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1 . Yes,it’sbeengoodfun!Peoplearenicehere

2 . - Certainly It leaves at ten in the evening

3 . 她是个人。

4 . There is a call for you 有你的电话。

5 . --您好,我是史密斯。

6 . 我们都会个人高兴得都找不到北了,高兴得走轻飘飘就好像腾云驾雾到了九天云外一样,这样子在英语中有一个很传神的习语来形容,就是 on cloud nine。比如:

7 . Pleasemakearemittanceof,Yuanforthebooksyou’veorderedThepostageisincluded

8 . - Would you like to come to the party?

9 . Operator,wewerecutoffCouldyoureconnectme,please?

10 . Ofcourse,Samuel


1 . :嘿,本。你可以把我介绍给你的老板吗?

2 . (SwitcheslinesMrSmith,

3 . - When will he be back?

4 . 我还捆着呢 I&#;m still sleepy

5 . 十三約会 (Making appointments)

6 . - Excuse me Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?

7 . 我是联合纺织品的福克斯先生。

8 . - Thank you very much

9 . 我想他得到二点半才能回来。

10 . 李明很能干。


1 . 九问路和应答 (Asking the way and responses)

2 . B:ThankyouGoodbye

3 . That’s the way I look at it, too 我也是这么想。

4 . Say what 你说什么I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票。

5 . MrJohnGreen,ourGeneralManager,wouldliketocallMrZhangonJuneatpmsharp(yourtimeabouttheopeningofasampleroomthere

6 . 我该怎么称呼你呢?塞缪尔还是……?

7 . Fear is a product of ignorance

8 . Sure, I agree Smith isnt worth the big salary hegets, but I wouldn’t tell the boss if I were you Smithis one of his favorites, and he’ll think youre justrocking the boat and making trouble 当然,我同意斯密斯根本没有资格拿那么高的工资。但是,要是我是你,我就不会把这种想法告诉老板。斯密斯是他的亲信之一。你要告诉他的话,他会以为你想找麻烦呢。

9 . ThisisDajiangFoodStoreHowmayIhelpyou?

10 . 对不起,这里没人叫约翰逊。


1 . - Good idea That&#;&#;s much better than watching a bad TV Programme

2 . Textileswantstospeaktoyou

3 . That’s disgusting 真讨厌。

4 . ASpecimenLetter

5 . 每件大都是由一系列小事或者细节组成的。

6 . Hangon,please

7 . 一切的恐惧,都缘于无知。

8 . (大约过了分钟)

9 . - Are you free later today?

10 . He really has no guts

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