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1 . 记他与她的话,恋他与她的,等他许她的未来。

2 . If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then。如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。We had expected much lower prices我们希望报价再低一些。

3 . , you are not good at sweet words, but you embrace me more deeply than anyone else

4 . Here&#;s a tender Christmas kiss from you know who

5 . 我要复制你的,粘贴在我间。

6 . 我的心就是我奉献给你的圣诞礼物

7 . , I want to hold your hand and walk away from our future

8 . 一点朱砂,两方罗帕,三五鸿雁,乱了四季扬

9 . If I don&#;t want to stay like snow flower can&#;t, I only miss you

10 . 每当想到你我好似天都在过生日,可我特别珍视其中的一天,祝愿你在这天美都能实现。


1 . , love you forever, because you are the only one I am looking for

2 . We look forward to, our future

3 . 有情之人,天天是节。一条短信,一线相喧;一句叮咛,一笺相传;一份相思,一心相盼;一份意,一生相恋。七夕情人节快乐!

4 . (被吹散的思念,卷起不羁的时间

5 . ( 看看人生,生生死死无人晓。

6 . 爱我就对我释放温暖的拥抱。

7 . 我要把你捧在心,细细的呵护着。

8 . 在时光的湖泊里,寻找你熟悉的容颜。

9 . 最近总是心烦意乱,去医院拍了x光,发现心上有点东西,仔细一看原来是你的!本以为我只是把你写在通讯录里,原来我一直把你刻在心上!

10 . , when the sun comes down, all the boiling emotions will become clear air


1 . 你为什么这么刻薄呢,没有人比你开得玩笑更糟糕了。

2 . 我还是很喜欢你像候鸟南飞终有归期。

3 . I’d like to play golf (我想打高尔夫球。 Who would you like to play with (和谁打呀 。

4 . Mary: Hi, Tom, this is Mary Im a friend of Jims汤姆,我是玛丽,吉姆的朋友。Tom: Hi, Mary Jim has told me about you Whats up你好,玛丽。吉姆提起过你,有什么事吗?Mary: Today is Jims birthday and were having a party for him tonight Do you think you could come今天是吉姆的生日,今晚我们想为他开个生日聚会,你能不能来?

5 . ゛The wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time

6 . 为了这一个,也为了更多即将来临的圣诞节。

7 . 向日葵盛开的春天面上欢乐蔓延。

8 . , will be willing to accompany you all my life with you and love

9 . 我一直忘不了她因为她对我那么重要。

10 . Mr Smith:Really? I haven’t seen that at our wedding, but at Jeff and Mary’s。


1 . No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude

2 . ◆you`re everything to me。

3 . I want to be in your arms this Christmas

4 . You&#;re gone, my sky much a miss

5 . ( 〆会给你一个幸福的未来

6 . Colorful lollipops, who can resist the charming temptation

7 . Say what 你说什么I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票。

8 . I don&#;t care of jigsaw world, I only care about you

9 . , give me all your unrest to warm me

10 . It is time to, what should I turn round and then walk don&#;t turn back


1 . 青涩时光大底下的蓝衬衣少年,有生之年你是骄傲。

2 . 你爱或不爱我我都在这里不离不弃。

3 . , I don&#;t want anything else I just want someone to love you like I do

4 . 有时候王子并不体贴,但是他却是公主的唯爱。

5 . 青春与是你一起同行的,这会是尘世间最好的东西。你拥有了,拥有了青春就是最大的财富。愿你好好珍惜。生日蛋糕记得留我一块!

6 . , learn to accept and enjoy men&#;s admiration for you, and smile back to them

7 . 邂逅立秋的安宁,让所有的不快与烦恼顿停,让真心与爱恋一同去旅行,祝福你的事业爱情双双赢;祝愿你七夕美好,立秋快乐!

8 . , in my world, you are still pure, dirty is just the world

9 . 很想念你,就像向日葵想念太阳

10 . I hope you all your life when my big white rabbit


1 . 我要在你的怀抱里度过今年的`圣诞节。

2 . , want to greet you and nagging you, but can not find an excuse for greeting

3 . Don&#;t stand under the mistletoe with anyone else but me

4 . 总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景

5 . , like is light love, love is deep love

6 . (我们相信我们的未来。

7 . , I will give you a hug and give you a pair of warm hands

8 . 此生,没有比,永远和你在一起,更浪漫的事了。

9 . Is time, I don&#;t have to let go easily

10 . 梦一场她起弦风雅,奏一段白头韶华。


1 . 我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。

2 . 少年,别放弃那的跟你赌未来的菇凉。

3 . I: Tell me what you know about our company能说说你对我们公司的了解吗?A: Your company is the leading dealer in the import and export of cosmetics Also, you have a reputation for being a good company to work for and you are in last year’s top Employers list贵公司在化妆品进出口方面是最主要的经销商,而且你们公司名声很好,值得为其工作,还有你们公司上了去年最佳名雇主的名单。

4 . 竭尽一生的时间让你快乐幸福,与你相爱相守一世的时间。

5 . 有幸相知,无幸相守,苍海明,天长地久。

6 . Sam: Well, I should be going Ill talk to you later那么,我得走了。再聊。Adam: Yeah See you好的,回头见。

7 . 就让所有阳光照耀着你,就让所有鲜花开满你人生之旅。无情的岁月就好似转动的唱片,在每个人的心里,放着那一首动听的旧日情歌。祝福你岁后的人生一帆风顺!

8 . , everyone said I spoiled you, but you said I never spoiled you

9 . 我仍记得我和你一起呆过的日子

10 . We love so simple, but so deep


1 . 幸福只是普罗旺斯的薰衣草盛开了一季。

2 . 愿所有的圣诞节都如此欢快明亮!

3 . 吻你是一种安全,因为你会留在我的身边。

4 . , if your choice is the end of hell, I will accompany you to fall

5 . 我是俗人我没有那样坚持不变的能力

6 . 我只要你作为我的圣诞礼物!

7 . KIM:William, do you like studying English Kim 威廉,你喜欢学习英语吗?William I like studying English, and I can read well, but speaking can be difficult 威廉:我喜欢学英语,我可以读得很好,但是说英语很困难。

8 . 新郎和新娘真是天生的一对。

9 . 吵吵闹闹一天,最终还是会相拥入睡。

10 . , the initial company, the last need The farthest distance, the nearest heartbeat


1 . 这心愿,不会变,爱情有点甜。

2 . 想她与他的好,梦她与他的爱,为她和他而努力。

3 . Can you take my hand, just as my request

4 . Thanks for taking me the movie 谢谢你带我去看电影。no thanks 不用谢

5 . 〆 please give me a happy future

6 . 望穿秋月的相守,许一世白首不离。

7 . i&#;m prince, your prince the attachment

8 . 蓬松的棉花糖,谁经受得住那香甜的滋味。

9 . (再多的故事都是以幸福为结局

10 . 相信我会悄悄保留下这段芬芳的记忆,保存好这页美丽的友情,生日的这一天,接受我深情的祈愿----希望你的未来会是一首七彩的乐曲。

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