是活在过去或幻想着未来。

5 . - I&#;&#;ve had a pain in my stomach since morning

6 . That’s all right 没关系

7 . That’s disgusting 真讨厌。

8 . - Yes, the air is nice and clean

9 . - I&#;&#;m sorry, but I can&#;&#;t

10 . - Yes, it&#;&#;s six twenty


1 . There is a call for you 有你的电话。

2 . - Hello

3 . 今天是我女儿xxx和女婿xxx喜结连理的好日子。我们和亲家心情一样也都非常激动。

4 . - Nothing serious, I hope

5 . - OK Thank you

6 . Mrs Smith:He is terribly handsome。

7 . There is nothing I can do 我无能为力。

8 . - Thank you

9 . 谁将要主持婚礼?Who will officiate at the wedding?

10 . - The museum is very far from here Let&#;&#;catch a bus, shall we?


1 . - Of course I&#;&#;ll be glad to

2 . There’s a possibility 有这个可能。

3 . - That&#;&#;s all right

4 . Sam: Im glad you can come很高兴你能来。Adam: Thanks Im looking forward to it谢谢你的邀请,我正期待着那一天呢。

5 . - Certainly It leaves at ten in the evening

6 . - It&#;&#;s about three

7 . - Certainly Here you are

8 . Mr Smith:You will always be the most beautiful one in the world What is the bridesmaid’s name?

9 . 在这温馨美好的时刻,我也对两个孩子表示由衷的祝福。希望你们两个结婚以后,要在生活中互相照顾,在工作上互相支持,做对社会有用的人,做对家庭有责任的人。要孝敬长辈,和睦家庭,忠诚友爱,永结同心,用勤劳和智慧去创造美好的生活和未来。

10 . I’m sorry I missed that 对不起,我没听清I made reservations yesterday我昨天预订的。


1 . - What&#;&#;s your trouble?

2 . - Hi, Mary What time is it now?

3 . - What&#;&#;s the weather like in your country now?

4 . - No, thanks I can carry it

5 . 三表示同意和不同意 (Expressing agreement and disagreement)

6 . - We send you our best wishes

7 . 十五看病 (Seeing the doctor)

8 . 拥有高度满足感的人会从错误中学习,并让自己成为一个更好的人。

9 . 希望来宾们吃好,喝好,谢谢大家!

10 . That’s worthwhile 那是值得的。

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