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  to get what i want, i will get better.沒有获得我想要,我将要获得更快的。


  love stings like a bee but is sweet like honey when its not imitation. 爱象长刺的蜜峰却又似纯蜂蜜一般甜美。

  田元日 (唐)孟浩然 昨夜斗回北,今时岁起东;我年已健壮,无禄尚忧农。桑野就耕父,荷锄随牧童;田家占气侯,共说此年丰。TianGu YuanRi (tang) meng haoran Last night, fights back to north, now aged up east, I already strong, no eloth in is sorrow farmers. SangYe will plow father, lotus hoe with cowboys, TianGuZhan climate, total said it in abundance

  not sad, please do not install the ending.并不是可悲的、请不要装结果。

  Thank you for your helping my dreams,my life,my future ,Happy Birthday,sir!

  the man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossible . 但凡信心获得胜利的人是从不说“不太可能的”。

  it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. 迷上别人只需一分钟,喜爱上别人必须一小时,迷上别人则要一天,殊不知,忘掉别人则是一辈子的儿。

  take away love, and our earth is a tomb.没了爱,地球上便变成墓葬。

  god finds himself by creating.神从造就中寻找他自己。

  how was your weekend 你礼拜天过得如何?

  When you cant rememer why youre hurt, thats when youre healed. 有一天,当你发觉从此记不起为了什么而负伤,那便是治愈之时。

  when every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but it’s always beautiful.并不是把另一方留到自身身旁才叫爱,能放下让所最爱的人离去,也是喜欢的一种。

  命里有时终需要 命中无时各安天命You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you dont kveth for it if it doesnt appear in your life.

  love is a light that never dims.爱情是一盏绝不灰暗的指明灯。

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